Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Image Credit: Sharksuits.com: Shark armor
Image Credits: Google Search Full Body Chainmail
Intent: A special armor mesh designed by Sasori to use in their products refined and tested over a number of threads using real methods that can be augmented by sci fi technology within the star wars universe to mass produce and synthesize the material.
Development Thread:
- Yellow Flag - Wintrium Lab established and harvested with initial tests 117 Posts
- Winter's War - Wintrium mesh tested and worked on 43 Posts
- Dependency - Wintrium Mesh tested, worked on, experimented on, broken down and synthesized 150 Posts
- Starts with Curiosity - Mesh tested with Guardian robes 124 Posts
- Kunlun - Mesh worked on, mesh improved 150 Posts
- Her first step after war. - Mesh Tested and worked on with improvements 30 Posts
- Resurgencehttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/89117-resurgence/ - Recovering and testing improved mesh from Bubble of the Lost with advancements. 47 Posts
- Paradise Lost - Mesh tested on new model advanced jedi starfighter by Ayumi and Sai Fel 200 Posts
- Stakeral Awakens - Mesh worked on in First Temple of the Jedi 152 Posts
- Hothpitality - Mesh tested in the field by padawan while searching the starship graveyard 80 Posts
- Jia Ren Qu - Obtains information for Jedi from miners 19 Posts
- Did Ya - Stops raiders from taking shipment of meshes 65 Posts
- Ithorian remnant - Cathbodua tests with student mesh and robes to improve his endurance 27 Posts
- Caliban Cove - Junko and her padawan oversee Manufacturing processes within Sakura and Sasori 49 Posts
- Massive Problems = Massive Solutions - Junko introduces new protomesh for construction materials within ship cradles. 20 Posts
- Under 12 Parsecs [SSC Dominion of Kessel Hex]http://starwarsrp.net/topic/90094-under-12-parsecs-ssc-dominion-of-kessel-hex/ - Further testing by Cathbodua, Orihime and Barinthus while securing Kessel 163 Posts
- Why Do Birds? - Synthweaving robes with new padawan 13 Posts
- Dominion of Deneba - Ayumi secures raw material for matter conversion 200 Posts
- Dominion of Charros - Ayumi works to secure raw materials to break down into matter they can convert 150 Posts
- Lunar Mountain - Matsu and Nima test out meshed robes on world 17 Posts
- Paradise Found, Schutta (Rebellion of Mimban hex) - Ayumi uses proto-mesh in armor to protect self out of bunker 270 Posts
- Out of My Comfort Zone - Mesh is tested out and designed into equipment 10 Posts
- Liberation of O'Reen - Quenladose uses the mesh to aid the Outer Regions Defense Force 31 Posts
- Voice on your shouldershttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/90216-voice-on-your-shoulders/ - Proto-synthweave mesh used in planet construction for Denon 125 Posts
- Das Mordgeld ~{ Black Empire Rebellion of Deneba }~http://starwarsrp.net/topic/90605-das-mordgeld-black-empire-rebellion-of-deneba/ - Mesh being tested with medical personnel that are handling evaced citizens from Deneba 211 Posts
- New Master, New Adventure - Serana tests out mesh protective cover for herself 21 Posts
- Infinite Rotations - Touring across facilities and testing out mesh while new facilities Sheila works on produce and use materials to create wintrium in converters 60 Posts
- Pleasure Planet (GR Dominion of Ambria and Zeltros) - Mesh is continued to be tested out by Ayumi and Shapo 46 Posts
- Skill of a Masterhttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/91423-skill-of-a-master/ - Matsu and her padawan setup additional facilities for raw materials 24 Posts
- Can You Take The Heat? - Orihime duels a darksider while wearing the meshed robes to protect herself 16 Posts
- In search of the next story - Upon their mission to Jakku the two friends are given meshed robes to continue their adventure 94 Posts
- One with the Jedi - Testing out and using meshed robes while meeting a new padawan 24 Posts
- Stormbreakers - Padawan Rowena tests out wintrium axe and shield in a Zoist temple 22 Posts
Manufacturer: Sasori Research/Sakura Welfare
Model: Force Enhanced Mesh Underlay
Affiliation: Sasori Customers
Modularity: It can be applied to weapons, droids, components, equipment, vehicles, construction material starships, star fighters, clothing and armor. Optional Gloves
Production: Minor Production
- Desh-Terenthium
- Wintrium Weave
- Sasori Synthweave
