Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Sasul

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  • Name: Sasul
  • Loyalties: Taru Cadera Taru Cadera
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Personality: Enjoys combat, Stubborn, strong minded and loyal to whoever becomes his rider and has a incredible warrior spirit
  • Training: Combat as a mount and by themselves
  • Combat Function: Support role for when in flight for attacks from the sky for heavy attacks from the ground
  • Hard to kill - While not as thick scaled as the larger brethren he can take hits from small arms fire with ease
  • Lightning Breath: Each head fires a large 10 meter blaster of bright golden lightning across the field
  • Telepathy - Can only communicate telepathically with other dragons and there rider’s
  • Maneuverability and climbing speed - it's wings and tail aids in it's directional flight allowing it to yaw, pitch, roll, turn with amazing ease .
  • Breath weapon does not discriminate: All is fair game in the radius of his breath weapon
  • Not as fast as a starfighter - While it does have incredible speed in flight a starfighter or ship can easily catch up and surpass it.
  • Size does matter - Its size prevents it from going into tight spaces no bigger than that of a fighter or a Small Shuttle.


Sasul has been a warrior at heart since they were born with three heads each head a different personality but the middle head is the main control of the others as he seems to argue with the others every now and again but he will fight those who wish to be his rider to see if they are worthy of his loyalty and being his rider but as long as they give him battle and treat him with the warriors respect he will return the favor in kind
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