Saul Grimtye
New Member
NAME: Saul GrimtyeFACTION: One Sith
RANK: NCO - Sergeant
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 95 kgs
HAIR: Dark Blue
SKIN: Blue Black
(+) Commando Training - One Sith commando training techniques are somewhat unorthodox but effective. Saul is a fine tuned killing machine, encouraged to show no mercy and take no folly. Saul's quick reflexes, superb strength and fitness, as well as confident weapon handling, are all thanks to his training.
(+) Relatively Intelligent - While not a genius, Saul is in possession of some pretty substantial brainpower. This translates to quick thinking and adaptability on the battlefield, noteworthy traits for a soldier.
(+/-) Loyal - More of a personality trait than a strength or weakness... Still, Saul's loyalty spurs him to fight to his best abilities, but could also land him in some tricky situations.
(-) Slight PTSD - Sure, the training helps, as do lovely One Sith pyschiatrists, but conflicts fought, battles won and lost, they all take their toll on Saul's psyche. And it can only get worse.
(-) Terrible Pilot - Saul can hit the autopilot button and that's as far as his flying knowledge extends.
As a Chiss, Saul shares their baseline characteristics. Red eyes, blue hair, blue skin. That said, his skin is a few shades darker than average and his eyes seem to glow just a bit more. He stands at 6'2", taller than most but not ridiculously so, and weighs 95kgs. Built like a rugby player, essentially. Saul's face carries a few more wrinkles than his peers, mainly due to his habit of frowning at people and scowling at others. His actual face is rather unremarkable, with the only memorable characteristic being the imposing aura his average face seems to create.
As for mannerisms and general conduct, Saul carries himself like an officer rather than an NCO. His posture is borderline perfect and his gait is confident. His movements are precise and deliberate, and his presence can dominate a room full of lesser people. His speech is almost noble, a dialect he adopts instead of the one he grew up with.
When does a boy become a man? It is an open ended question, the answer is subjective. As such, there is no definitive answer. For Saul, he found the answer when he signed up to join the One Sith military at the grand old age of 18. There, he became a man. Natural talent and ability sent him to the commandos, where he excelled and quickly rose through the ranks to Sergeant.
yadayadayada this'll get filled in eventually as roleplays develop, I guess.