Samuel Malkloc
Inactive Character
Name: Samuel Malkloc
Biographical information:
Homeworld: Dathomir
Age: Early twenties
Physical description:
Species: Dathomiri / Human hybrid
Gender: Male
Height: 1.7 meters
Mass: 72.5 kg
Hair color: Dark brown
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Caucasian
Force Sensitivity: Positive
Afilliation: The Witches of Dathmor / Jai
Rank: Initiate
Situated somewhere in the eastern sections of Dathomir, a few decades ago, a small sect of Nightsisters had broken off from the majority of their sisters, led by the self-proclaimed Nightmother Sara Malkloc. The small group of a dozen or so witches made their home in the forests not far from their original home, slowly sapping members from the mother sect, bribing it's members with secret knowledge and great power, under her teachings. Slowly, the small group grew, each new member bringing supplies, slaves, or new knowledge with her to the smaller sect, deemed the True Sisters. However, Sara, like most insane dictators, was not happy with simply slowly growing her own sect, slowly expanding as it weakened the original clan in a parasitic fashion. Instead, she led her sect, the True Sisters, through the night. Promising them the Book of Shadows itself, the secrets to all forms of spells, to the mystery of spirit Ichor, to anything they could possibly desire. Her witches were loyal. And a strike was organized. However, Sara was not counting on Nightmother's precognitive abilities. The True Sisters were repelled, and driven from the area. Eventually, the few members that survived, the most skilled witches, Sara, and her advisor of sorts, Zala, settled in a vast cave system far north of their home grounds, hoping to eventually accumulate greater numbers, and resume their thoughts of conquest.
Around the same time, a young and proud but powerful Jedi trained at a tiny enclave on Ossus. Described as arrogant and foolish by his superiors, Kolor Tilliar was only hardly tolerated. Until, of course, the small locked room where the masters of the encalve kept those few items not allowed to be known of by the public, was broke in to. It did not take long for the stolen possesion, a Sith holocron discovered in the travels of one of the Jedi staying at the enclave and locked away, to be found in the hands of Kolor. But it was long enough that the corruption had already began to slowly set in, as the Knight began to practice the teachings recorded there. However, when confronted, Kolor refused to return the holocron, and instead resorted to violence. Kolor fled the enclave, leaving a dead master behind him.
The former Jedi traveled far from Ossus, studying the holocron all the time, learning new abilities, and slowly falling further into the clutches of the Darkside. It was simply chance, though some may say it was The Force's workings, when his ship malfunctioned in the Quelli sector. More specifically, the Dathomir system. Kolor attempted to land his ship, whose engines had caught fire and been damaged due to bad fuel, on the nearest planet; Dathomir. However, he was not that good of a pilot.
Kolor woke in a eerily lit cave, a tall figure with a face painted in dark red and black looming over him. In the coming days, the events that led him there was explained to him. The lady, who referred to herself as Nightmother Malkloc, informed him that he'd been found in a crashed ship, severely injured, a few days prior. She's taken him here, and begun the healing process that saved his life. However, she did not explain her reason for the kind actions. She could sense power in him. Her sect could use a slave of his abilities. He would be transformed, when fully healed, with the limited of use of Spirit Ichor that she had acess to. He would fight with her witches when the time came. That was her plans, anyway. Over the many weeks it took to heal the wounded Dark Jedi, the witch grew a sort of... attachment for her future slave. And the feeling was mutual. You can see where this is going.
Over a month later, the nightsisters under Sara's command began to notice her attachment to what was meant to be their weapon. Began to notice that though he'd been fully healed for weeks, the nightmother was still not preparing him. It wasn't long before they discovered the reason. [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]There was revolt.[/SIZE]
Several of the Nightsisters, deeming her an unfit Mother, conspired to overthrow their leader, and kill the 'slave'. This led to three of the most powerful remaining Nightsisters attacking Sara and Kolor, within Sara's private chambers. The following skirmish was bloody, and fatal. It ended with two of Sara's attackers killed, one charred to a coal, and the other decapitated. It also ended with Kolor being mortally wounded, stabbed through the gut. [SIZE=14.3999996185303px]Even Sara's powers couldn't save him.[/SIZE]
The display that Sara showed to her remaining nightsisters, the three weeks of torture that the third conspirator endured publicly after that night, stopped any of Sara's followers from pointing out, or even acknowledging, a fact that was becoming more obvious, month by month.
She was pregnant.
Early life
For the first years of his life, Samuel's exsistence was denied by Sara. Though her witches knew the truth, knew that she kept an infant locked away in her quarters, where no one else was allowed; knew that she cared for the infant like a daughter, despite the fact that it was a maleling; knew that Sara's sanity was slowly slipping as the years went on; the remained loyal. The promises of power, of the secrets the mother sect possesed, of conquest, kept the Sisters loyal. But just barely. Sara's own advisor, Zala, began to watch her carefully, examining for any sign of weakness. For the perfect moment where she could rally the Sisters, and overthrow their Mother. However, both times that Zala- operating from the shadows, and never discovered- organized small rebellions... it ended much like it did the night Kolor was killed. Public torture was a fantastic deterrent.
