Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Samsay Sohn

Xiaosan Sohn

Owner of Sohn's Mining Company
NAME: Samsay Sohn
FACTION: Currently not in one.

RANK: Mining Corporation Owner

SPECIES: Tactical Droid
AGE: Created 800+ years ago (Was first activated 238 years ago)
SEX: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 1.93 Meters

WEIGHT: 100 kg

EYES: White Eye Sensors


SKIN: The main color is Gray and the secondary color is Maroon.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Samsay is quick and highly efficient in calculating most scenarios. However eyesight is not as good and will need to rely on nearby people for help. Fighting is not a skill that Samsay is proficient in, slightly better at using artillery weapons.
Samsay is a simple Tactical Droid, but has more rust and creaks in his body. A slight small circuit is beyond repair in his far left hip.

Unfortunately, Samsay never saw deployment when he was created. Just as they had finished manufacturing Samsay, the Clone Wars was over and the droid shutdown was given. After over centuries, Samsay was reactivated by a merchant family, the Sohns, by accident. He learned purpose through them and new skills that would help his future business decisions. After a pirate attack that killed all the Sohns, Samsay was the only survivor. Using the Sohn's resources he sought to create a fortune in the mining business to honor his "family." Since the Sohns lived in the Svivren System, Samsay considers that system as his homeworld. He believed that since he was never deployed by the CIS in the Clone Wars, he had no ties to them and would only follow the programming by the Sohn family. Samsay developed his own feelings and emotions that can be seen unlike most other droids.

Samsay private ship is called, Misfortune's Revenge, it is a Star Galleon-class Frigate. It has a length of 300 meters, a hyperdrive, 5 turbolasers each side, 1 forward concussion missile launcher, cargo capacity of 100,000 metric tons, and a crew of 130.



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