Orihime Ike
Forceborn Daughter
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Be as descriptive and detailed as desired. Any information that does not fit a category can be added at the end.
Name: Sangral
Region: Outer Rim
System: Imichi
Suns: A Trinary Star System with two smaller suns orbiting the primary
Oni: The large central star in the system
Chan: One of two smaller binary stars orbiting
Bara: The smallest sun and within the orbit near Chan
Orbital Position: Habital Zone
Moons: Four moons and three dwarf anomalies stuck in orbit around the planet. Evidence of a fifth moon that was broken and destroyed from something happening.
Shenhua: The largest of the moons and for several weeks a year close enough for the atmosphere of it and Sangral to share and allow some of the creatures to fly over.
Noburi: A crater marked moon with signs of habitation once being on there, sections of the surface are cracked with machinery showing where they dug into it for something.
Pyri: A floating ice balls mostly the furthest out from the planet in orbit and showing signs of exploration but like the planet and the other facilities it is abandoned.
Yael: A moon covered in red sands with large mountains with small installations.
System Features:
Jiangshi: A nebula surrounding the system dense and filled with asteroids making navigation difficult as the plasma pockets opening and closing at random intervals can open and close hyperspace windows. Debris from asteroids drifting in the rift are plentiful with minerals and ores but prospecting and mining them is difficult.
Xiāo Asteroid Field: dividing the two outer planets from the rest of the system and filled with creatures
13 planets in the system
Coordinates: Outer Rim near the edge of the galactic disc between Tygara and Tash-Tarel
Rotational Period: 36 Hours
Orbital Period: 486 Days
Class: Terrestial
Diameter: 18,056 km
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Twice Standard
Primary Terrain: Primarily overgrown jungles and forests that have retaken what signs of civilization are there. Obscuring them from sight at first. Partially melted ice caps that have raised the water levels leaving three fourths water dotted with millions of islands ranging in size from small dots to medium sized cities.
Native Species: Extinct humanoids
Immigrated Species:
Dune Worms
Primary Languages: Vizor
Government: Democracy
Population: Extinct
Demonym: Sangers
Major Imports: N/A
Major Exports:
Force Crystals
Affiliation: Silver Sanctum
Major Locations:
Tarya Archipeligos: The remains within the southern hemisphere, what looked like a massive landmass at one point until the ice caps melted and submerged the largest sections. Thousands of islands ranging from the small to the medium city sized remained. Dotted with massive statues depicting different beings that have been worn away with time until the features to tell them apart are mostly smoothed over.
Sakashi Ruins: Found within one of the main islands in the chain, the ancient temple is built from imported (for the area) stone that is a bleached white against the overgrown jungle and at the mouth of a large cave leading down into the island. THere isn't much left topside or even in the chambers below save some pottery and woodworked pieces.
Matika: An ancient Sarlacc that grew on an island in the middle of the ocean and over thousands of years became massive and ancient. By the time the civilization on Sangral vanished it was a dangerous things that ships went past. With the rising of the oceans it has become a sea monster the unwary fall pray to when exploring the ancient kingdoms in the oceans.
Image Source: Google Search Charybdis
Yigdra City: Overgrown remains of an ancient city on the continents. The dense jungle that surrounds the city has several trails through it and some streams leading out to the ocean. Inside the city it is quiet with most of the homes or businesses still holding what stock was on the shelves or caked on dust. Some collapsed structures across the city make going around harder on foot unless you have the equipment to cut through the jungle vines.
Arkashi Square: The area near the main government build or at least suspected, there was not much to go on when the exploration party was on the world and with everything in the city they did not stay long. The monuments outside have become something of an interesting to the researchers and droids assigned as it contains at its core a polished hypergem.
Inikitchi Desert: A large desert filled with canyons and structures stretching through almost the center of the largest continent. Small arms extend to the coast showing older pathways where massive salt flats existed on what remains and the civilization on the planet. The sand itself is very smooth and fine with white flecks that have come off the carved structures over time.
Saruchi Mountain: An ancient research outpost at the southern pole, it was built over and around an ancient ship they discovered on the planet from another civilization. Over time though the lab has become just as quiet as the rest of the world leaving only the structure in the middle of the massive ice continent.
