Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sammael Janin Aellin

Sam Aellin

NAME: Sammael Janin Aellin(Sam)
FACTION: Moross Crusade
RANK: Nerite
AGE: 27
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'1''
WEIGHT: 186lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]Sam is a soldier of some years. He has served in the Crusade's military for some time now and has gained an expertise in most weapons. He is proficient with rifles, sniper rifles, pistols, and is quite good with knives.
[+]Through his years of experience Sam has earned a healthy amount of how most technology functions. He is a decent enough pilot and can operate most vehicles he comes across in the field, though he is no match for an expert.
[-]Sam by all accounts is an addict. Though he is not into any serious addictions like spice or death sticks he does have a constant need to bury himself in alcohol, and women. His years fighting as a Crusader of Ithari have wracked his mind and he is constantly haunted by the things he has done driving him to drink.
[-]His other great weakness is quite simple, berries. Sam loves berries of all sort, blue, ras, and even green berries. The issue is that eating berries gives him a great amount of diarrhea. This becomes a problem when one is a Soldier in the field.
[-]For some strange reason even though he is a 27 year old man Sam is unable to tell left from right. This strange phenomenon is a great weakness especially when someone has told him to do something. Each time he figures out left from right Sam has to picture a a bridge from his childhood, the right side of the bridge being the side with the boats and the left being the side with the beaches. This process takes about 5 seconds, long enough for someone with skill to shoot him.

Sam grew up on Exocron already shrouded and surrounded by the myths and legends of the Moross Crusade. His parents were true believers and like most children indoctrinated into religion Sam became a true believer as well. He was never a violent child but when he came of age at 18 Sam like most of his friends decided to join the Military of the Moross Crusade.

It was in the Military that Sam found his true worship of one of the gods. His platoon introduced him to the rituals of Ithari, and it was here that Sam found love for the Blood God. Before he hit the age of 20 Sam became well known for his brutality. On sniper duty he was known for shooting to injure instead of kill, drawing more men to the injured person and then killing those men. On front line duty Sam became known as the Butcher, killing with a knife and a pistol rather than a more effective rifle.

For several years Sam continued on in this way, he fought and killed for the Blood God, honoring Ithari with each and every death. At the age of 25 however the young Soldier hit a wall.

The man found himself standing in a pool of blood, two murdered people at his feet, a man and a woman. A small child crept out of a room, and the child stared into his soul. This stare broke him. From that day on the realization of all the things he had done struck him, and he fell into a deep depression.

Sam began to follow Hali the indulgent. He drowned himself in alcohol, in cigarettes, in women, in anything he could find in fact. He was still a soldier, he did his duty. He killed, he maimed, he slaughtered, but he did it not in praise of the gods, not because of their majesty, but in cold disdain for their love.

Sam was a Soldier and he would do his duties for his gods. Despite all of his majesty he still believed in his faith, knowing that the gods were real and believing in their power. He continues to follow them, continuing to do his duty because he thought of it as necessary, though he did not like it.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.

Sam Aellin



I have like 5 ;_;

Sam Aellin

I cant even handle having more than 5 character things in the drop down menu. It bothers me so much that i have to delete old character or i get twitchy.


Anzat's How it's Done
All of mine are in the process of getting deleted, though ;) Pretty sure at this stage you have more than me...

Dude... You need help. :D

Sam Aellin


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