Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Saun-Tark Belgorn

Saun-Tark Belgorn


Species: Weequay.
Age: 30.
Sex: Male.
Place of Birth : Sriluur
Height: 5,9 ft.
Weight: 200Lbs
Eyes: Deep Brown.
Skin: Tanned Light Brown Leather.
Force Sensitive: No. But his species has a good sense of smell given that they communicate mainly through pheromones.

Possessions : Naturally, a Mandalorian Armor, which is however not equipped with a jetpack, mainly ocher & burgundy, with green touchs. The armor has had its day, and is lightly equiped : due to his species natural brutality, Saun’ most of the time uses his Vibrosword, but, he still made some improvements with a Whipcord Launcher, a Wrist Flamethrower and a Dur-24 Knee Laser.
He lives and travel with his Edgehawk-Class Carrier, reconfigured into habitat. A CK-6 Swoop Bike is kept in it.

Faction: The Mandalorian Enclave
Rank: A simple Weequay, serving the Mando’ade.

Qualities : Faithful, Determined, Handsome Weequay.
Weaknesses : Impulsive, Fearless, No Concept of Danger.

Who is he : Saun-Tark was born on Sriluur about thirty years ago. He isn’t a bounty hunter, nor a professionnal warrior. Saun’ is most of all an outer-rim wayfarer, living in his ship that he sometimes land on Tatooine for long stays. This is here, when he was ten, that he joined the Enclave. He has no tragic nor epic past to tell you, no, he is a simple guy making his way through the galaxy. His main activity is freight transport, that some may call smuggling, depending of the point of view they have ! But, his activities never serves his own interest, but the enrichment of the Mandalorian people.
Due to his work, the Weequay interacts frequently with other species and factions, but we could say that he is a little closed to others. For him, the Enclave shouldn’t need other factions help and intervention in its affairs, and he always does his best to make deals in their financial and political disinterest.
Impulsive and without any concept of danger, he may sometimes kill or attack someone, just for bad words or a bad look.
Saun-Tark is faithful, and won’t ever betray the Mandalorian nation, until she never betray him or herself.​

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