Akibara City: A city on the edge of the great desert and one of the few places not overgrown by jungle or forest, the remains of the city provide a better idea of the people who lived on the planet showing murals and statues carved of animal humanoids as well as large monoliths.
[*]Intent: To explore an idea and something one suggested with the force while making a different kind of neutral force nexus.
[*]Development Thread: [x][x][x]
There is not much on the world left over, from observation and reports by teams exploring the cities the society was mostly just reaching advanced space flight. Colonization efforts on their moons and technological efforts like biodomes and the start of cleaner energy reactors. What happened on the planet to cause the deaths of its inhabitants is unknown but evidence from the desert shows deep impact craters. While exploring the planet itself though padawan's were sent out in teams before a full force of the Sanctum came. Some going to the islands scattered through the ocean and encountering an ancient sarlacc that had grown so large that it covered an expanse of the islands. The cultural murals showed that sailors worked to find ways around the massive beast when it was on an island by generall sailing into the islands themselves where they ran a risk of going aground. From the cities and desert there were sites of commerce and education showing interest in the past but also advancing to the future with moon rocks and debris from space. A cultural obsession with cryptids or being they couldn't prove but had stories of and depicted in statues show that they had been visited by older pre-republic civiliations before what happened that led to their mass extinction.
Technology: Pre Hyperspace Era
An ancient world that was inhabited and found itself lifeless long before the rise of the Infinite empire. The world of Sangral was at one point visited by the ancient K'kybak species. A pre-republic species that set up an outpost on one of the moons to monitor and observe the development of the early species. The results of which were unknown as the moon was destroyed in the first impacts along with their ship but the guess is that the local calming nature of the world that made beings on it lose hostility towards each other and become more apathetic.
First Impact: The first event, a massive asteroid brought to the system and traveling through it slingshotting between the suns increasing its speed and sending it at the world. The process took decades to happen, going through space and the being monitored it wondering what would happen until they realized in simulations that the moon they were on would be in the direct path. With the first impact coming they abandoned the world watching it shatter and rain the moon down upon the world. Through the desert where large crystals jutted from the remains that marked it like a wound on the surface. Poison in the atmosphere for several thousand years and what they were detecting as the first vestiges of life being wiped out and unable to adapt enough to survive. At least that was the initial throught process of it, something survived and slowly over time is adapted to last in the tail end of the impact allowing the first creatures on the planet to survive. They were observed but sentient life was not discovered or deemed possible as they pulled back and returned to their world.
Second Impact: As they started to come and dominate the world, massive lizards reigned with the humanoid beings slowly developing and surviving against them. Development of fire helped them evolve their primitive brains and the use of tools changed all of it. They eventually worked on many of the things when a second impact came, not as large as the first but it allowed the larger creatures that didn't have the ability to hide and secure themselves in the caves to die out. Hunted down and fought by the humanoids until they started to evolve from roaming around to making homes in the world. Discovering the rocks of the planet and the crystals that resonated allowing them to use what they called the ether. The ether allowed mystic like abilities to read minds and control others as those who could use it controlled the others leading them and uniting them across the world from tribes into towns and villages eventually into cities that traded and began to study the sciences. Their technology didn't advance at a rapid pace but they eventually were developing computers and flight systems for ships, the ability to travel beyond their world to the moons and to search was at their finger tips as they developed an understanding of the universe detecting what was coming to them.
Third Impact: The final event that led to their deaths, in trying to understand and discover a way to same their people the majority of scientists sought a better way to stop the asteroids that were coming at them. THey had the brightest minds working on it but they needed people who could go up there in shuttles and went to try and stop the impact. Their skills in cracking into the site of what was the first and second proving invaluable as they were skilled in cutting crystals as well as the rocks. With the mission going on they were prepared but it ultimately failed as the enriched warheads they delivered into the rocks didn't detonate in time as they were the only survivors of the impact watching it smash into the planet sending cloud across the world. From the small biodome base they had created on the moon the last surviving beings of Sangral waited to die as they couldn't sustain the species for longer then a projected thousand years.