[SIZE=9pt]Designed by Sasori after negotiations with the locals [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Klantooine and the establishment of a research base to study the properties of the substance. With some help from Senator Kay the research base was firmly established when they arrived with most of the materials they could secure being tested and methods of creating more setup. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Their workers finding ways to use the wintrium [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]as a glaze over threads of desh-terethium were created to test. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The decided upon process made less pure threads that could be loomed and worked to make a cloth and then a mesh work that would be able to go over armor or be sewn into clothing. The desh-terenthium strands were coated with the wintrium and aged under the artificial agers so it’s hardened just enough to be run through a spindle into the loom. With the work it makes the wintrium into a superior product that Sasori produces for equipment. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]With the materials as Domino said for their strength and universally applied synthweaving potential. Her advice[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] helped so they could work it into a fine design of lattice mesh to go over armor and into clothing, construction materials, ship, weapons and vehicles. Their artificial aging machines easily took advantage of the age properties of Wintrium able to help it along and produce a stronger protective layer. [/SIZE]With all of the work that Sasori did to put into and negotiations on other worlds such as Denon, Raxus, Cyrilla, Gyndine to rebuild and reconstruct the worlds into new self sustaining living modules.
[SIZE=9pt]It provided from those worlds entire sections of city that was being reconstructed into prefabricated modules over thousands of kilometers of durasteel and materials that could be broken down for raw matter. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]it has allowed them to work with and produce a substantial edge in their craftsmanship while taking several pages from other companies but always trying to maintain the soul of using new and unique ways of doing things in their equipment.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]The mesh weave is very focused, combining the creation process two weaves and desh-terethium, a very flexible material that offers a superior platform for ultra lightweight mesh. Once the synthweaved material is properly pressed and spun it is run through the cooling wintrium that is aged in the maturation chamber just enough to not drip easily as it is weaved through the loom into a lattice work of meshed chainmail able to cover the body or equipment. With the aging process the weight increases slightly to counteract the super lightweight nature of the desh-terethium. This adds weight to it but not an obscene increase to it like the heavier armor.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]As it ages and become stronger the mesh gains moderate weight slowing movement. This can be worked on with time to create lesser protected areas to give freedom of motion. The areas for joint movement will be less protected and become stiff with time. Once the long cool down of the liquid is finished and it is hardened, it become like wearing a full suit of shell spider silk armor at its oldest. The levels of protection from blasters are strong with slugs and energy bolts being unable to scratch or penetrate the mesh. Lightsabers and melee weapons themselves cannot cleave or slice through it.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]As the components were being worked on by one of the newest workers in Sasori, Matsu was finding a better purpose in things. She could grant and aid in force enhancing the armor and making it less a solid mesh, giving the Jedi what they needed, a Lightside force enhanced layer of protection few things in the galaxy could match. [/SIZE]The problem being making more of it, Wintrium being a substance with a chemical makeup and naturally occurring meant that it didn't have raw elements in nature that if assembled could be synthesized. Matsu used the last of what she had in the Joshu converter that breaks down into the raw molecules the wintrium for a comprehensive analysis.
