Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Samuel Alre

NAME: Samuel Alre
RANK: Apprentice
SPECIES: Unknown
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: .98m
WEIGHT: 41kg
EYES: Black
HAIR: Redish Orange, White

[+]Quick Wit: Being rather small has it's disadvantages. Though many wouldn't think so, Samuel has lived a pretty rough life. Growing up in an Orphanage he was bullied a lot by the older kids, even some of the younger ones. He never grew all that tall and honestly, he isn't very strong. Thus over the years Samuel has learned that being smart is often much better than being strong. He's made it through most of his life by simply being clever. He's not exactly book smart, but he's intelligent enough to figure most things with a little bit of trial and error.

[+]Fluffy: Though he has no idea what species he is, Samuel is very fluffy. His natural fur coat provides him with a great amount of protection against cold, and surprisingly warm weather. He is protected from most temperature extremes by his natural floof, always maintaining a great amount of comfort even in extreme places like Hoth. The only time he's ever really uncomfortable is when he's in a jungle.

[-]Small: Lets be real, Samuel is small. He stands at just over three feet tall and size is not his advantage. Even a small child could probably wrestle Samuel to the ground if they tried hard enough. A full grown adult Human could just punt him across the field.

[-]Always Hungry: At almost all times Samuel finds himself hungry. He is constantly munching on snacks and eating dinners forcreatures thrice his size. Luckily most people find him adorable and thus give him food for free, but at times in his history Samuel has found himself on the verge of Starvation.

Perhaps as one might expect, Samuel is very fluffy.

The best way to describe Samuel is a Fox on two legs with thumbs. Since he was brought up in an orphanage Samuel has no real idea of what he is. Though there are many species like Samuel within the galaxy, like Selonians, none of them quite match against Samuel himself. He's never been rich enough for genetic testing nor is he really inclined to undertake such things, rather he's more than happy to simply be himself.

More often then not Samuel has a rather happy outlook on life, and this reflects on him very much.

His body language, to those who can read it, is almost always happy but cautious. His facial expression, which many humanoids have trouble with, looks half sad, half happy unless he's truly grinning. The beady black eyes that decorate the space above his snout make him look incredibly innocent and without fault at all times.

Most people describe Samuel as "Adorable" or "Cute".

More than one woman has picked him up and squished his cheeks, he does not like this.

Samuel was born in a mid-rim world, or rather, he was taken to an orphanage there. For whatever reason his parents decided not to keep him and raise him for themselves, instead dropping him off at a place where they hoped he would be raised safely and properly.

Their hopes were thankfully realized.

Though the Orphanage, was well an orphanage, the people who ran it were kind. The headmistress was a woman concerned with the education and well being of her wards, and thus she ensured that all the children received everything they needed. Samuel and the others were properly fed, clothed(He doesn't need clothes), and schooled. The Headmistress tried her best to make sure that everyone got at least something small for life-day and in general ensured that everyone lived well within her care.

Despite that however, Samuels childhood was still not as rosy as one might think.

He was of course, always the smallest of all the children, with even those younger than him getting bigger in no time.

Due to this, his fuzzy nature, and general outlook on life Samuel was bullied quite a bit. Though the Headmistress and the other caretakers tried to put a stop to this the Children always found a way around it. Either taking watch to make sure no one saw or simply doing it and then claiming that Samuel had started it. Over the years this bullying wore down on Samuel, and eventually his happy go lucky attitude died down a bit, more caution filtering into him, especially with large groups of people.

Despite this weariness of new people, upon his eighteenth Birthday Samuel decided that he would leave the Orphanage.

Though he was afraid of what he might find, he knew that it was something he had to do. Staying wasn't an option, and if he was going to make something of himself he had to first learn what, and who he was. Thus on the day after his eighteenth birthday, bidding farewell to the Headmistress and the others who had taken care of him, Samuel set out upon a quest of self discovery. For the next four years he traveled all across the Galaxy, experiencing adventures under a number of occupations. Though people were always skeptical at first, his attitude and willingness to get the job done always found him steady work.

It was during one of these side-jobs that Samuel fell in with a group of young idealists on Byss.

He had originally come to the world on a Freighter making a simple delivery run, but had decided to stay on the planet when he'd heard that the freighter was next heading off to Coruscant, a world he had no interest in visiting. It was while here on Byss that Samuel met a young woman, Meridtih, who spoke with him at length about several serious subjects. Instead of treating him as a fuzzy pet, like most women, Meridith held an actual conversation with him.

Eventually the two spoke of what was going on in the galaxy, the war, the turbulence, and all the things that had taken over. Samuel quickly joined Meridith's friends, a small group of idealists who wished to make the galaxy a better place by fighting the Sith and other evils. They began their work on Byss, but striking at Military Cargo runs and seizing food that was being shipped off world and away from the needy. The group moved from world to world, eventually forming a base on a small Ice Planet within One Sith Space.

It worked well for a time, but eventually all good things must come to an end.

The One Sith struck down on the group, none of them having had the experience to really cover their tracks properly. As the arrest warrants came down, only Samuel managed to escape, Merdith practically throwing him into a nearby air vent to get him to escape.

As he watched his friends being arrested and taken away Samuel swore that he would free them, telling himself that eventually he would find them and get them out of wherever the Sith would take them.

With the One Sith have fallen Samuel has taken up new vigor in his vow. He now seeking new friends and allies to aid in his quest.

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