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Savage Kiriko: Fuzzball of the Frozen Wastes

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

There was a look on the jedi masters face, above all she was glad to work with the small artisan who was learning a great deal and had provided all fo them with a lot of interest. Her own eyes were checking out parts of the world as she walked across the surface of it, where they were here now, her artisan's were taking on their own projects as well. Namely they were working on the construction of what would be modular housing and buildings to colonize frozen worlds, provide secured roads for rapidly moving, having sections carved out for living conditions.

She had all of that and there was the new things that they had been working on, she could show off some of the inth and nnth alloy or the agena a semi organic component, the new clothing that they were making with the skylar. There were so many things that they had all been working on she didn't know where to begin as she stood there. Black hair straight and falling past the small of her back to mid thigh. She had gotten some of it cut so it wasn't almost under her boots as she walked. There was the thick braids of her hair that had been oiled with that solari crystal infused oil Junko had commissioned.

The scent of jasmine and flowers under the scent and feeling of the force that they had gotten. Her skin pale as always and covered everywhere she had tattoos from missions within the jedi order or covering the scars themselves. Her neck tight and pale when she looked out from black eyes on the snow. Seeing all of the reflection, the cape of her robes designed to have function and work as a large kama that gleamed silver and black. The clasps at her shoulders while the material of the synthmesh gleamed from the wintrium hiding some of her small parts.

The amulet functioning as a belt buckle, her sigil and a small dagger on her hip that radiated the force. Her lightsabers were there in plain view as was her parasol with the wooden sheath over the beskad that was opened depicting on the small painted covers different events they had done. The snow crunching under her boots while she walked looking as the construction they were doing on the small roadways to test out parts like their speeders. Runabout shuttles were going overhead and Willa's ranger's the antarian ranger's who were with her on felucia stayed on as protection.

SHe would wait for the bear who was adorable but one never knew what might have happened to him before her hand came up to her mouth with a small piece of golden liquid. Honey in the small bottle she could feel sliding down her throat and warming it in the cold of the air.
The pilot-droid had been so nice.

It had been quite the pleasant conversation. For the life of him, the Beorni would have never have imagined that a droid would have had such an interest in grav-ball.

The Beorni was no longer the small cub that the famed Jedi Generalist had known before. Time out in the Iron Empire had aged the boy into a gangly adolescent. A growth spurt had extended his frame upwards to nearly two meters, but he hadn't yet filled out his adolescent form. He was slightly awkward looking, as if skinny in places where he should have been round.

Descending from the loading ramp, the white-furred Beorni walked on all fours until he'd approached closer to the small woman. Then, rearing back on his hind legs, the Beorni offered a formal bow.

"Master Ike," Kiriko remarked in greeting. As he straightened back up, the bear had his forepaws pressed together and pointed upward. A gesture of respect among the Jal Shey and some other Force traditions.

Allowing his paws to drop back by his side, the Beorni offered, "I bring some teas from Csilla and Olstyn, as well as a drawing of the Temple at Ilum. I hope that you will find them to your liking."

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She was surprised somewhat... mostly because now he was tall and massive compared to her but he was growing.. she was old and had had her last growth spurt when she was fifteen at least coming to only five feet tall. She looked at him bow and returned it for a moment with a small bow of her head before looking up at him. "Tea is always welcome." There was a grin on her face and she motioned for him along the path as it went past some fo the construction. "I am glad to see that you are well Kiriko." She saw the ta though and that was a welcome thing... you could never go wrong with tea as a git. Only hippies and worse things hated tea.

"And tea is always welcome, now let us see what we might be able to do. THe construction teams have uncovered many more ruins on this world so we have been trying to build around and connect them with our new roadways." Hopefully once it was done, traveling across the planet in a storm would be that much easier and simple so they wouldn't have to worry about the high risks involved and if it went how she wanted to. Pathways to walk or travel with small lodges and buildings for supplies just in case never out of reach. The jedi and those they protected here on the world should have more then enough.

"We've also been working on a number of new projects and items that you might be able to put to use."
Bowing a second time toward the woman, the Beorni straighten back up only to drop down onto all fours.

This way, Master Ike would not be having to look up at him all the time.

"I don't believe I'm familiar with this world," Kiriko admitted candidly. Certainly, he'd not been here before. At least, not that he could recall. And he'd like to imagine he'd recall it if he had been. Truthfully, he'd love to hear anything she'd care to tell him of it, regardless of whether or not it might be of use to him. It was new. And wonderful. And it was a planet, which meant that people lived here. That made it worth cherishing.

Looking around as the master spoke, the bear's round ears perked up as he listened. When she had finished, the bear looked back over at her, "I'm most interested in hearing more about these projects, Master."

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Matsu continued and when he showed interest in the world she spoke with a small glimmer in her eye. "This world is forgotten by most, often times the jedi of late disregard worlds from the past that aren't exclusively famous. Ando Prime and the Andobi Mountains where we are located were home to some of the founders of the Order long ago." In truth they were still around, some had existed as late as the fall of the republic and rise of the empire, one or two seemed to be around today but the teachings were altered over time and with all of the work that was going on. They were also very passive and welcoming to guests as she had learned while standing there.