Present Day: After the third impact and the deaths of the remnants of the species the world sat quiet for thousands years waiting to be discovered. THe cities remained, slowly becoming reclaimed by the jungle and forests, the desert dwellings without walls couldn't hold the sands back and as the darkness came the gulag plague found no victims on the world. The passage of time kept going until netherworld portals opened but there was no one on the planet to claim until a long range probe from the Sasori mapping relays discovered the world and it showed signs that it could support life. SMall expeditions were sent out to study the world and report if there was any signs of hostility but none could be found. A few more teams going out and the only sign of anything on the world was the presence of a massive Sarlacc that had with the polar ice caps melting and raising the sea levels been stranded out in the middle of the oceanrising slightly above and at sea level.
Notable PCs: <N/A
Intent: To create a planet discovered by the Seeder navigational ships and explored by the Silver Sanctum padawans
Be as descriptive and detailed as desired. Any information that does not fit a category can be added at the end.
Name: Sangral
Region: Outer Rim
System: Imichi
Suns: A Trinary Star System with two smaller suns orbiting the primary
Oni: The large central star in the system
Chan: One of two smaller binary stars orbiting
Bara: The smallest sun and within the orbit near Chan
Orbital Position: Habital Zone
Moons: Four moons and three dwarf anomalies stuck in orbit around the planet. Evidence of a fifth moon that was broken and destroyed from something happening.
Shenhua: The largest of the moons and for several weeks a year close enough for the atmosphere of it and Sangral to share and allow some of the creatures to fly over.
Noburi: A crater marked moon with signs of habitation once being on there, sections of the surface are cracked with machinery showing where they dug into it for something.
Pyri: A floating ice balls mostly the furthest out from the planet in orbit and showing signs of exploration but like the planet and the other facilities it is abandoned.
Yael: A moon covered in red sands with large mountains with small installations.
System Features:
Jiangshi: A nebula surrounding the system dense and filled with asteroids making navigation difficult as the plasma pockets opening and closing at random intervals can open and close hyperspace windows. Debris from asteroids drifting in the rift are plentiful with minerals and ores but prospecting and mining them is difficult.
Xiāo Asteroid Field: dividing the two outer planets from the rest of the system and filled with creatures
13 planets in the system
Coordinates: Outer Rim near the edge of the galactic disc between Tygara and Tash-Tarel
Rotational Period: 36 Hours
Orbital Period: 486 Days
Class: Terrestial
Diameter: 18,056 km
Atmosphere: Type I
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Twice Standard
Primary Terrain: Primarily overgrown jungles and forests that have retaken what signs of civilization are there. Obscuring them from sight at first. Partially melted ice caps that have raised the water levels leaving three fourths water dotted with millions of islands ranging in size from small dots to medium sized cities.
Native Species: Extinct humanoids
Immigrated Species:
Dune Worms
Primary Languages: Vizor
Government: Democracy
Population: Extinct
Demonym: Sangers
Major Imports: N/A
Major Exports:
Force Crystals
Affiliation: Silver Sanctum
Major Locations:
Tarya Archipeligos: The remains within the southern hemisphere, what looked like a massive landmass at one point until the ice caps melted and submerged the largest sections. Thousands of islands ranging from the small to the medium city sized remained. Dotted with massive statues depicting different beings that have been worn away with time until the features to tell them apart are mostly smoothed over.
Image Source: Google Search Charybdis
- Force Nexus: A neutral force nexus on the world that creates a sedation on the world, it is subtle more like feeling really good and drowsy over other nexuses across the galaxy. It is not oppressive and dark like worlds of the sith nor is it welcoming and almost inspirational like worlds bathed in the lightside of the force. The Nexus of sangral makes you not want to be aggressive on the surface .
- Size: (pick a size)
Planet - Settling across the entire planet, a sense of sedation and apathy. [x]
[*]Intent: To explore an idea and something one suggested with the force while making a different kind of neutral force nexus.
