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Samuel King

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
NAME: Samuel King
FACTION: Not Applicable at this time.
RANK: Not Applicable at this time.
AGE: 30
HEIGHT: Samuel stands at exactly six feet.
WEIGHT: Samuel King's weight is variable. When eating a consistent diet and getting regular exercise, his frame is fit but not overly muscular with a range around 190 pounds. When Samuel is not eating (for any given reason) he will typically display a noticeably leaner physique which will be between 170 to 180 pounds.
EYES: Samuels eyes are of a light brown coloration.
HAIR: Samuels hair is of a sandy blond coloration.
SKIN: The skin tone of Samuel is light complexion. In sunlight he does burn and very rarely tans.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Samuel King is force sensitive.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Samuels Strengths:
- Detail Oriented: Samuel is meticulous with detail. Regardless as to what Samuel is doing every facet of his life is well maintained (or at least he hopes it to be). Anything he does is jotted down in journals. His small but humble home is incredibly tidy with everything in it having its rightful place.
- Avoidant: Samuel holds a strong avoidant personality. Though he does not run into holes and hide when someone approaches him, the man gives off a very shy personality. This allows him to limit the amount of people that get close to him all while he decides whether he can trust them or not. The avoidant personality has served him quite well over the years in building a few good friendships while helping to weed out seedy individuals from his life.
Samuels Weaknesses:
- Hypoglycemic: Samuel suffers from Hypoglycemia which means he must have a constant intake of sugar into his system. For reasons physicians cannot figure out, Samuels Hypoglycemia has proven to be untreatable. Common symptoms include sudden dizziness, nausea, fainting, and on two occasions comatose sleep (which in both episodes lasted four days).
- Anxiety Disorder: A side effect of his avoidant personality, Samuel suffers from Anxiety and Panic attacks. When things get out of Samuels control, his fight or flight mode takes effect with a fever that is above normal human response. This does not make him superhuman; quite to the contrary. Samuel will often close himself off completely and work to get out of the situation at hand instead of seeing whatever it is he is doing through to completion. This is why Samuel is not able to hold down a job for longer than a few months.
- Amnesia: Samuel King suffers from amnesia relating to his younger years. The earliest memory Samuel holds is when he was nine. The memory centers around him being in a Coruscant Courthouse where he is given to a foster family. Before this time Samuel cannot remember anything about his biological family. When he tries to remember the man goes through violent headaches.

Samuel King does not own a ship.


A curse.

That is how one could view the very existence of Samuel King. A child born of unknown parents and raised by a foster family. Growing up to live the life of a job-hopping loner, Samuel knowns that the life he has is not the life he should possess. Perhaps a deeper look would warrant a justification for the perception of a cursed existence?

The earliest memory that Samuel King possesses is a fateful day in a Coruscant Courtroom when he was given to a foster family. On that day the courts had listed him as "John Doe" whose actual specifics (name, birth date, birth place) were all sealed with the rule that they were to never be opened. Once the custody was official, the boy was given the surname of Samuel with the given name of King; that of his Foster Family. Before leaving the courtroom the Judge gave three edicts. The first was that "Samuel Kings" file was to never be opened under and circumstances. The second was that the child henceforth known as Samuel King was not allowed to leave the planet with the added condition that he was to receive twice a year checks by Coruscant Security forces to ensure his well-being. The third edict was perhaps that most ominous. As Samuel grew older it was undeniable that he would question the years of his life he could not remember. His Foster Family was to never reveal anything with the punishment of life imprisonment for both the Patriarch and Matriarch of the family.

With these events Samuel had grown even more avoidant in nature and his first year with his now adoptive family did not start off with ease. Almost immediately he was diagnosed with hypoglycemia after having fainted after a outing then slipping into a four day coma. What stunned doctors was that his body rejected all medical treatments that would have cured the disease. Instead he had to have a consistent supply of sugar. The second severe issue was panic attacks. Whenever Samuel felt insecure in a given moment the young boy would freak out. His Adoptive family had to work diligently to keep Samuel calm in fear of a dangerous panic attack that could inadvertently throw him into a hypoglycemic attack. By the end of this first year with his family Samuel had started to calm. The boy took up a hobby not common amongst males; he kept journals.

As the years past Samuel made it through school near the top of his classes though his focus outside of school was lacking. That mixed with his panic attacks and anxiety disorder prohibited him from being accepted into most colleges. It was in his early adult years that Samuel began feeling an itch in the back of his mind. As his intellect grew so did his understanding that he did not truly belong with the family that had raised him. He knew that there was another family out there, one that he truly belonged too and yet each time he desperately tried to recall memories, Samuel would suffer violent headaches. With the feeling that he was living a life he should not have, Samuel grew deeper into an avoidant nature. Though he took odd jobs and managed to get his own apartment, it was not long until he was job hopping. Routinely he would either quit or be fired due to his anxiety and panic attacks when something went to hell at work. Whether it be dealing with an escalated customer at a store or dealing with an angry mechanic while apart of an internship, any little thing seemed to set him off.

Now, at the ripe age of thirty and hardly anything to his name, Samuel spends his time as a waiter at a cafe while using his nights to try and research his lineage. Rumors swirled about his parents. Some people believed they were Jedi Knights that dumped their child on the doorstep of a courthouse while others believed he was the love child between a prostitute and a high ranking government official. Ultimately they were just rumors. All Samuel wants to do now is find his parents and figure out why they abandoned him. Perhaps more importantly Samuel wants to find a path in life that will finally fill a sinkhole in his soul and for once make him feel as if he is worth something.

Not Applicable at this time.

Not Applicable at this time.


Age: 30
Knowing Life
- The Cafe Life: Three weeks into his fifth job in nearly as many months Samuel encounters an individual whom may very well change his life. Whether this be for better or for worse is yet to be seen...
Thread Involves: Chloe Blake
Thread Status: Inactive
- The Repression: After a horrid day at work, Samuel is trying to make his way home. After a not so memorable encounter with a couple of brutes his hypoglycemia is triggered. Due to timely intervention by a passerby Samuel is able to subdue the medical attack.
Thread Involves: Erith Shadowcaller
Thread Status: Inactive
- A Mind's Jigsaw: A day has come and gone. Samuel finds himself growing continually frustrated at the fact he cannot figure out his past. Little did he initially realize that he was being observed.
Thread Involves: Sky Kerberos
Thread Status: Active
Finding His Path
- Just a Man... Nothing More: Losing another job has sent Samuel down a dark mindset. With no where else to turn the man goes to a frequent haunting ground of his. Unsettled by the sudden appearance of a mysterious singer, Samuel has no idea she will forever impact his life.
Thread Involves: Anara Valnor
Thread Status: Active
- Intergalactic Grant Formal: As his relationship with Anara Valnor continues to grow and the Master-Padawan pair get better acquainted, Anara has asked her pupil to accompany her to the Grand Formal. With great reluctance Samuel must now work to come out of his shell while fulfilling his Masters expectations of him.
Thread Involves: Anara Valnor & Multiple Other's
Thread Status: Active

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