Even as Samuel grew older, he was kept privately away in his mother's quarters. When questioned, now that she was eventually forced to admit of her son's exsistence, the Witch gave no reason why he was given special treatment. Why he wasn't kept with the other male slaves as soon as he was old enough to be seperated from her. Instead, even mentioning him began to be a punishable crime. Over the few months Sara had harboured the Jedi Knight from Ossus, she had become far more attached then even her followers knew. Since he had died, he sanity had slowly began to slip. She kept Samuel not because he was her son, or because of the vast potential that was obvious in him from his parents. Rather, she kept him as a sort of reminder of the Knight. Often, this was detrimental for Samuel. Beatings and bouts of starvation were not uncommon. As a boy, Samuel learned to stay quiet, and to do what was needed to appease his mother, never allowed to leave Sara's quareters. Never trained in his innate gift that his ancestory provided for him; which occasionally led to minor accidently uses of his powers, which were quickly punished by a swift beating by his mother. Never allowed to see another soul.
Training under Zala
Around the age of fifteen, Samuel met the only person he'd ever seen in his life, other then his mother. After fifteen years, his mother had finally decided that she no longer cared for the maleling son of the knight she once saved. She refused to explain her motives, still refused to even acknowledge that Samuel was ever related to her. She even went far enough to deny ever having met the 'human maleling'. Cast out from his mother's chambers, Samuel was forced to fend for himself, so to speak, for the first time in his life. Though he was not forced to leave the Nightsister settlement, nearly everyone he faced refused to acknowledge him, for fear of his mother's wrath. However, he eventually met a friend in the form of the daughter of one of the more powerful Nightsisters in the area, Cora. It wasn't long before his new friend provided food and shelter, as well, within her mother's home. Her mother, advisor to the True Nightmother; Zala.
Zala was quick to welcome the spawn of Sara into her home, despite warnings from her 'Sisters' that it would attract Sara's wrath. However, the Nightmother was true to her act of supposedly never having met the boy, and did not react. However, Zala, like your average power-hungry Witch, was not acting out of the goodness of her heart. Rather, she reconized the great potential in the boy. Much like Sara's original plan to use Kolor to defeat the original sect of Nightsisters, she planned on using Samuel to overthrow Sara.
Over the next few months, Samuel was trained and fed, slowly learning to use the abilities inherited from his parents, as well as slowly becoming closer to Cora. Trained for the most part in secret, to avoid scorn from the other nightsitsers for training a 'Maleling', Samuel slowly progressed.
Eventually, Samuel was slowly conditioned to despise his mother, not that he paticularly liked her, to fufill his teacher's goal of murdering the Nightmother. And eventually, he accepted the task. Readied with Zala's training, and a staff gifted to him by Cora, Samuel was prepared to kill his mother. However, however anti-climatic is it, that's when he realized Zala's plot. Realized that he was being manipulated.
Leaving the Nightsisters
[SIZE=14.3999996185303px]When Sara herself arrived the next morning, with a small group of her most loyal witches, Samuel assumed that this was a ploy of Zala's for him to attack his mother. He stood by and watched as Sara attacked her former advisor. What he didn't realize, however, is that this wasn't her plan. She's been informed, Samuel never knew by who, that Zala was trechorous. Planning on overthrowing the nightmother. Rebellion could not be allowed. It only took a few minutes, no matter how powerful Samuel's former teacher was, for Zala to lay dead on the ground. However, they were not happy with simply killing the advisor. They wanted to kill her spawn, as well. [/SIZE]
And Samuel watched helplessly as his mother's witches killed Cora.
Samuel, of course, attempted to intervene. Attempted to attack the witches. But he had only been trained for a few months, his enemies had been trained for their entire lives. He was instantly overcome. However, much to his suprise, he was not killed. It seemed Sara still could not allow it. Instead, he was cast out, much to the dismay of the other witches, who were expecting public execution.
A few days later, there was a revolt against Sara's weakness, and a new Nightmother of the True Sisters was proclaimed.
The Witches and the Jai
After several months of wandering the forests of Dathomir, half-dead from starvation and exposure most of the time, Samuel had wandered nearly haflf-way across the planet. During a paticularly close bout of near-death due to an injury, he was discovered by what he automaticlaly assumed to be a Nightsister. He was close, but false. It was a Witch, yes. But not a Nighsister, not one that used magicks, but Aaylan magic. He was discovered by the Witiches of Dathomir. By now, the changes that had come to the Witches afte thousands of years had been enacted, the majority of the Dathomirian clans had allied themselves with eachother. And, preaps most notably of all, the Jai had been formed.
After nearly a month of recovery, Samuel was adopted into the ranks of the Jai. He wasn't paticularly good at adapting into their ranks, or adapting into more then a few people acknoledging his existence, but he trained. And he learned. However, he would never forgot what happened before he left the Nightsisters. He would never forgot the Witches that killed Cora. And, eventually, he would go back. And he would kill them.