Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Samson "The Reaper" Ordo


NAME: Samson Ordo
RANK: Mercenary Captain
SPECIES: Mandalorian
AGE: 29
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 8"
WEIGHT: 390 lbs due to Genetic Modifications
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.


Armor Specifications

  • Model: Custom Mark VI Powersuit
  • Type: Powered
  • Helmet
    Weight: 8 lbs
    Thickness: Visor: .25", Frame: .35"
    Material: Transparisteel dome with beskar frame
  • Collar/Neck Guard
    Weight: 4 lbs
    Thickness: .2"
    Material: Beskar
  • Chest Piece
    Weight: 45 lbs
    Thickness: .5" [durasteel] .05" [cortosis]
    Material: Beskar
  • Left Pauldron
    Weight: 4 lbs
    Thickness: .15"
    Material: Beskar
  • Right Pauldron
    Description: The right pauldron was noticeably larger than the left; it formed a shield of sorts as it stretched to cover some of Samson's neck.
    Weight: 15 lbs
    Dimensions: 16" L (3" raised past the arm to cover the right shoulder and neck), 10" W and .50" thick
    Material: Beskar
  • Gauntlets
    Weight: 6 Lbs (both)
    Thickness: .25" [.10" cavity for blade included in thickness]
  • Material: Beskar
  • Greaves
    Weight: 10 lbs
    Thickness: .25"
    Material: Beskar
  • Undersuit
    Weight: 10 lbs
    Thickness: .4"
    Material: Verpine undermesh, insulation gel, circuits
  • Power Source: HCI heavy-personal-powercell
  • Kit specifics: High Grade HUD, Vacuum Sealed, Life support system
  • HUD Systems: Advanced inter-neural suit read out system,
    Night vision, Ultraviolet Vision, Thermal vision, enhanced ocular expansion, I.D scanner, 360 peripheral vision, and targeting assistance
  • Communication systems: Interpersonal Commlink [ATD&T]
  • Shielding Systems: Personal Energy Shield
"Amnesia is a condition in which memory is disturbed or lost."
This is the earliest thing that Samson Ordo can remember; it was told to him by a grizzled mandalorian doctor. He did not know who he was or where he was. Samson's first clear memory was being lectured about how he was lucky to be alive, though Samson wondered if being alive and ignorant was better than being dead. He has had yet to decide upon this.

Unbeknownst to Samson, he was once a commando, a member of the 'Revenant Soldier' program. The program was known to have a multitude of negative side effects, one of which was amnesia; but that was not why Samson could not remember.

His fate had changed upon the day he rode to battle. He was due to invade Csilla, only to have his ship pulled out of hyperspace by pirates. The ship contained valuable intel which could not be taken into the wrong hands, which was why it's core was overloaded. During the evacuation process, Samson was one of the officers who had to see that the troops exited the ship safely. He was one of the last to go.

When he jumped into his escape pod, punching in the exit sequence, the last thing on his mind was how this could be the last memory of a dead warrior. His escape pod jettisoned a moment too late, which caused severe damage. The pod's life support system was destroyed, though luckily Samson wore his battle armor which had life support. It was the crash that did the true damage, as Samson was free falling to a planet in a wad of molten metal.

Luckily, the story of Samson does not end here; instead, it begins anew. Rescued by a clan Ordo scout team, Samson was nursed back to health in a field hospital. This of course, was not out of the kindness of Clan Ordo's heart. When he was restored to health, Samson was interrogated; mandalorian style.

They found out about his genetic modifications the hard way, as their torture was to no avail. Once they discovered the memory loss of their prisoner, they decided to turn this to their advantage. Integrating him to Clan Ordo, Samson adopted his new name and swore to the resol'nare.

Most of the warriors original equipment was damaged beyond repair, though some of his weapons and armor survived the crash. The Ordo smiths repaired and updated his armor, giving it beskar components. With these weapons, and new armor, Samson 'Reaper' Ordo was born.

YT-1760 'Foe's Bane'



Character Transfer, here are some RPs from his old site
A Hunter Makes a Friend.
Breaking the Latch
No need to bicker folks. There is a wide opinion on Mandalorians as a species since the culture has been retconned so many times (Thank you Clone Wars! DX )

I only specified that he was mandalorian for the beskar'gam, in case the name Ordo wasn't enough.

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