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Approved Tech Sasori Joshū

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Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
  • Advanced Systems: Designed for production of food and equipment on a superior scale.
  • Self Repairing: ABle to restore itself over time depending on the level of damage done.
  • Self Repairing: Designed with the material, the self repairing and maintaining capabilities of the equipment are there to handle the stresses from everyday use.
  • High Quality: Designed with a conversion bubble which will convert raw matter into energy around the user and allows the weapon to fuel itself over time.
  • Protective Qualities: Largely non protective in qualities as it doesn't fully adhere to the rules of physics. The metal looks dense and like it would be highly protective but it isn't.
  • Exotic Particles: Largely unknown and not seen in the galaxy before. It isn't invincible nor is it really strong but it reacts violently near dark and anti-matter which can disrupt and destroy it or even cause it to rupture and disintegrate.
Built and reversed engineered from Karra, Sasori sought to create a way to add more to the idea of recycling and self sustaining. The converters have been recreated on a scale for factor and starships using duel proton B reactors as its power sources to ease the strain as it works. The converter itself breaks down the materials put into it and with raw matter is able to reconstruct similar materials. The more material to work with is offset by the level of complexity of the object. A computer is designed to store information and keep track of what can be made is set up with the converter to allow voice commands when there is enough power to construct for the user.

With testing and working on things as they built on the technology making it slightly larger and using an adapter to regulate the power and a computer to better design and work on it. A databank of materials able to be constructed with the raw matter and materials they had for use. The technology needing enough raw resources. The final stage while working with Camellia was to ensure they could use. Voice commands and sections for putting in the materials you wish to break down while a second one is used to process and retrieve the constructed items. With the rarity of the technology and obscurity of Karra, Sasori sought to restrict its use on their ships and bases to research, exploration and salvage.

Slowly as she worked with the converters and equipment, Matsu with a deeper understanding of it and the other technology of its type began to upgrade it. Using information found with padawan Keth and grandmaster Corvus Raaf she got an idea of how to create longer lasting power and synthesizing the base materials. The work on what they had done for all they could do before she installed a new converter to feed on ambient energy and more materials. Increased funding from their company allowed her to research other converters within the galaxy to work on finally improving it to produce food, water, air and sections of metal after breaking it down.
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Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="War Hydra"]

Yes, in the threads we are using it to break down scrap metal into sheets that can be used, we fed in water and some leaves to create tea and with several loads created a small mouse droid in parts. I'd say nothing larger then the amount put into it at a and I am going by my information in the tech manual for DS9 where the best example of technology like this being abused it. 1/64th product to materials ratio and that is assuming you can get 100% energy efficiency which we noted in the thread is impossible even with a hypermatter reactor. (self replicating cloaked mines with an antimatter/matter reactor) This cannot make fleets but it can be used by repair droid to make plates to try and repair for long missions from damaged materials. It can make the parts from a diagram to put together for some more complicated pieces of equipment but reproducing droid brains would be impossible as it can't make programming. It cannot reproduce objects with the force but could be used to break it down and has built in safeties to not break down people for disposing of bodies.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Submission Name: Gnat Runner
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Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Biot Box
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Submission Name: Sasori Jenoshi
Link to Submission: Sasori Jenoshi
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Submission Name: Sasori Joshū
Link to Submission: Sasori Joshū
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Submission Name: Saotome Vatta
Link to Submission: Saotome Vatta
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