"For the projects we have been working on different aspects, to try and improve what lives we will be able to do. From better field equipment the jedi and ranger's can use to reduce weight and equipment in the field." Like their hardlight blinds that took up smaller space but made a tent that could house two squads, cloak them from view easily and keep them warm without the need for a fire at night. That took out the need for them to have several pieces of their gear. Same for different masks and filters when they could just have one that covered everything. Or clothing and uniforms that were more flexible.

"We've also been looking at ways to improve different planets with more protective and easy to produce pieces of structures. For a more modular construction able to be set up rapidly for now." She had been setting it up and they were working on areas here where they could and would be able to see it. THey were making the speeders that would work with them for rapid transit systems or automated things. As all of them looked around them here she could also point out where they were working to restore with the bendu monks parts of their villages and temples. With new rock and metal carved, ice structures being laid with strong force enhancement.

"We have been looking to make the walls reinforced with force energy to make them stronger to weather how much longer they should end up being here. Much like we did in restoring Ahch-To's jedi temple we have been trying to strengthen the stone itself." Where she was able to look around now and Kiriko could get a chance to see some of the other projects like their water purification, relief workers testing how to get seeds and crops to grow in different conditions including making modular greenhouses. Something they could put onto well any world and it would function and thrive to grow crops or different pieces of food.
"Ando Prime?"

The Beorni echoed the name as the woman said it. "Ando Prime..." Kiriko repeated, clearly struggling to recall some obscure fact or history that he'd come across somewhere in his never-ending quest for questionably useful knowledge.

Bringing up a forepaw, the bear snapped with his claw and dewclaw. "Oh! You refer to the Dai Bendu," Kiriko realized, his round ears perking up immediately. There was a gleam of curiosity in his eyes, as though a certain thirst for knowledge had just been ignited. "Oh, that's fabulous! I would love to meet them."

There was so much to learn about the past. Their traditions. Their art. Their cultures. Their passions...

Even as the bear's mind began to wander with the possibilities, he found the discussion about the master's work on this world to draw him back to the conversation at hand.

And it rather resembled one he'd had not very long ago. "Strange you should mention reinforcement techniques, Master," Kiriko uttered, inclining his head toward the stately Jedi. "I was just meeting with a young woman named [member="Karren Trask"] who was seeking such knowledge."

Pausing a moment, the Beorni admired the work that was being done. "The modular building concept has a lot of potential," Kiriko offered, though quite somberly. "The First Order, the Sith, and the Empire have all been very active of late. I expect many more are homeless tonight than were yesterday."

[member="Matsu Ike"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She gave a small nod of agreement to that, the displaced on the galaxy could be a very big problem and she had some solutions for that... well at least something that could be tried. "Yes there is a lot with every darkside group wanting to take a piece of the jedi or whatever government opposes them well enough." She had a small look on her face of disappointment in some cases. She had seen things and knew much more about different people, her disappointment in how things went or what passed for a sense of honor. Where she could work on it though when some fo the other buildings and the being who had descended from the Bendu were around helping them.

"I am certain they would be glad to meet you, even after all of of this time they are stil ever the seekers of knowledge and interested in learning what they can." She said it while providing Kiriko with more areas so he could check them all out. A construction station over the ridge and down into the lowest levels of the mountains. "We were able to set up one fo the crucible stations here to construct everything on the world that might be needed to save some time. The new shuttles and cargo haulers we have built allow rapid transit across the world and the roadways that are being tested are nearly automated."
"That should save on time and labor," the Beorni noted.

His muzzle dipped down and then tilted up as the bear looked over at one of cargo haulers as it was mentioned. When he'd looked back over at the small master, Kiriko asked, "What manner of reinforcement technique are you using?" the Beorni asked. There were several possible methods that he could think of.

"A Force imbuement? Art of the Small?" Even as he said them aloud, Kiriko couldn't imagine either having application on a scale such as what Master Ike would require.

Kiriko usually worked on a much smaller scale than that of Master Ike or her craftsmen, but that didn't mean he wasn't looking for insight into their techniques. Certainly, Master Ike was a crafter beyond compare. There was doubtless more that the woman had forgotten in her lifetime than the bear would ever know in his.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She offered him a grin while motioning for him to come. "A mixture of both this is the agena." She said it while holding the vat of liquid up. The red orange fluid coating crystal strings that were writhing around within it. "The fluid is an organic component allowing the organic circuits to live in a semi sentient state tat lets a jedi detect and connect with it. Able to pour the force into it and by extension the liquid. It is like a reinforced coating of energy that goes within and spread across. Then it reinforces the walls and the base, we work from there to weave force energy into the metal and stone so it will exist in a semi permanent state of being enhanced. Engineers need to reapply force energy from time to time to keep it up but it can work a lot better. It also works to keep those who serve the darkside ill at ease when near it so they aren't able to infiltrate as easily."
Crystalline strands suspended in a gelatin?

That was ingenious. If the coating could be bonded to the underlying surface of what it was applied to, then the first step of a Force Imbuement would be done. It would merely be a matter of weaving the molecular structure to bind or reinforce the core of the object. But, in a pinch, a bonded coating would likely allow for significant Force reinforcement.

