Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Designed by the Silver jedi and Sasori with Atrisi united. The advanced model particle armor takes notes from the anti-laser clouds employed by various governments across the centuries from the republic tot he vong. Though now put into an aerosol can that can be carried by civilians and soldiers or politicians. With the micro-particles the effect of the armor doesn't add massive benefits just giving them the means to be protected by it. Sasori has optimized it to be able to function as a buffer that could be applied to other armors, clothing to bolster their defenses or they can be used by any number of people. Their advances in particle tech and sub-atomic construction for power and various exotic means as well as wanting to be the cutting edge of galactic technologies pushes their pabs towards working much much harder on a number of things... the spray also has an odor killing and sweet scent without being overpowering.
- Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and using micro-particles the armor can be contained in an aerosol style.
- Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time while it is applied to the point it can repair under duress of cruching gravitational forces likke a sun, gravity training chamber, black holes or even gravity heavy worlds.
- Filter: Designed with an armored filter allowing oxygen to be recycled in vacuum, poison clouds or on hostile worlds.
- Temporary: Designed to adhere to the body and clothing for armor. WIthin several hours it will dry up and disappear making reapplication an important aspect.
- Self Repairing: The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
Designed by the Silver jedi and Sasori with Atrisi united. The advanced model particle armor takes notes from the anti-laser clouds employed by various governments across the centuries from the republic tot he vong. Though now put into an aerosol can that can be carried by civilians and soldiers or politicians. With the micro-particles the effect of the armor doesn't add massive benefits just giving them the means to be protected by it. Sasori has optimized it to be able to function as a buffer that could be applied to other armors, clothing to bolster their defenses or they can be used by any number of people. Their advances in particle tech and sub-atomic construction for power and various exotic means as well as wanting to be the cutting edge of galactic technologies pushes their pabs towards working much much harder on a number of things... the spray also has an odor killing and sweet scent without being overpowering.
Out Of Character Info
Continue to advance Sasori technologies
Canon Link:
Primary Source(s):
Anti-laser aerosol
Exotic Matter
Programmable Matter
Technical Information
Particle Armor
Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors, Sasori Kanamara, Materia, Exotic Matter
Defense Rating:
Very High
Energy Resist:
Very High
Kinetic Resist:
Very High
Sonic Resist:
Very High
Thermal Resist:
Very High
Radiation Resist:
Very High
Other Resistance(s):
Heavy Gravity - Very High
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