The Earthcaller

Sarox the Defiled
126 Years Old
Shi'ido Sithspawn
Chaotic Neutral
Force Sensitive
Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Pliable Physiology: Sarox's flesh and muscle (basically his whole form) can be morphed and shaped to his will. This means he can change his size, but he also makes use of his flesh with small tendrils he can use to whip and slash his enemies with.
+ Damage Sponge: Sarox can literally act as a sponge, soaking up bullets with only the pain to bear. Blasters can sear his flesh and cause much more pain, but in terms of killing it would take a lot of shots.
+/- Dark Taint: Sarox's form is so twisted by the dark side that his power to use that side of the force is much greater, however this limits his options greatly in exploring any of the lighter side of the force.
- Flesh & Muscle: Almost all that remains of Sarox is flesh and muscle, which is extremely easy to cut with both a Sword or a Lightsaber. He can be mutilated easier as well, and it would take some time for him to grow back what he lost.
- Broken Shift: Due to the immense amount of experimentation on him, Sarox lost the ability to shapeshift into different appearances, and instead can only morph the flesh and muscle into different shapes, not colors.
Sarox's form can be bended and shaped at will, yet he commonly appears as a vile, red humanoid creature made of raw flesh and muscle. At his smallest he is the size of a skinny human teenager, whereas he can grow to half the size of a rancor at his highest point of rage. Without any anger to fuel him though, he can't get much bigger than a bulky human male.
Sarox disguises his form behind a longcoat, hat and mask. The mask has spots of black ink which change according to his facial expression. This works from black and white ink between the mask layers that shift to heat changes yet never mix.

Sarox the Shi'ido (0-119 Years Old)
The vast majority of Sarox's life he was a normal Shi'ido who roamed his home planet of Lao-mon in his true form for his days. He lived in relative peace, with little to do or worry about but eat and walk. Nothing else mattered to him.
That was until a Sith Lord named Darth Aparitus found him. The Sith was a cruel man, obsessed with biology and twisted alchemy. He wanted to see whether he could create a servant of a creature with a Shi'ido's shapeshifting ability, as it would be immensely useful to his schemes.
And so he kidnapped Sarox, taking him away to his lab...

Experiment 2218 (119-121 Years Old)
After forcing him into a humanoid form and stripping away his outer flesh, the Sith began to twish his flesh with dark energies, bringing hatred and brutality into the Shi'ido's once peaceful life. After that, Sarox was hooked up to a dreadful machine which constantly forced his muscles to shift without him being able to stop it. Aparitus toyed with him for hours on end each day, trying to mold the perfect being for his own use.
It was months before the torture and experimentation ended, but the ordeal wasn't over yet.

For the Sith's research and pleasure, Sarox was forced to fight other experiments in deadly duels and all out battles. With so much rage and anger inside him, he managed to morph himself so that no opponent could stand against him without meeting a slow and painful death. It was here he learned to favor using the tendrils he could create to whip and slash at his enemy, even suffocating them or tearing them physically apart. Aparitus was amazed by the Shi'ido's anger and strength, mistaking it for an eagerness to fight for the Sith Lord. Shortly after being declared the sole servant of the Darth, Sarox brutally murdered him. It is said the Sithspawn tormented his body in horrible ways for days after his death...

Sarox the Defiled (121-126 Years Old)
Now a hate-filled Sithspawn, Sarox began hunting down Sith who were weak enough to fall prey to him. That was, until he came to terms with what had happened, and now makes the most of his new form. He began work as an assassin, expert at taking out targets unseen, or at least unharmed. That was until his more recent years, where he began working for various organizations and factions on a more long-term basis, like a mercenary. His only purpose now is to oppose the One Sith; his hatred for them still paramount.
Light Blue Lightsaber
[ Novice - Adept - Proficient - Expert - Master ]
Lightsaber Forms
Shii-Cho - Adept
Force Powers
Telekinesis - Adept
Force Jump - Adept
Force Sense - Novice
Chapter 1
A Bastion of Monsters - Sarox seeks training from a Dark Jedi Master. [In Progress]