[*]Development Thread: [x][x][x]
There is not much on the world left over, from observation and reports by teams exploring the cities the society was mostly just reaching advanced space flight. Colonization efforts on their moons and technological efforts like biodomes and the start of cleaner energy reactors. What happened on the planet to cause the deaths of its inhabitants is unknown but evidence from the desert shows deep impact craters. While exploring the planet itself though padawan's were sent out in teams before a full force of the Sanctum came. Some going to the islands scattered through the ocean and encountering an ancient sarlacc that had grown so large that it covered an expanse of the islands. The cultural murals showed that sailors worked to find ways around the massive beast when it was on an island by generall sailing into the islands themselves where they ran a risk of going aground. From the cities and desert there were sites of commerce and education showing interest in the past but also advancing to the future with moon rocks and debris from space. A cultural obsession with cryptids or being they couldn't prove but had stories of and depicted in statues show that they had been visited by older pre-republic civiliations before what happened that led to their mass extinction.
Technology: Pre Hyperspace Era
An ancient world that was inhabited and found itself lifeless long before the rise of the Infinite empire. The world of Sangral was at one point visited by the ancient K'kybak species. A pre-republic species that set up an outpost on one of the moons to monitor and observe the development of the early species. The results of which were unknown as the moon was destroyed in the first impacts along with their ship but the guess is that the local calming nature of the world that made beings on it lose hostility towards each other and become more apathetic.
First Impact: The first event, a massive asteroid brought to the system and traveling through it slingshotting between the suns increasing its speed and sending it at the world. The process took decades to happen, going through space and the being monitored it wondering what would happen until they realized in simulations that the moon they were on would be in the direct path. With the first impact coming they abandoned the world watching it shatter and rain the moon down upon the world. Through the desert where large crystals jutted from the remains that marked it like a wound on the surface. Poison in the atmosphere for several thousand years and what they were detecting as the first vestiges of life being wiped out and unable to adapt enough to survive. At least that was the initial throught process of it, something survived and slowly over time is adapted to last in the tail end of the impact allowing the first creatures on the planet to survive. They were observed but sentient life was not discovered or deemed possible as they pulled back and returned to their world.
Second Impact: As they started to come and dominate the world, massive lizards reigned with the humanoid beings slowly developing and surviving against them. Development of fire helped them evolve their primitive brains and the use of tools changed all of it. They eventually worked on many of the things when a second impact came, not as large as the first but it allowed the larger creatures that didn't have the ability to hide and secure themselves in the caves to die out. Hunted down and fought by the humanoids until they started to evolve from roaming around to making homes in the world. Discovering the rocks of the planet and the crystals that resonated allowing them to use what they called the ether. The ether allowed mystic like abilities to read minds and control others as those who could use it controlled the others leading them and uniting them across the world from tribes into towns and villages eventually into cities that traded and began to study the sciences. Their technology didn't advance at a rapid pace but they eventually were developing computers and flight systems for ships, the ability to travel beyond their world to the moons and to search was at their finger tips as they developed an understanding of the universe detecting what was coming to them.
Third Impact: The final event that led to their deaths, in trying to understand and discover a way to same their people the majority of scientists sought a better way to stop the asteroids that were coming at them. THey had the brightest minds working on it but they needed people who could go up there in shuttles and went to try and stop the impact. Their skills in cracking into the site of what was the first and second proving invaluable as they were skilled in cutting crystals as well as the rocks. With the mission going on they were prepared but it ultimately failed as the enriched warheads they delivered into the rocks didn't detonate in time as they were the only survivors of the impact watching it smash into the planet sending cloud across the world. From the small biodome base they had created on the moon the last surviving beings of Sangral waited to die as they couldn't sustain the species for longer then a projected thousand years.
Present Day: After the third impact and the deaths of the remnants of the species the world sat quiet for thousands years waiting to be discovered. THe cities remained, slowly becoming reclaimed by the jungle and forests, the desert dwellings without walls couldn't hold the sands back and as the darkness came the gulag plague found no victims on the world. The passage of time kept going until netherworld portals opened but there was no one on the planet to claim until a long range probe from the Sasori mapping relays discovered the world and it showed signs that it could support life. SMall expeditions were sent out to study the world and report if there was any signs of hostility but none could be found. A few more teams going out and the only sign of anything on the world was the presence of a massive Sarlacc that had with the polar ice caps melting and raising the sea levels been stranded out in the middle of the oceanrising slightly above and at sea level.
Notable PCs: <N/A
Intent: To create a planet discovered by the Seeder navigational ships and explored by the Silver Sanctum padawans