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[SIZE=9pt]From there they worked to synthesize the base molecules and convert them as needed to create new supplies of wintrium in a controlled lab setting. The Jedi master worked on the bigger things with all of the research her smith was doing in different facilities and across the galaxy. Krass was serving a better purpose by working with others and travel around testing it while working on synthesizing more of it to create more of the mesh. After more work the force enhancement reached new levels, the Jedi could rush using it in different equipment. She had new ideas of how to use it in vehicles, swoops, ships, weapons, armor, clothing and even technology they didn't want to have breaking.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The primary component to using the converters created by Sasori for replication and breaking down materials in the galaxy as well as being able to store and use raw matter it created from observing it. Programmable Matter was the second thing that required scientists from Sakura to work with them as they were able to use the raw materials and conversion with current to recrete and alter it into the base material needed to create their own supply of wintrium. What was denied by outside factors from their facility was achievable far easier with just a little work.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]Matsu used a specialized training course and synthweaving as a way to augment the mesh, with the force enhancing itself strengthening it much like a force blade or force armor; it is lightsaber resistant and further enhancing its resistance to direct attacks in the force and mental attacks, but it couldn't stop the resulting kinetic impacts. Nor can it stop several other types of attacks that are a danger such as caustic acid which can eat away at layers or ruin the additional weaving within the mesh. [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]That was one of the hard things to handle, the kinetic impact and other force powers that could bypass the armor at the exposed sections. Matsu's interest in the old Carter cloak that was able to resist force abilities in a large range. Matsu had worked with it but never could use alchemy to keep the force resistance of the materials. Instead she made it into a new thing, something bigger, something impressive with a hood and boot covering that could protect them. The Jedi master ensured that what enhancements were done hadn't been done with the Darkside after Krass returned the meshes to her, allowing them to be given only to Jedi[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]The force resistance is high, telepathic attacks can be negated easily along with the effects of battle meditation both positive and negative, phobis devices can break through it as very few things in the galaxy can protect from those, and kinetic impact can be imparted, turning the bodies insides into jelly if they are not careful. The closest in levels of protection is beskar, heavy, powerful and considered rare by the galaxy but the Sasori Mesh is different as it is a Sasori exclusive product that can be created ad-infinitum with the molecular converters they have developed. She fully expected several someones who won't do anything beyond gladly pass judgment to object to this. But She didn’t care as they were unwilling to put the work and creativity necessary forward to do anything similar.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]Experimentation by several Padawans resulted in them mixing it into their robes with synthweaved dreamsilk so it could be used as an outer robe to the Guardian Robes of Ossus; giving it an official and regal look while providing the protection of the synthweaving effects along with the protection of the wintrium for Padawans or Jedi who could use it. The lightweight glassy mesh was then used to create the frost looks of clothing for their different products. Matsu's wished then to really push out a lot of it so they can mass produce a product line utilizing the mesh to create more beefed up products with superior levels of protection that can be used while not having to make everything obscenely heavy.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]As the Jedi master continued to work with the others she brought in many other Jedi for their own skills and insights. They also worked with a handful of techniques to improve upon the force enhancement started by Krass. Her species’ skills with making alchemy served as an improvement to their construction efforts, along with Matsu's own skills with the techniques, the art of the small, Force imbuing, attuning armor and mesh, and making different force equipment from blending in technology.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]After yet more work and concentration, with her skills at synthweaving and different techniques for imbuing Force energies and attributes with the abilities of different things, the mesh had been synthweaved by her into different Force resisting and energy based resistance techniques. Skills like Emptiness allow deep levels of concentration for those who meditate wearing it, letting force directed abilities going towards them to pass through. [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]For limited periods of time the ones wearing it can clear their minds and bodies to feel the force flow. Other techniques like Enlightenment to aid in the creation of a protective force aura as the Jedi can continue to enhance their connection to the force. In effect, deflection abilities that radiate to improve upon the protective qualities of the mesh when the Jedi wearing the mesh are focused.