Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sandis Veeran


W/ Armor

NAME: Sandis Veeran
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6"
EYES: Violet
HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Caucasian


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Physical Strengths:
Has moderate endurance and speed, and excels in a wide range of melee fighting, such as fist-fighting and swordplay. Typically prefers to be aggressive when facing an opponent she thinks she can beat, but is highly adaptable if the situation changes.

Physical Weaknesses:
While she has above average speed and endurance, she is not very strong. Because of this, opponents tend to gain the upper-hand quickly in a saber-lock. She also tends to rely on having an open space, and is easily overtaken in crowded or cramped areas.

Mental Strengths:
Speaks Galactic Basic, Huttese, and Mando'a, which she learned after becoming a Mandalorian (which can be read about here, She is highly adaptable and can quickly plan attacks against multiple enemies.

Mental Weaknesses:
She lacks a full education, mainly because she grew up without the ability to acquire one and she learns mostly by doing things. She also has a very poor understanding of the Force, which greatly hinders her ability to grow in her power. She does not grow nervous or stressed very easily, but when she does, her ability to think clearly dims.

Technical Skills:
She is a very skilled technician, having built her own droid assistant, which is skilled in the areas of combat where she is not, and is also a good medical droid. She can also repair small damages to ships with very little assistance or good tools.

Has a scar on her left foot/ankle made by a Verpine Shattergun.

She is not a very good team player unless she fully trusts the person(s) she is working with, possessing a brazen, all-business attitude that tends to push people away from her. If she likes or trusts you, though, you'll be the first to know.

None yet, although she has managed to repair a few.

Just after her birth on Deralia, her parents whisked her away to Coruscant to avoid her father's pursuers. They lived in peace on the city-planet for six years, when her father's actions finally caught up with them, and her parents were killed without any explanation given to her. By the age of eleven, she had begun honing her technical skills and began to ask why her parents had died. The pursuit brought her to the lower levels of Coruscant, where she encountered a Jedi Knight for the first time. The human Jedi, who called himself Fexar Kor, quickly spirited her to the Ossus Academy for her training in the Force to begin. In the eight years that passed, she came to build a droid companion by the name of Zzax, who was programmed to fight alongside her with all the strengths she lacked. In one of her adventures, she and Fexar Kor only narrowly escaped the clutches of Lorka the Hutt, who she learned may have been responsible for her parents death. Later, she encountered Verz Horak, working for Lorka, who captured her, and gave her a choice: Be brought to Lorka the Hutt, or become a Mandalorian. She chose the latter.

Now 19 years old and still only an apprentice, she longs for the day she could ascend to become a Jedi Knight and pursue her parents murderers.




Thanks Equa. I was just reading in factions that my Master has to approve me in order for me to rank up. Does this mean I need another roleplayer to be my Master? If so, any volunteers?

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
You can start out as a Jedi. If you join the Republic Faction you can post in the Training Grounds faction and get someone to train you to help you get to Knighthood. You can also request titles by going to the Title Thread in this forum.

ETA: Dang it, too slow. Yes, the master has to be another RPer.

Ava Solborne

By the way, I'd like to teach you... :) I think I will not become so inactive anymore, so I can handle two (three?) students.

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