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Approved Armor Sasori Model: Nano-Particle Armor

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Manufacturer: Sasori
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: N/A
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Image Credit: Infinity War
Designed as a more advanced and weaponized model of their particle armor. The nano-laminated particle armor is smaller and able to be deployed from a necklace or even a ring. The spray can also be used for it allowing the armor to be designed and used on the go if it is impressive and needed. Sasori has worked on it to improve more of the design when it creates from nano forges and power plants the armored components. THey can ujse it and send it covertly to teams in the field where craates of armor would be seen as suspcious. With Atrisi continuing to advance and provide a test bed for them to distribute experimental armors or weapons thhat will find their way to the outer colonies and customers across the universe... Sasori has kept up their manufacturing efforts and brought the latest in their cutting edge of tech.

  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time while it is applied to the point it can repair under duress of cruching gravitational forces likke a sun, gravity training chamber, black holes or even gravity heavy worlds.
  • Filter: Designed with an armored filter allowing oxygen to be recycled in vacuum, poison clouds or on hostile worlds.
  • Temporary: Designed to adhere to the body and clothing for armor. WIthin several hours it will dry up and disappear making reapplication an important aspect.
  • Self Repairing: The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Continue to advance Sasori technologies
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Exotic Matter
Programmable Matter

Technical Information

Affiliation: Sasori
Model: Particle Armor
Modular: Yes
Material: Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors, Sasori Kanamara, Materia, Exotic Matter
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Very High
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Other Resistance(s):

Heavy Gravity - Very High
Force Energy - Very High

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