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Approved Tech Sasori Jenoshi

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  • Designed to mimic on a small scale the effects of the bubble of the lost within an area. Dilating Time to slow down or accelerate within the chambers.
  • Using dimensional engineering the chambers are able to be much larger on the inside with the entryway acting like an anchor to connect.
  • Built in Equipment: Designed with several pieces of equipment to improve quality of life within the chamber. Advancements to the technologies and testing can be done to further the understanding or development of upgrades.
  • Allows bending of space time inwards similar to the bubble of the lost letting time pass faster/slower within the chamber but not outside of it.
  • Self Repairing: The inner chamber is designed to repair itself over time but the daage can affect the timetable with small damage being repaired quickly while major damage can take several hours.
  • Power Source: The environmental effects and generators. A constant power source is needed and if it is disrupted anything within the pocket dimension can be lost.
  • Stationary: In order to stay anchored with the generator on, it is best designed to be within facilities however on ships it disables hyperdrives and sublight engines.
  • Mental fatigue: The mental strain of the dilation and effects is dangerous to the weaker minds and can cause psychosis.
Created as a concept design after studying the bubble fo the lost. There was no real way to retrieve the monolith but effects to try and mimic its effects using the force and containing a micro singularity that can expand and be contained The use of their generators like the violet which were used for storage to expand and create additional space that could be within the room. The combination of technologies require intense power draws and is recommended to be used as needed with a dedicated reactor.

Movement is not recommended and the safety features of the room if it has to be used on a ship disable the engines and hyperdrive. The final and biggest thing is the metal strain from being in the room, as the body requires time to adjust both coming in and going out. Mentally it is dangerous and can lead to mental break or dangerous outbursts.

The years of using the chamber in smaller scale projects with more ambition as well as using it for training have improved the design... research for the engineers on how to build more of them at more energy effecient models that can be given to jedi in their ships were an important thing. Advancing their understanding of the force and what can come of it proving more invaluable in many cases. They managed to improve the design and the controls for interfacing and using it with training and development methods on the inside.
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Hey there, Junko Ike Junko Ike !

Interesting concept for a sub you're working with here. I like the idea as it's something different, but I do have a couple things I need to clarify with this sub before I can pass this.

  • Designed to mimic on a small scale the effects of the bubble of the lost within an area.
  • Using generators to connect to a pocket dimension the chamber can become larger.
  • Allows bending of space time inwards similar to the bubble of the lost letting time pass faster within the chamber but outside of it
Can you clarify for me how big the area of effect of this is? As in what is the radius for this bubble? Also, can you clarify for me whether or not this is only used in a single room/chamber, or if it is simply stronger in specific room/chamber?

Edit: Sorry this response was not up sooner. I could have sworn I hit the reply button, but I came back today to check on this and it was saved as a draft
Junko Ike Junko Ike

If you could make sure that wording is included in the sub, then I can go ahead and approve this. It might have been intended to be included in the Strength you have listed, but you might just be missing a word there. Right now it reads "Allows bending of space time inwards similar to the bubble of the lost letting time pass faster within the chamber but outside of it"

I'm thinking you meant to include "not" between "but" and "outside"
Submission Name: Peony Stations
Link to Submission: Peony Stations
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: Update subs to factory standard

Submission Name: Kami Asteroid Stations
Link to Submission: Kami Asteroid Stations
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Submission Name: Makie Class Droid
Link to Submission: Makie Class Droid
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: Update subs to factory standard

Submission Name: Sasori Jenoshi
Link to Submission: Sasori Jenoshi
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: Update subs to factory standard

Submission Name: Suo Defensive Cannons
Link to Submission: Suo Defensive Cannons
Reason for Pre-Factory Request: Update subs to factory standard

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Submission Name: Gnat Runner
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Submission Name: Sasori Biot Box
Link to Submission: Sasori Biot Box
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Submission Name: Sasori Jenoshi
Link to Submission: Sasori Jenoshi
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Joshū
Link to Submission: Sasori Joshū
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Saotome Vatta
Link to Submission: Saotome Vatta
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates
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