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Approved Location Sancta Concordia: Ashlan Haven Settlement

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  • Intent: To flesh out and create the city that Arabella pseudo governs on the planet Mirial
  • Image Credit: [X] [X3] [X4] [X5]
  • Canon: City is not canon. But planet is canon [Mirial]
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: [Arabella Olivarius]
    • City Name: Sancta Concordia
    • Classification: Urban Center
    • Location: [Mirial]
    • Affiliation: [ Arabella Olivarius ], Ashlan Crusade
    • Population: Moderate [Approx. 382,000]
    • Demographics: 65% Miralian, 20% Human, 10% Voss, 5% Chiss
    • Wealth: Medium: While the citizens of this city do enjoy humble, possibly even prosperous lives it is still a city of refugees trying to bounce back from the Ashlan's fall, with more coming in every day. However the city is on the rise to become much more wealthy in the future.
    • Stability: High: Stability is high thanks to the unifying faith in the light of Ashla. Underneath the common banner of faith and strict theocratic doctrine, crime is visibly very low and the people work towards a common goal. The guards do their patrols and the clergy often ensure everyone is doing well.
    • Freedom & Oppression: The city is highly centered around the religion of the Ashlan Crusade and its teachings. As long people firmly believe in the light of Ashla, and do not deviate from her, they are mostly free to pursue their own recreational activities. Suspected people of worshipping the Bogan or practicing Bogan arts are brought in by Jurors for questioning. One of the mandatory things is that every citizen must attend mass prayer in the Temple of Ashla, every sundown.
    • Description: A domed city that seems to blend technology but also a highly regal aesthetic. Every building seems ornately designed and built, with engravings in reference to Ashla. While the environment around the city is a barren desert, inside of the dome, there appears some vegetation and various statues of Ashla and her blessed children.

    Temple of Ashla- The most sacred building in all of the city. The temple where the masses gather to pray to Ashla. For protection, guidance, and for strength to survive the end times. Members of the Ashlan clergy can often be found here doing their holy duties to their goddess. In the center of the temple is a statue of an Ashla in the armor of a knight.

    Tower of Righteousness: An ornate large tower that is connected to the Temple of Ashla. From here is where Arabella and other Jurors and clergy meet to discuss policy and enforce ne laws upon the people of this city. This is considered the official building of the government, and Arabella rules as a First among equals.

    Tomb of Remembrance- Located beneath the Temple of Ashla, this houses the many sarcophaguses of those that died helping build the city, and as a sign of those that lost their lives for the Ashlan Crusade. A statu of Ashla is at the center depicting her with her arms out stretched as if she was welcoming their souls into her loving arms.

    Bastion of the Faithful- An enormous orante castle, housing various large rooms, training yards, and defensive fortifications. It serves as both the HQ of the remaining Knight Orders and also the city's Garrison. All personnel live on the castle grounds, and train there.

    Landing Pads: Located outside of the domed city, these landing pads are connected to the city by a rail network. From here supply shuttles come down and a few traders as well. They load up the supplies on the trains which then take it back to the city.

    Hydroponic farms- These farms provide a stable food source for the people of the city, thanks to using moisture farm tactics.

    With the remnants of the Ashlan Knight Orders, the city's garrison and also remnant Crusader ground forces there is a substantial amount of seasoned fighters ready to defend the city from attack on the ground. The city itself can also be used to as makeshift defenses incase the enemy breaches the dome and enter the city. The only weakness of the city is the lack of anti-orbital, anti-air, and also naval forces. Non force user garrisons using the new power suit and energy rifle.


    The city originally was a small Miralian town that Arabella had found once she collected survivors from the Ashlan Crusade's fall. Mirial had recently been a battleground between the Galactic Alliance and Sith. With neither faction seemingly having a presence there anymore and the Miralians were often seen as staunch members of the former Crusade, Arabella decided to rebuild here. The town over time would begin to expand and transform into a haven for Ashlan loyalists still out there in the galaxy. But this was not an easy task to do, especially with the amount of refugees that Arabella had. Supplies were constantly strained and her cruiser often were making round trips to bring more to the struggling settlement. Yet with every trip, there was also more refugees that came with them. Arabella and Ashlan clergy members maintained order the best they could. Always reminding them that Ashla watched over them and her presence will make them endure this hardship. Hundreds would unfortunately perish due to the elements or starvation.

    With the arrival of some Chiss wanderers, things started to turn for the better as the Chiss had expertise in building in cold harsh environments. More time would pass and the city slowly became bigger and more grand. Refugees continued to pile in from various former Ashlan territories. The small town soon grew into a the size of a small city, complete now with self sufficient hydroponics to feed the population. Landing pads were also built to allow more supply shuttles and some traders to provide more crucial supplies to the settlement. Arabella still governs and watches over the city, ever wary of the followers of Bogan. Arabella ambitions now picture all of Mirial beneath the banner of Ashla.
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