Uhtred Kjartan
Active Member
Location: Somewhere lost, near one of a few Star Destroyer and TIE Fighter wreckages.Time: Unknown
Behind all of the salvageable items, hostile creatures and environments, it was simply a barren wasteland. It had the same climate over and over again. The same skirmishes between small bands of raiders and scavengers day after day. The few outposts and trade stations scattered around the planet continued to exploit their inhabitants and scavengers with very few rewards, if said people chose to reward them for anything they'd found. But Lasky was a different sort of scavenger, he kept most of his findings from the starfighter and cruiser wrecks. Maybe he'd craft something out of all the 'junk' he had one day. But the most important thing about him, he was lost. Lost in one of many hostile environments scattered across the entire galaxy. He had no idea of any sort of major faction reigning supreme in this sector. The last he'd heard of anything was about some sort of 'First Order' and that was it. He'd see the odd starfighters flying about, and maybe even see a few shot down.
He never got to reach these fresh wrecks of course, because the Teedo had always seemed to get there one way or another on their cybernetically enhanced Luggabeasts. Lucky creatures, they were. They had sandals carved from the treads of droids, managed to always find their way back home, and always sold their findings for profit one way or another.
Enough about the inhabitants of this disgustingly blank planet, the most important thing was that he was lost. Had no way of communication between most inhabitants of the planet that did not speak Galactic Basic, for it was the only language he knew. Treading through the desert, his Heads Up Display constantly flickering, for the circuitry began to erode from the inside, it used to be apart of a complete and beautiful uniform, but now the cooling systems built into the sort of 'power suit' stopped working. His boots left deep prints in the sand that were easily swept away by the constant sandstorms. Sometimes his very old blaster rifle even failed to function. His leg plates were so stuck together that he looked like a cyborg or old battle droid from far away. Over the horizon he could see the black smoke of a starfighter wreckage, and with that the perfect opportunity for some good salvage. Maybe a blaster, even. With that, he started towards the wreckage over a sand dune. Maybe he'd find something useful, or the everyday piece of junk.
[member="Karren Trask"]