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Approved Starship Sarcelle-Class Missilecruiser

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Manufacturer: Chantemer Astral Horizons
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Limited
Length: Average
Width: Low
Height: Large
Size: Average


  • Classification: Picket Ship
  • Length: 200 Meters
  • Width: 60 Meters
  • Height: 60 Meters
  • Armament: Very High
  • Defenses: Low
  • Hangar Space: None
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: High
  • Hyperdrive: 1.0
  • Central Fire Control: An advanced computer located in the bridge can slave multiple turrets on the same target to destroy it before it becomes a threat. It is capable of engaging over a hundred rapidly moving targets simultaneously.
  • 150 Barrels of Hel: The Sarcelle-Class possesses such a massive array of anti-starfighter weaponry that it can project an expansive bubble of space around it that is virtually impossible for all but the most reinforced starfighter and force-guided pilot to pierce. Fire co-ordination by the ship's central computer allows for multiple turrets to target a single incoming starfighter, reducing it to slag long before it can come close enough to be a threat or battering it around to such an extent it's forced to abandon its attack run. The Sarcelle-Class' anti-starfighter battery proved its mettle during the Battle of Laffey where a swarm of pirate-piloted X-Wings ambushed the Robyn. Not only was Robyn able to fend off the assault but down nearly all of her attackers in the process.

  • Torpedos: Capable of launching eight simultaneous terrifying Tra'ragir-class Assault Brilliant Missile, the Missilecruiser punishes even the heaviest capital ships for getting into torpedo range.

  • Agility: Despite being a Missilecruiser the Sarcelle-Class has the speed and maneuverability of a heavy starfighter. It's best known for its ability to suddenly accelerate and stop at a snap of the finger. Combined with its small cross-section, these factors make trying to hit the Sarcelle-Class with capital ship guns akin to shooting the wings of a gnat a kilometer away.
  • Weak protection: To make room for the ship's interior and lighten the cost of a new line of Missilecruiser, sacrifices had to be made when it came to the armor. It is barely capable of defending against light laser cannons. A single starfighter strafing run with full power to its forward weapons can easily penetrate the Sarcelle-Class protection scheme and cause devastating damage. The shielding only exists to protect the craft from space debris and environmental factors. It is wholly inadequate against actual weaponry.

    A single salvo from a cruiser's main battery will gut the Missilecruiser even if miraculously not causing an ammunition cook-off. It must rely on speed, maneuverability, small size, daring, and a healthy dose of luck to survive a battle.

    Targeting its exposed command tower may result in the anti-starfighter guns going momentarily offline until the backup bridge in the center of the ship can take over.

  • Torpedo Tubes: if the armored housing around the torpedo tubes is pierced while fully loaded, the resulting detonation will vaporize the entire ship and even damage nearby vessels.

  • Limited Range: While capable of short operations lasting a few weeks, it does not have the endurance for long-term missions. It must rely on the Frigates and Cruisers that it typically escorts for resupply.

  • Hangar Space: The Sarcelle-Class only possesses enough room for a small shuttle or escape boat.

  • Big guns: While the Sarcelle-Class does have very potent torpedos they struggle when it comes to targeting any ship smaller than a Star Destroyer. Combined with its lack of heavy anti-ship guns it cannot hope to contend against anything between a Frigate or Cruiser. It must instead rely on the protection of their bigger brothers to have any hope of survival.

Designed in early 900 ABY to act in combined arms with the Azur-Class Frigate and the Jaune-Class Battlecruiser, the Sarcelle-Class Missilecruiser is once more another masterpiece of Chantemer Astral Horizons. It was built with an all-or-nothing philosophy: speed and firepower at the cost of protection. Designed in an attempt to help negate the Chantemer Defence Force's weakness in Starfighter numbers, it took heavy inspiration from the ancient Lancer-Class Frigate. Optimization in weapon layout and operating systems allowed for more anti-starfighter turrets to be installed. Additionally heavy torpedo tubes and light missile batteries were added to protect against larger ships trying to penetrate the battle formation.

During the Suhara Villow's planetwide uprising against the dictator Olan Poutine several Sarcelle-Class Missilecruiser defected to her rebellion.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Corvette for the Chantemer
Image Source(s):

Technical Information

Affiliation: Chantemer
Model: Sarcelle-Class Missilecruiser
Starship Class: Corvette (50-200m)
Starship Role: Gunship
Modular: Yes
Material: Duralloy, Durasteel, Ferroceramic, Trimantium, Duraplast, and Starship Components
Armaments: [12] Heavy Torpedo Tubes
[8] 16-Cell Missile Launchers
[20] AG-2G quad-mounted laser cannons
[35] EM-1919 twin-linked repeating laser cannons
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Low
Kinetic Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 200
Optimal Crew: 1000
Passenger Capacity: 100
Cargo Capacity: Average
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