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]However these improvements are not without their downsides. The mesh requires a constant connection to the force for its non-physical abilities to function. On worlds or in areas where that connection can be disrupted the protective qualities of the wintrium are all that remain. The ability to protect from the force is worked at to be serious on levels that few other materials in the galaxy can match, the protection and resistance though is not like force nullifying equipment. It doesn't disrupt the force users ability to feel or channel it instead amplifying it to radiate off the surface of the mesh. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]This means that it cannot be obscured in the force or have its presence shrunk down to be secret or hidden. Wearing the mesh with a hood impairs senses to the point that it will have the user out of balance to offset the protection that it offers. Additional weaknesses to the different types of special ammo that are able to be used in different weapons. The mesh does not protect from sound with sonic attacks and disruptors that can disrupt the molecules of the mesh as well as equipment to shave off layers of it and quickly get to who is wearing it.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]The few final things that Matsu worked on for it saw the mesh being sent into the Bubble of the Lost to be worked on, engineering to improve the manufacturing tech on the creation of raw wintrium, new methods to streamline the initial creation process so that the mesh can be made with a look of grandiose display. The works of the jedi under her tutelage as well as others who have worked to develop with her a bond of trust used the bubble to advance the technology as well as methods until they had a superior product.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]The work was continuing forward with many of the things the Jedi were doing, testing and making it a powerful force product that is able to better contain itself and have all of the material work together well. With her final review to go over it and show it off all that was left was to ensure that it operated well by testing it in the field under different situations. A mission here or there, recovery efforts within the Rift as Matsu sought ways to test it with the different materials for different types of armor that could be synthweaved into it for different purposes and designs. Jedi, soldiers, common men and woman from the richest politician to the lowest worker all were worth wearing this should they serve the light in Matsu’s mind.[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9pt]Some more of the equipment testing that has been done was with weapons created by Sasori itself like the omnibreaker, which when activated is designed to slice through the molecular bonds of what it is sent after. High impact slug weapons that impact against it can transfer the impact to the wearer, acid can melt layers of the mesh creating a boiled off effect. Some more of the work that has gone into it with force enhancement allowing the force energies to empower it so only Lightside users of the force can wear it. [/SIZE]
Strengths: 5 Strengths
Force Enhanced to resist force abilities with exceptions
Resists directed force powers
Resists telekinetic grip
Resists mental attacks when hood is up
Resists lightning
Only usable by lightsiders
Recoils Darksiders
Causes sickening sensation when in contact with darksiders
Super Lightweight Mesh
Easily Produced
Class 10 Protection
Adaptable to different products
Interweavable with other weaves from Sasori
Convertable Matter able to be customizable
Mass Producable production line
Superior Level of Protection
Superior Lightsaber Protection
Superior Blaster Protection
Superior Melee Protection
Superior Force Protection
Provides Superior Armor Quality
Quality 10 vs Lightsabers
Quality 10 vs Melee Weapons
Quality 10 vs Energy
Quality 10 vs Force Powers
Weaknesses: 11 Weakness
Does not protect from Heavy Kinetic Impact
Variable levels of protection
Does not dampen sound
Does not block disruptor
Does not block plasma
Does not block acids
Does not soften kinetic impact
Exposed Areas are not protected
Face exposed
Feet and hands exposed
Minor Restriction to movements
Range of arm movement reduced
Range of leg stride reduced
Restriction to force abilities while wearing mesh
Cannot sense when wearing hood
Cannot use full body tutaminis when wearing mesh
Cannot use Ionize and electric judgement when wearing gloves
Cannot use force pull/push when wearing gloves
Cannot use telepathy when wearing hood
Cannot use Battle Meditation when wearing Hood
Emptiness Meditation can endanger user
Force resistance is limited to covered sections
Cannot be used by darksiders
Causes sickness when worn
Unable to hide force signature
Resists and shows through Taozin nodule
Cannot be used on worlds without the force
Loses effectiveness on Myrkr
Loses effectiveness within a dampening bubble
Primary Source:
Programmable Matter
Force Immunity
Energy resistance
Force Deflection
Force Enlightenment
Force of Will
Attune armor
Imbue item
Force weapon
Alchemy - Racial Talent of Krass
Art of the Small
Ossus Guardian Robeshttp://starwarsrp.net/topic/88063-ossus-guardian-robes/
Armored robes
Jedi robes
Sasori Joshū
Shinra Spindle
Sasori Maturation Chamber
Sasori Loom
Sasori Synthweave