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Approved Ranged Weapon Sasori Axion Rifle

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Manufacturer: Sasori
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Very Light
Size: Small
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and using molecular disruption in the rings it allows them to compact the internal workings.
  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time and from damage in a fight. The severity determining if it could be from hours to days.
  • Range: Designed to fire two rings that can connect and form a pathway between them. For traversal and movement.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Self Repairing: The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
  • Damage Output: Designed to fire discs that are used for technical matters, they do not do damage aside from possibly smacking into someone which might bruise.
Designed by the Silver jedi and Sasori as a cutting edge means to be used across the galaxy. The damage output isn't there and it won't hurt someone but the ability to move around an area quickly and wihtout the danger of being exposed was invaluable and... it was a proof of concept design that would allow them to continue to push forward in the areas of advanced quantum technologies. THeir development of hyperdrives that mirror Aang-Tii vessels was a step and their protable askora for movement of a singular person another... now the chance to develop a series of linked rings thaat would be able to work is an important part. With the rings it can create a sustained bridge between the two rings... allowing movement across large distance that can be traveled in a near instant. With a smaller production means as it is an experimental design and only for some of the more discerning minds that they sell to of have testing equipment. As a means that might work with the toolkit in the future or as a weapon attachment.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Continue to Develop Sasori Technologies
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Exotic Matter
Programmable Matter
Magwit's Mystifying Hoop

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sasori
Model: Quantum Cannon
Modular: Yes
Effective Range: Long Range
Rate of Fire: Burst Fire
Material: Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors, Sasori Kanamara, Materia
Ammunition Type: Energy
Ammunition Capacity: Average
Damage Output: None
Recoil: None
Ranged Class: Other
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