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Approved NPC Sand'rah Giri

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Intent: To sub a close friend and companion for Visanj T’shkali, and a member of her crew.
Image Credit: [X] [X]
Role: Visanj’s adopted daughter, now a junior part of Visanj’s crew, learning her way around a starship.
Links: N/A


Age: 19
Force Sensitivity: Average
Species: Epicanthix / Dathomirian
A willowy yet firm, lithe figure, just settling into womanhood with pert curves and nubile graces and hardened by a passion for dance, swimming, and an active lifestyle. Chestnut-dark brown hair, almost black, hangs waterfall straight to her lower back, and dark, smoky eyes, fair-skinned with sharp features and a crooked, smirking smile give her an alluring, and perhaps mischievous countenance. Fit and flexible, with a youthful demeanor tinged by underlying sensuousness. A rich, buttery, and silvery voice.


Name: Sand’rah Giri
Nickname: Sandy
Loyalties: Visanj T’shkali / Dagatan Free State
Wealth: A large inheritance, though managed by Visanj.
Notable Possessions:
  • Capable Pilot, her skill and confidence in this growing with every day.
  • Talented Dancer and Writer, she is creative and bold, showing serious gifts in these areas.
  • Slicer, she is incredibly gifted with computers and droids, and is already an expert slicer and a competent mechanic.
  • Healer, as she's gotten older, she shows more and more interest in - and aptitude for - healing and medicine, and has taught herself to become a pretty good herbalist, apothecary, and field medic.
Language(s): Outer Rim Basic, Dagatan Creole, Droidspeak (understands)
Sand’rah is still a teenager, and displays the usual symptoms related to that malady: Naiveté, overly-romantic, a bit melodramatic, headstrong, and immature at times, though far less than many others her age. She’s bright, playful, and caring, and has developed a strong affinity for others in the crew, particularly Tully, who has become a mentor to her. She is growing into a skillful and gifted pilot, and a fair technician to boot. She also enjoys dancing, and her sensual leanings and free-spirited (and occasionally uninhibited) behavior often irks Visanj, but moreso because Vi sees much of herself in her. Well-read, with passions for nature, travel, and the arts, she is far more intelligent than her years would suggest, and she is well aware of the dangers and trials which Visanj faces. Though she tries hard to bury it, she is afraid of losing Vi or any of the crew, and her interest in healing and medicine stems directly from those fears. She can, at times, display an astonishingly shrewd, vulpine, and fierce depth, insightful and creative, and often surprises her crewmates with her savvy, usually shown in concert with her snarky, casual demeanor. Sandy loves nature, particularly the beaches and mountains, and finds great pleasure in the solace of a garden or sitting amid some beautiful vista outdoors. She truly misses the seasons on Dagata, now that she lives on Visanj's ship.


Weapon of Choice: Unarmed Combat – largely untrained, though Aries is working to improve her skills.
Combat Function: Very little; Visanj doesn’t allow her to join in on dangerous missions, but she is aboard the Ne’tra’galaar II, so she doesn’t entirely avoid risks.

  • Raw Talent: Sand’rah has many talents, showing a natural aptitude towards the arts, particularly dance and writing, and shows great promise as a spacer.
  • Deeper Than She Lets On: She often shows signs of sheer brilliance, intellect, and wisdom, particularly insightful or else shrewd and clever, far greater than most people twice her age.
  • Charismatic: Sand’rah is charming, winsome, and endearing, able to put others at ease and gain their trust and admiration easily and quickly.
  • Still Young: She displays the usual traits of a young woman her age, and is often mercurial, passionate, and confused, which if left to her own devices can affect her judgment.
  • Scared: She senses the gravity of Visanj’s life and the turbulence mounting across the galaxy and home on Dagata, and the idea of Visanj (or any of the crew) being taken from her or harmed in any way scares her deeply, though she tries hard to put up a brave front.
  • Hasn’t Learned Her Lines: Sand’rah has a small rebellious streak and tendencies to cavalier free-spiritedness which sometimes gets her into trouble.
Sand’rah was the daughter of Visanj’s lifelong best friend, who though hailed from a noble family was excommunicated when she became pregnant not knowing who her father was, and when she died in a tragic accident Visanj adopted her at the age of sixteen. For three years, she’s lived and traveled with Visanj, who has taken an active role in the girl’s life. Now, living aboard the Ne’tra’galaar II, Sand’rah is learning the life of a spacer, fulfilling a dream to see the galaxy. Visanj is very protective towards her, and the two have developed a close relationship.
Secret: Unknown to her, or anyone, Sandy’s father was Visanj’s father, the product of a torrid affair between the late Baron and Visanj’s friend, whom he seduced. Afraid to come forward, fearing the Baron’s power to silence her in order to save face, Sandy’s mother chose to carry this secret alone to the day she died.

[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

If we can get links to places where those images reside in credits, rather than just to the direct image, that would be stellar, thank you. Also need:
-link for Epicanthix
-Permissions for the Shield Bracelet, Datalogger, and Tattoo
[member="Irajah Ven"]

Okay, I will attend the links here in a moment, but for the rest:

Visanj is a member of several factions,


Permission is granted in next post, though I am not tagged specifically.


Alric Kuhn opened the entire Vanir Technologies to open-market upon his LOA / departure, with the caveat that it be used within reason. The post for this is HERE.

Not that I have any problem making the link, but why does a canon species require a link? I ask for clarification, for use in future subs and because I have never encountered this before.

Light Shield Bracelet:

CIS Member Resource HERE (Vi is a proud CIS member)
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

I appreciate that she is a member of several factions, but the links to things like permissions or proof that someone can use an item is basically for bookkeeping and so that anyone referencing these subs can see them too and they are easy to reference. Especially because there is only one faction tag we can wear, it's all for transparency. :D

As far as species:

  • Species: [ Remember to consult the Banned Species List, and be very careful about how you use banned species which are allowed to be NPC'ed. Provide a link to the species in question be it a wiki article or a Codex species sub. ]
It says to include links specifically in the template. For species without special abilities or very common from the movies we tend to just let it slide because it doesn't matter too much. But anything with abilities, again, it's for transparency and so that people looking at the submission can easily find the information that is important.
[member="Irajah Ven"]

The images are those of a instagram model, found through a google search. On the advice of another writer, I was told to make direct link to the image itself, since Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, and similarly derived images may be difficult to find, as the links typically go to the individual's main page instead of the specific pic. For clarification, is this not the case? Because I would hate to cite a specific image and then have it be unable to be easily located due to be archived, etc. after some time as those sites often do.

OOC, I am a realtor, and many online real estate sites often archive images once the listing is ended, however the images remain searchable through third-party engines like google and will come up in a general google search, but if you try to go to the source host location, they cannot be directly accessed. So I'd really like to know for future subs, as I am trying to stay out of the Porg-house, ;)

Thanks for answering and reviewing this submission!
[member="Visanj T'shkali"]

We need things to link to a place they have context basically, yes. The raw image just floating around doesn't tell anyone where it came from or who the credit goes to. If at a later time the host archives things, that's not on you basically, and it will still link back to the place it was originally posted even if the image itself is gone (though for the sake of codex, it does need to be showing at the time of review)
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