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Sasori Light Armor

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Submission Name: Sasori Light Armor
Link to Submission: Sasori Light Armor
Summary of Modifiaction:
Reason for Modification:Increased dev

Intent: To create an open market customizable version of the explorers armor
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Sasori Bodyarmor MK VII
Affiliation: Open Market
Modularity: Colors can be customized
Production: Mass Produced

Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 8.5kg
Quality: 10
Special Features:

Description: Designed as a lightly armored version of their explorers bodysuit and made from deals with the Order of the Grey and secretive Tenevi orders. Matsu and the Sasori researchers have taken more chances mostly in materials, providing duraplast over sections of the armorweave to provide additional protection from low end blaster weapons and knives but lightsabers, most standard weapons and force powers will still harm. The armor is made for speed and providing protection when exploring around the galaxy able to stop rocks and branches from getting through to harm the wearer. The bodyglove regulates the temperature for hot and cold environments and with a proper helmet and breathing equipment attached is sealed for vacuum, however no such equipment is on the base version of the suit. The other major feature as Sasori has started to take itself more seriously is the customizable colors and hand crafted insignias. The force sects such as the Tenevi, Grey and Silver jedi are vastly different and their colors, symbols reflect that in the armor. It provides no more then different looks with the armor to differentiate them.

With additional time and resources the armor was improved, becoming a scout and light armor wearers dream as the plating was given more covering on the body and made to protect them with reinforced duraplast plating. THe new standard Sasori bodyglove was applied with its additional gear such as the powerblade, microcrystal coating and boots. With all of the protection offered from it the armors could easily pass snuff compared to most others within the galaxy and show you don't need beskar or phrik to have a strong armor. More testing thanks to the mercs legion on their armors to increase the production of it along with some of the other supplies such as the hope standard sasori gloves to augment the crystal weave in it. The weave from their looms fashioned to allow force users to attune the armor and strengthen the already strong materials several folds with minimal increases to the low weight. Lightweight hybrid plexisteel and lighter materials used in the construction of its components.
Primary Source:

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