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Approved Tech Sanguine crystal

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Manufacturer: The crimson knights
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Light
Size: Very Small
    • Darkside of the force. your a little stronger while using the Darkside
    • life steal it may be able to drain the life force of te target
    • dark Sider The crystal has the ability to amplify the user's connection to the dark side of the force, making them more powerful in combat.
    • improved It can enhance the user's life force, providing them with greater strength and endurance.
    • afterimages This crystal has a rare property that enables the wielder to bend the light with the force, creating afterimages of the blade that follow its movements and conceal its true position
  • unstable the Sanguine Crystal can be unstable and unpredictable, which can make it difficult to control in combat.
  • darkness The crystal doesn't work until exposed to the Darkside and the Darkside must be used on the crystal every 24 hours
  • Vulnerability to Light Side Energy: The Sanguine Crystal is a crystal that is inherently connected to the dark side of the Force. As a result, it is vulnerable to light side energy and can be weakened or even destroyed by it.
  • Whenever bending light this saber can take some of the life force of the wielder as to sustain itself since using the light can harm the blade without life force to sustain it
  • it may turn off if the force is suppressed and if it does turn on it will be weakened to the strength of that of a training saber
The Sanguine Crystalis a singular creation, steeped in the dark side of the Force, yet wielded by the Crimson Knights in their relentless pursuit to eradicate the Sith. This kyber crystal, unique in its composition and purpose, was crafted through the ancient art of life weaving—a technique known only to a select few within the order.

Life weaving, a sanginir practice that manipulates the very essence of vitality, allowed the creators to infuse the crystal with the ability to siphon life force, or anima, from adversaries. This act of draining is not merely for sustenance but serves as a conduit for healing, allowing the Crimson Knights to recover from wounds by leeching the vitality of those they combat.

The crystal's capacity to amplify the dark side's power within its wielder stems from its creation process, where it was exposed to the raw, untamed energies of the dark side. This exposure was carefully controlled to ensure that the crystal would serve a noble purpose—defending against the darkness rather than seeking to control it.

Its ability to create afterimages, a rare property that bends light to confound opponents, is a direct result of the life weaving ritual. The crystal, resonating with the life force of countless beings, blurs the line between reality and illusion, making the Crimson Knights formidable adversaries in combat.

However, the Sanguine Crystal's powers come with inherent risks. Its instability and the need for constant exposure to the darkside may corrupt those not of a strong mind

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To make a type of kyber crystal for my faction
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: The crimson knights
Modular: No
Material: Kyber crystal
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
T that one star wars fan

Very cool crystal!
  • It is powerful enough, I suggest to modify the production to Limited or Semi-Unique.
  • About the anima draining, I would like to ask you to reword this, because always your opponent decide about how your attack affect them, not you. I suggest to write "it may able to drain" or similar.
  • And because it is imbued by Force, I would like to ask you to add it to the weaknesses what happens the crystal under Force suppression/nullification effects.
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