Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
SHRI-TAL MOON OF CATIA: Twilight Sepulcher
The crystal mines were the heart of the sight they stood upon, Matsu had brought her researchers from sasori here to find what they could and to craft using the world a meditation chamber for the Will of the force and that could be put on larger ships within the Silver jedi. They were working hard but why keep it all to themselves, she was moving about the area and cheking the data while speaking. "Padawans, this is a good day for you, the amber caves on this world are pulsing with crystals made for lightsabers."
She kept moving and letting any and all silver jedi who wished to join in the search and work to craft their own blades. "Here you and your masters if you have them will be able to go in and search, you may craft your blades or it you wish to search look for crystals for your blades you already made. We are working to find large crystals and create a meditation chamber for the Order and those who help will find themselves enjoying many things as we move forward. There are also more treasures possibly buried under the world. Be careful."
The crystal mines were the heart of the sight they stood upon, Matsu had brought her researchers from sasori here to find what they could and to craft using the world a meditation chamber for the Will of the force and that could be put on larger ships within the Silver jedi. They were working hard but why keep it all to themselves, she was moving about the area and cheking the data while speaking. "Padawans, this is a good day for you, the amber caves on this world are pulsing with crystals made for lightsabers."
She kept moving and letting any and all silver jedi who wished to join in the search and work to craft their own blades. "Here you and your masters if you have them will be able to go in and search, you may craft your blades or it you wish to search look for crystals for your blades you already made. We are working to find large crystals and create a meditation chamber for the Order and those who help will find themselves enjoying many things as we move forward. There are also more treasures possibly buried under the world. Be careful."