Name: Experiment 27 aka Sarad
Age: Unknown, appears between the age of 16 and 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Species: Bioengineered Human Clone
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Grey
Skin: White
Force Sensitive: No
Petite and slim, with long blonde hair she usually keeps in a ponytail or resting on one shoulder. Eyes are a light grey, sparkling with curiosity and wonder. Skin is white, unblemished and untanned. Usually wears a simple light brown jacket over a white shirt, light brown shorts, and light brown hiking-style boots with white socks. Always carries a combat knife and sporting blaster pistol on her hips and a field surgeon’s kit on her back.
Under normal circumstances, Sarad is a sweet, inquisitive girl who loves learning new things and making people feel better. She cares little for her own feelings, caring always for others, and would rather work quietly in the background than stand in the spotlight. But, behind her sweet and kind demeanor, Sarad hides a dark secret: hidden self-defense programming that at the first sign of danger can turn her from the girl next door to a bloodthirsty killer.
+Highly Intelligent: Sarad was bioengineered to have a very advanced intellect, especially in regards to medical procedures. Her capability to recall, process, and apply information is a cut above a normal human's.
+Scientific Pyschic: Sarad has an eidetic memory and hyper perception, allowing her to recall situations she has been in with uncanny precision and notice details others have missed.
+Angel of the Battlefield: Sarad has a naturally calm and soothing demeanor, and is especially talented at calming people who are angry or afraid.
-Self-Defense Programming: If in a life-or-death situation, brainwashing hidden in Sarad's mind activates her self-defense programming as last ditch effort. While in this state, Sarad will take any action to protect herself and those she is directly rendering medical assistance to. She has no mercy, no restraint, no fear, and no sense of enemy or friend. This state lasts until the threat is nullified or Sarad is subdued. When the state ends, Sarad has no memory of what happened during it.
-Mental Conditioning: Sarad was bioengineered to be controllable. Certain passwords, created at the time of her "birth", can control functions of her body and mind. A person in control of these biological codes can activate and deactivate her self-defense programming, force her to obey, or even render her unconscious. (Author's Note: Since they basically allow complete control of Sarad, a character cannot know or use these codes without my consent)
-Delicate: Sarad has a thin, delicate frame, decreasing her strength and constitution. Her self-defense programming alleviates this somewhat by reducing mental inhibitors, but in normal circumstances she cannot take much physical punishment.
According to corrupted computer files, Sarad was part of a bioengineering initiative by an unknown group of scientists to experiment with creating more advanced forms of clone soldiers than what were used by the Republic during the Clone Wars. Unlike clone troopers, the clones of the so-called “Eden” initiative did not gain battle skills through combat training. Instead, the skills required to excel at their assigned task were bioengineered into them. Whether the job called for great physical strength, natural charisma, or high intelligence, the creators of the Eden clones wanted to be able to send their creations into their tasks as soon as they were out of the vats. To ensure control, powerful forms of mental conditioning were applied during the growth process.
Sarad herself was designed under the official title “Special Operations Medical Specialist”. Simply put, she was bioengineered to be smart, have advanced capabilities of memory recall and situational awareness, and possess a natural kindness and compassion to help soothe frantic soldiers. In addition, she was programmed with self-defense protocols which, when activated, gave her the capability to protect herself and her patients. Sarad was listed as one of the most successful Eden clones.
For some reason, the Eden project ceased operation around the time Sarad was nearing full maturity. It is unknown exactly what stopped the project, but what is known is that all the Eden clones were placed in stasis and the facilities computer systems wiped nearly clean. Over time the stasis chambers failed, until, surprisingly, only Sarad’s remained.
DDC Defender sporting blaster pistol
Combat knife
Field surgeon’s kit
Age: Unknown, appears between the age of 16 and 18
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120 lbs
Species: Bioengineered Human Clone
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Grey
Skin: White
Force Sensitive: No
Petite and slim, with long blonde hair she usually keeps in a ponytail or resting on one shoulder. Eyes are a light grey, sparkling with curiosity and wonder. Skin is white, unblemished and untanned. Usually wears a simple light brown jacket over a white shirt, light brown shorts, and light brown hiking-style boots with white socks. Always carries a combat knife and sporting blaster pistol on her hips and a field surgeon’s kit on her back.
Under normal circumstances, Sarad is a sweet, inquisitive girl who loves learning new things and making people feel better. She cares little for her own feelings, caring always for others, and would rather work quietly in the background than stand in the spotlight. But, behind her sweet and kind demeanor, Sarad hides a dark secret: hidden self-defense programming that at the first sign of danger can turn her from the girl next door to a bloodthirsty killer.
+Highly Intelligent: Sarad was bioengineered to have a very advanced intellect, especially in regards to medical procedures. Her capability to recall, process, and apply information is a cut above a normal human's.
+Scientific Pyschic: Sarad has an eidetic memory and hyper perception, allowing her to recall situations she has been in with uncanny precision and notice details others have missed.
+Angel of the Battlefield: Sarad has a naturally calm and soothing demeanor, and is especially talented at calming people who are angry or afraid.
-Self-Defense Programming: If in a life-or-death situation, brainwashing hidden in Sarad's mind activates her self-defense programming as last ditch effort. While in this state, Sarad will take any action to protect herself and those she is directly rendering medical assistance to. She has no mercy, no restraint, no fear, and no sense of enemy or friend. This state lasts until the threat is nullified or Sarad is subdued. When the state ends, Sarad has no memory of what happened during it.
-Mental Conditioning: Sarad was bioengineered to be controllable. Certain passwords, created at the time of her "birth", can control functions of her body and mind. A person in control of these biological codes can activate and deactivate her self-defense programming, force her to obey, or even render her unconscious. (Author's Note: Since they basically allow complete control of Sarad, a character cannot know or use these codes without my consent)
-Delicate: Sarad has a thin, delicate frame, decreasing her strength and constitution. Her self-defense programming alleviates this somewhat by reducing mental inhibitors, but in normal circumstances she cannot take much physical punishment.
According to corrupted computer files, Sarad was part of a bioengineering initiative by an unknown group of scientists to experiment with creating more advanced forms of clone soldiers than what were used by the Republic during the Clone Wars. Unlike clone troopers, the clones of the so-called “Eden” initiative did not gain battle skills through combat training. Instead, the skills required to excel at their assigned task were bioengineered into them. Whether the job called for great physical strength, natural charisma, or high intelligence, the creators of the Eden clones wanted to be able to send their creations into their tasks as soon as they were out of the vats. To ensure control, powerful forms of mental conditioning were applied during the growth process.
Sarad herself was designed under the official title “Special Operations Medical Specialist”. Simply put, she was bioengineered to be smart, have advanced capabilities of memory recall and situational awareness, and possess a natural kindness and compassion to help soothe frantic soldiers. In addition, she was programmed with self-defense protocols which, when activated, gave her the capability to protect herself and her patients. Sarad was listed as one of the most successful Eden clones.
For some reason, the Eden project ceased operation around the time Sarad was nearing full maturity. It is unknown exactly what stopped the project, but what is known is that all the Eden clones were placed in stasis and the facilities computer systems wiped nearly clean. Over time the stasis chambers failed, until, surprisingly, only Sarad’s remained.
DDC Defender sporting blaster pistol
Combat knife
Field surgeon’s kit