The Legacy and Revenge of Grevious

[SIZE=11pt]SPECIES: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Unknown Humanoid[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]AGE: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Late Thirties[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]SEX: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]HEIGHT: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]1.8 Meters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]WEIGHT: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]83 Kilos[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]EYES: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Yellow-Green[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]HAIR: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Unknown[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]SKIN: [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Pale-Pink[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][+] Warrior: He’s a trained soldier, by whom? No one knows, but he doesn’t take a fight lying down.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][+] Mechanic: Before he became a servant of Grevious’ legacy, Saureen was a mechanic, and a damned good one at that. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][+]Loyal: Saureen, after establishing trust with someone, will never break that trust and will forever remain loyal until death or betrayal.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/] Mentally Unsound: His overall state of mind is not perfect, in many instances he shows psychopathic behavior. Which can be beneficial and disadvantageous when in high risk situations.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][/] Cyborg: Like the general himself, Saureen has robotic aids, specifically his right arm and an oxygen regulator. Where the robotic limb has a much larger strength than his physical arm, and the regulation system can allow him to breath in areas with less oxygen concentration, they can both be large liabilities if targeted. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][-] Broken Man: Underneath the radicalist shell, Saureen is a soul who was dealt a rotten hand. If that outer layer was ever penetrated, he and his terrible persona would come crumbling down into pieces.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][-] Vindictive: A Bantha never forgets, and neither does he. Ever cross Saureen and he will not rest until revenge has been exacted.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt][-] Rage: As his physical and mental bodies crumble, so does his emotional, if pushed Saureen can fall into a rage that makes him unapproachable, rash, and very irritable. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Although hidden by thick clothing and cheap armor, Saureen has an average build for a humanoid, his skin is pinkish-peach, whether or not that is genetic or physical damage is unknown. His face, head, and hair are all hidden by a black balaclava, an oxygen regulation breather, covered by a crude remake of Grevious’ mask, all under a pointed brown hood. The only feature visible to the naked eye is his distinct green-yellow eyes, unmistakable to anyone who had ever met Saureen. Most of his body is covered by the brown cloak, which is matted under an old, battered, chest piece of blast armor which adorns a filtration system that connects via two tubes to the breather attached to Saureen’s face. He wears brown leather boots with thick mercenary style pants tucked in. Unless in his periods of rest, Saureen is seen wearing a tool belt riddled with various gadgets, weapons, and tools. Unless the occasion demands otherwise, Saureen will have a stained sack and T-21 repeating blaster rifle. [/SIZE]