"Normally, a Force Imbuement requires a kyber crystal be embedded in order to channel the Force energy resident in the object," Kiriko observed, still thinking through the implications and applications of the gelatin. "Do these crystal strands also regulate the energy?"

If so, that wasn't ingenious. It was positively brilliant.

"How did you ever come up with some an idea?" the bear wondered aloud.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

SHe could see that he was thiking of it and ways that it could all work together. "The idea is old, myself and Sorel found mention of it in Satale Shan's holocron. The jedi grandmaster encountered droids with this type of fluid. It had interesting properties such as allowing the droids to evolve exponentially and even repair themselves from damaged parts. With the crystals over the strands it makes it easier to control and use as the organic component keeps the force crystals active." Compared to others that required a constant connection to the force from someone with this they were able to stay active and as long as the flid was there and they weren't on worlds like myrkr.

"The first real ship we have designed using it has proven quite effective." She looked at him with a small grin on her face bringing it up. "A meditation ship for the jedi, basking in the lightside of the force and able to amplify your abilities. It is almost living like ancient sith meditation spheres only more a servant of the lightside of the force." THey had made it and been surprised at the rersults, having a massive chamber within the central area of the ship that would do it. THen just getting the super structure built around it to protect it and provide something the meditation spheres didn't have. Protection and some crew to maintain it over time.

That word sent the bear down a rabbit hole of thought. Could the bonding process be done with something natural? Bone... or shell... or wood.

She said meditation. They'd used this to imbue meditation spheres? Well, that was fascinating -- in both theory and scale -- but could it be brought down to the individual level? "Master, what about a personal item?" the Beorni inquired. The question likely seeming quite vague, as it came out of no where but the bear's own convoluted creative process.

"Like... a bracelet," Kiriko opined, thinking through his initial idea aloud as the two walked along. "Or maybe even a... a charm, like something a Jedi could attach to his lightsaber or wear," the Beorni remarked, trying to elaborate verbally on the conceptual designs that he'd much prefer to sketch or draw out.

"Could something like that be bonded with this, and imbued to help center a Jedi under stress?"

He did not say 'in battle' though he knew that was likely what came to her mind. It came to his as well, but there were many ways in which Jedi experienced stress. A Jedi Healer might feel stress working with a critical patient. A Jedi Researcher might feel stress confronted by artifacts of the Sith.

But yes, the enemies of the Jedi were all around them. And braver now than before, it seemed. Certainly with no lack of ill will. So if such a thing could help a Jedi Guardian in defending the light, then Kiriko might not approve of the violence... but at least it would be supporting the Order.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

She looked at him with a small grin on her face. He was thinking of ways to use it and make it into something that would be a large improvement. "Yes it could, the solari and pontite crystals that were used in the design are made to calm and focus a jedi's mind already so any more crystals you want to use with it can improve it. The force imbuement of energies can let you alter the properties. We've experimented and created a few pieces that promote harmony and serenity in even the most stressful situation. THe new hilts we have designed for anyone of the jedi order to use for instance. We have also been working on a special chamber for sabers to slot crystals and really personalize the sabers themselves."

She had seen some ideas and if they were able to make it work out correctly it could be quite a sight to behold. She knew Kiriko was skilled and he might have some ideas about how to implement them. For now though his ideas of bonding and using the agena with small trinkets was something she found interesting. Something that they could do and... "We've also managed to make from the agena and crystals the lifeblood. A synthetic blood of the lightside that for some fo the jedi who choose to try and do blood rituals to strengthen their equipment.. without some fo the major risks associated with the darkside."
The bear's blunted snout turned up toward the woman.

"Blood rituals, Master?" the Beorni asked, for a moment curious to ask what she meant. Except, she'd mentioned the Dark Side. The name blood ritual conjured up less than pleasing mental imagery as it was. The drop of the Dark Side name more or less told the bear everything he needed to know.

"I'm sure I don't want to know," Kiriko uttered finally. A shake of his head causing the rolls of blubber to jiggle along his sides.

But, the woman had introduced him to a new medium for Force Imbuement. As well as a different perspective on weaving those energies, or even a different medium with which to do so. It was definitely something new to consider and think about, as the idea about the bracelet continued to work its way through the Beorni's mind.

[member="Matsu Ike"]​
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

All of this talk was distracting from some fo the main things they did, with Kiriko there was a chance that Sasori and herself would be able to really work on some unique things. This temple here they were reconstructing for the Dai Bendu was one fo the many things being worked on. THe testing here let them get ideas of what to do on worlds like Rhen Var where they were looking to expand and restore the temples themselves. Matsu had the Botany Bay with the force sensitive plants and animals on it, she was using a few other ideas though while bringing Kiriko to the temple foundation for a new library. "Well it won't always be pretty but if we can make it somewhat safer for the jedi who are going to try and fight fire with fire. Most don't understand the darkside and how it can be corruptive to the mind and body. THey just want to be something I am not certain of but at least there are artisan's like yourself. We even have something being worked on, an assistant droid for crafting."

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