Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Satar Corslev

NAME: Satar Corslev

FACTION: Exile (Bounty Hunter)

RANK: Gray/Dark Jedi Knight (?)

SPECIES: Zabrak (Nightbrother)

AGE: 28

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 145 lb

EYES: Purple

HORNS: Long and wide, spanning across Satar's entire forehead. They have a bony texture with grey coloring.

SKIN PATTERN: Purple tribal designs across his entire body.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+: A highly skilled user of the Force, to the point where the natural world is shifted to his will.

-: This is balanced by Satar being only an average swordsman. He has control over his saber, but focuses more on attacks involving the Force, such as manipulating enemy sabers.
+: Knowledge of alien species the galaxy over, including their cultures, cuisine and customs.
-: He isn't a very good pilot, using the Force to alter his flight path rather than the ship itself. The light nature of the ship accommodates for this.
-: Brash and arrogant, the very reasons he was exiled from the Jedi Academy.
+: Creative with his use of the force, using both Sith, Jedi and techniques of his own creation.

Tall, with tribal like patterns in purple all across his body. His horns are long and deer-like.

BIOGRAPHY: Satar was born on Dathomir, soon taken in by monks on the planet. Noting his proficiency with the Force, and his natural intuition, the Jedi soon accepted him and started his training. As a Padawan, his recklessness often got him in trouble and once; it nearly cost him his life. Satar believed he could take his master at the time, Den Nobfo on in a battle. Den refused, turning Satar away. Satar rashly attacked him. Defending himself, Den defeated Satar using the Force only.

With a lightsaber to his throat, Satar was forced into exile on the planet Kashyyyk. From there, he learned the ways of the Dark Side, only dipping his toes into the shadowy world of the Sith. A Sith master also resided on Kashyyyk at the time, Darth Contsint. Contsint taught Satar the ways of the Jedi. The Dark Side was too much for Satar, too much hatred. He didn't want to become like fellow Nightbrother Maul, and killed Contsint. On the run from the Sith, Satar travels from planet to planet, doing bounties for credits.

The S
ahelanthropus, a lightly armored stealth 'Dart' of Antarian origin. It is able to camouflage itself into terrain, as well as act as a type of stealthy speeder on the ground. It can carry four people.

A unique lightsaber pike, The saber has a purple crystal on one side, and that one is normal length. The other side is white, and a little bit shorter. The white acts more as a guard than a weapon, being non-lethal. The purple crystal is enchanted with the Dark Side of the force.

Also carries twin shoto lightsabers to be used for finishing off opponents and to be thrown.





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