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Sarianna's Silverlight Robes



  • Intent: To create and have a sub for Sarianna's armor
  • Image Source: Jedi Elsa
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Restricted Missions: (If your submission uses any Restricted Items link the threads you completed the missions in here)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)

  • Classification: Multi-Purpose
  • Weight: 7kg
  • Resistances
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Extreme
- Kinetic: High
- Lightsabers: Extreme
- Other:
- Sonic: High
- EMP/ION: Average
- Elemental:
- Plasma: Average
- Disruptor: Average
- Explosive: High

  • (Short brief detail list on any advanced systems with a respective link to the technology if available. What are the types of advanced systems that this armor has? This includes stealth, Bio-restorative technology, power armor, Force Enhancements, Alchemy Enhancements, Force Imbuement enhancements, or any similar or equivalent Force or technologies that may be rare or specialized. - If these are notable enough to be strengths, you must add them to strengths)
  • Synthmesh: Designed using the Sasori Synthmesh and the Inth metal for plating in key areas, the robes protective qualities are highly deceptive with the look of fabric and some small armored sections
  • Equipment: Several pieces have been set up into the robes themselves, mostly fluff but in some cases providing a quicker way to consolidate subs
    Sasori Cracken
  • Resource Chip
  • Multi-Spectral Shielding

[*]Compensation: Designed with underlays and additional weaves, it takes away the lightweight nature of the mesh itself but does work to fill in some of the gaps that are created in its protection
  • Force: THe robes are reliant on the force. Voidstone, myrkr, vong tech anything that disrupts and blocks out the force can severely weaken the robes effectiveness
  • Lightside Aura: With the skylar, agena and synthmesh, the lightside enhancement of the robes are impossible to hide and radiate practically off of her anyone able to feel or sense the force can sense it even through a taozin amulet
  • Exposed Sections: Designed with more freedom of movement in mind, there are areas of the arms and legs that are more open and leaving her vulnerable compared to the full suited robes others might wear
Designed for Sarianna by Sasori with her own input about what she required in terms of movement and protection. The Silverlight Robes are the pinnicle of defensive protection and support. With an underlay of smokestone to enhance her capabilities of battle meditation and mental projection. With kinetic weave and a sound dampening underlay to handle slugs and sonic attacks, it balances out the major weaknesses minimally to give her something else. The skylar and synthmesh material form fitted in some places and loose in others as she has a high colar and a thigh sheath with a cracken field kit. Her belt holding one of the multi-spectral shielding units able to protect from a number of sources when it is activated. The Agena serving as a means for her to bond herself to the robes, making them into something almost exclusively usable by her, something that darksiders can't wear or will want to be near when she channels the force into it. There were some drawbacks though, to make it so she would be able to move around in her robes for tournament and saber fighting there were sections left exposed to offer a wider range of movement, the high collar would normally reduce visual range but as she is blind it does not matter if she can see or not with her vestigial eyes.


  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Very Large (fully extended)
  • Weight: Average
  • Variable Design: Designed as a weapon masters saber. The three section design allows variable connectivity with it. Telescopic hilts that compact to the size of a shoto saber with interlocking hilts. to connect into a baton. The hilts able to extend to turn the hilts into a pike or cane and from there into a pole for vaulting. Spools of guiding wire in the hilts to function and guide the energy into whips she can use for a surprise function.
  • Discharge Heat Sink: Designed to discharge excess heat and energy build up in the blades to prevent the sleg from exploding.
  • Weapon Master: Designed as a variable saber, it is a small staff in the center, able to extend and housing the gincho power cell to feed into the blades. Then interconnected with two long handled lightsabers
  • Non-Diametrus Circuits: Designed with circuits that won't overload when striking cortosis.
  • Cutting Power: With the superior lens, cell and emitter able to handle the power. Sarianna's saber can become highly focused and sharp allowing it to slice through a number of strong materials easier and faster then normal lightsabers.
  • Force: THe robes are reliant on the force. Voidstone, myrkr, vong tech anything that disrupts and blocks out the force can severely weaken the robes effectiveness
  • Lightside Aura: With the skylar, agena and synthmesh, the lightside enhancement of the robes are impossible to hide and radiate practically off of her anyone able to feel or sense the force can sense it even through a taozin amulet
  • Training: Designed as a highly exotic saber in terms of what it is and able to do. Compared to many things it requires a highly specialized training regiment and skill to use.
  • Sleg: A very strong energy enhancer that can increase the cutting power and energy output of the blade but as it builds up becomes more and more dangerous and causes a higher chance of exploding.
Designed specifically for Sarianna by the artisan's after her fondness for more exotic saber designs like batons and long handled lightsabers. Her saber is a beast of function and design with three sections that are measured with masterwork hilts. The hilts can extend into individual staffs on their own with interconnecting sections to combine them into at their full length a pole for vaulting and probing depths. The hilts themselves are fashioned much like Exar Kun's lightsaber possibly the first double bladed saber. By adding a second emitter to the standard hilt it can surprise and requires a degree of skill to use.

The tips of the sections have small guide spools of metal and micro crystal to guide the lightsabers when they are switched over to lightwhips to provide a different experience. Gaining the ability to attack with both an energy and physical means the guides can still lash and much like Lumiya's blade were easier to counter with a secondary blade. In her travels the half echani, half miraluka jedi encountered many problems but few things she couldn't meet head on with a lightsaber. The crystal weave, the connection of the blade to herself and the calmness that it offers when compared to others means that her saber Thessia only functions in her grip.

Additional work on the blade was to improve its cutting power, the special tri-phase design for switching between functions such as cutting or blaster deflection. Switching to deflect ion paddle beamers at the expense other energy shots can pass through the blade and circuits that wouldn't overload when in contact with cortosis itself. Her blade can be quickly assembled and disassembled for her. With each piece being able to be used as its own saber. Which offers some drawbacks, it has more power cells and crystals as well as the sleg metal that as it get energy put through it becomes more volatile and explosive unless discharged from the blades in a jolt cell arcing out.

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