Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SAT (sorta) coming up! On break until the 9th has passed.

To prevent nerves from winding up in a bad way, I will be stepping away from the writing until the weekend has come to pass. Most of the people I write with are aware of this, but I don't think repeating it is a bad idea. This ultimately affects:

  • [member="Darth Raijin"] and [member="Akuma"]
  • [member="Allyson Locke"]
  • [member="Vilaz Munin"]
  • [member="Kira Talith"]
  • [member="Loske Matson"]
  • [member="Aver Brand"]
So, starting the moment this post is posted, I will not write anymore posts until the morning on the 10th of April.
[member="Kana Truden"] you is kind, you is smart, you is important

You'll kick butt, and we'll be here when you get back. :) And try not to wind yourself up too much. (I know, easier said than done.) A lot of it is writing, which you'll clearly pass with flying colors. I find math extremely difficult if it's crazier than 2+2 = 4(?) and I still passed it just fine. YOU ARE GONNA KILL ITTT!!!!!

(And you're right. It was 8).

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