Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Saria Messoa The Empath Soceress

NAME: Saria Messoa
Aliases: The Flame of Hope, Sorceress of Her People
FACTION: Freelance--Open to Recruitment
RANK: None--work in progress
SPECIES: Near Human
AGE: Mid twenties

SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5' 7"
WEIGHT: 122 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brunette
SKIN: Tan as the sandy shores

Element: Water
Zodiac Sign: Libra


++Strong Affinity to the Force: Saria has an innate bond to the Force, it grants her the ability to learn to do some very amazing things.
++Charming: Saria has a natural charisma to her, she is able to be persuasive, gifted in speech, and rather eloquent.
++Highly Coordinated: Saria is agile, able to move with the grace of the Nexus or twirl weapons with the dexterity of a circus performer.
+/-Hopeful: Saria has a sense of optimism about her that when the dust settles everything will work out. She believes that if left to themselves people are naturally good. She wants to do the right thing and believes that others want to as well.
+/- Empathic: As an empath (one who is unknowingly so) Saria feels strong emotions of others, something that bothers her. She feels the need to help others, and this makes for a very complex combination.
--Glass Cannon: Saria is a very frail being. She lacks both strength and a vigorous constitution. It wouldn't take may blows to knock her down, or knock her out.
--Synthetic fabrics: Part of her empathic connection to the Force, Saria does not like synthetic clothing, it bothers her greatly. Everything she wears is natural.


Saria is a very small, shapely young woman who seems to carry an almost other-worldly vibrancy with her into the room. She carries grace and a humble but genteel nature to her that harkens back to simpler, country days. Sometimes she can Saria can often be found wherever there are books or animals. She prefers their company over people and solitude most of all. She sometimes talks of feeling like she "carries burdens" of the world--but only to those closest to her.

Saria seems to make friends almost instantly--perhaps it is part of her natural charisma or something deeper that resides within her soul--and has very few enemies. Even among those she is rare to take them deep into her confidence. It is not that she does not trust them or does not want to hide anything--she just does not wish to burden anyone else with her problems.
She is slightly more introverted than extroverted and more docile than excitable. On the rare moment that Saria gets excited, it is like a well of untapped energy inside her is opened up--emotions that most were unaware she could feel or that ever existed come out on either extreme.

Saria dresses very simply, but in the fashion of the day. Her favorite clothing is usually some sort of jeans with a cute tee shirt. On special occasions she can wear a very stunning dress, but usually she keeps to more down to earth clothing that keeps with her simple upbringing. When it comes to make up, she wears just a kiss of makeup, foundation, and a hint of blush, rarely anything more. She hates synthetic fabrics, claiming it hurts her where it hurts most. Everything she wears is natural.

Saria has no notable scars, but she does have a distinguished tattoo on her left forearm of a dragon.

Play By: Victoria Justice
Saria grew up on Quillura, just as a simple country girl on a farm. It was very clear from the start that she was a special girl--or that is what her parents thought of her. The other children at school were fearful of her, called her names, and fought her. Saria just made them uncomfortable. When her parents asked why Saria didn't fight back, she said, 'Its because they are scared, they don't really want to hurt anyone.' They did not really understand at the time, but Saria was accessing her innate Empath birth skills.

When she turned ten, the age most children become self aware, Saria realized how different she was from everyone else. The girl began a battle with herself, trying to suppress her abilities. She ran from them in every way she could. First she sought out solitude, far form everyone else. She fell in love with books and learning. When she could, Saria avoided her social obligations calling on her need to study to do well in school. When she couldn't, Saria stayed to herself more times than not. For her need for socializing, Saria came to love the company of animals. She preferred their gentle nature, they way they didn't judge her, push her, or give off strong emotions.

The defining moment came in her teenage years when one of her few friends, a girl named Fellhorel, fell ill with Leukemia. Saria walked with her through these troubling times as Fellhorel sought treatment after treatment, only to get more and more sick. Things came at last to a head 2 years into this lifestyle when Fellhorel was on her deathbed, her final breaths growing closer. Saria placed her hand on her friend's and wished more than anything that her friend would get better. She wished with all her heart and in that moment, breathed healing life energy into her friend's body. Fellhorel recovered instantly, the doctors called it a miracle, and no one except Saria knew what had happened.

The girl did her best to keep her head down during her last two years of high school, only hoping to graduate without having anyone find out and embarrass her. When she graduated at last, she told her family she had gotten a prestigious internship. In truth, she packed up all she had and boarded a random transport going anywhere away from home.

After meandering around for some time, Saria found herself on Onderon, where she met Koda, a Tortuga who ended up repairing the Crusty Boon and giving her hope and a job as an independent shipper.

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