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Satyana Rameshai

Satyana Rameshai


Name - Satyana Rameshai
Age - 24
Sex - Hermaphrodite
Species - Echani

Homeworld - Eshan
Height - 5'6
Weight - 142lb

Sexuality - Bisexual
Force Sensitive - Yes
Voice - Catherine Tate
Faction -
Master(s) (Italic implies deceased) -

Amboro Maximus
Mastu Ike

Strengths and Weaknesses

- Physically Fit
  • Martial
  • Quick

- Lanky
- Skin Sensitive



An average sized Echani, Satyana bears the chalk white skin that most of her species bears, as well as the silvery eyes that accompanied her, with her long white hair. Satyana's body is athletic, as with many of those who are trained in the martial arts like the rest of her species. Satyana also appears to have a few scars, and a mark that is on her that appears to be a branding, as she was a slave at some point to a crime lord. The mark appears to be in a printed "I" shpae. Her robes are Jedi Robes with the style of the Echani peoples on it to help better her abilities in agility and movement.

Rare for an Echani, she is a natural born hermaphrodite without going through any surgery, which means she was born with a few extra parts of her body that would normally be on a male, and has mixtures of male and female testosterone, however it appears that the female side does dominate, as she has a notable lack of an Adams apple, and smoother skin than a males.


Satyana Rameshai was born on the planet of Eschan, 828 Years after the Battle of Yavin. An only child of her family, her father and mother were both rather talented and skilled warriors, with her father working in planetary security, and her mother working as a captain of a naval brigade. Although Satyana was born on the planet, she did not had the chance to grow up the way she did on the planet, as at the age of six, she was kidnapped by slavers in a dark corner of the Eshan's main capital city, and would be subsequently smuggled out into the Outer Rim into the hands of a Hutt Gangster, named Zambo, where she would branded.

Satyana would later be freed when a group of Jedi lead by the Jedi Master, Amboro Maximus, came to free her on a mission that involved freeing slaves on said planet. Disgusted at the condition that she was in, Amboro took the girl as his own daughter, and would later discover that she was force sensitive. Upon noticing this, he would have the girl be trained under his tutelage as well as several other Jedi Master.

Throughout most of her life, Satyana would be trained in the ways of the force, however, she had been proven difficult to learn, as Satyana would be prone to bursting out into anger and stress whenever things do not seemingly go her way. The traumatic times she had from Zambo affected her in many ways, made her usually go on edge, and sometimes even let out her emotions in her fighting, which endangered not only her, but the masters around her. This anger would be a prime focus on trying to control by her masters, and no one would understand how to do it, than Amboro, her father.

A few more years would pass, with Satyana increasingly growing more controlled with Satyana controlling her anger, and learning how to utilize it for a better purpose, rather than an instrument for revenge, which was not the Jedi way. She would be successful on her first missions, and would prove herself to grow even better. However, in one of the missions, Amboro Maximus would of been killed in a lightsaber duel, and Satyana would be devastated. In his dying words, he would tell her to be trained under his close friend, Mastu Ike, and she would eventually reach her on Acht-To to help complete her training as a Jedi Padawan.


1x Lightsaber (Blue)


As she was trained in the ways of the force under a Jedi, Satyana would know how to use a lightsaber in the form I style of combat, however, she had became more a of a practitioner in the ways of using the ways of using the more aggressive Form III of lightsaber training, as it would encourage her to utilize her anger and built up rage to be focused into combat, keeping her complexion calmer throughout her fighting. Most of her force abilities focuses on acrobatics and speed, as she is fairly athletic, and rather well built.

As an Echani, she would be a natural born warrior, studying techniques from an Echani Jedi Master, Herana Corvenia, which would make her a skilled warrior, and rather good at hand-to-hand combat like many people of her race, although she is a bit lacking due to how later in her life she learned it due to her time as a slave.

The Final Steps
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