Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev Savage Sands

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Kahne Porte Kahne Porte

The world was unknown.. the jedi master had tracked across the worlds several things but she felt it in the force... and she saw it. THe swirling winds on the world at parts of it were deformed from space... the remains of an ardana were there... visible from space on the planet. Other parts of it were obscured... possibly broken apart as the jedi master moved. There was a beacon for those who wanted to come and explore or provide aid... she had the ship deploying the beacon as she moved towards the hanger bay and had her robes. THe survival pack was there and other equipment. SHe stood there in the hand for a moment as the force wrapped around her body... a shimmer for a moment and the jedi master was sustaining herself as the hanger doors opened. The air rushing out as she flew forward and towards the planet with her robes remaining close.

The shimmer of heat against the force shield she was projecting around herself... the rush and feeling of her stomach as she accelerated towards the world and allowed the force to guide her pathway going down and towards the large Ardana. She felt someone latch onto her shoulder as the bunny cat like creature purred with its large ears for the moment. They entered the atmosphere and she remained up there for a moment.. letting the sunlight gleam against the shimmering silver robes.. her black hair for a moment floating weightless... she allowed the force to stretch out across the world... the star system itself as she drew in with a breath... her mind feeling and following it... there in the distance. A small sliver... a flicker of energy. Matsu was experienced and Sor-Jan said once tracking a single flake of snow in a blizzard on hoth.

She didn't spend to long there... narrowing her focus as she allowed the force to guide her down towards the mountains... the ebony stone jutting from the surface like a massive fist as another was carved in the look of a face. Her eyes searching for a moment as the first signs of something else was there... carved structures.... thick walls and streets of stone that weaved through as she touched down. Her hand coming out as she traced the energies around... guiding her sight along the buildings and further into it all... more structures built in and more streets that wound around into an area that looked like a marketplace. The central area where she was searching as she wrapped the force around herself and began to shape the earth itself... wrapping it around so she could move through it down into the lower chambers.

The lowest chambers glowed as she came into them... her eyes roaming around but she could feel it as the scents of life and water was down there. The romm opening to show a tree that was larger than the room. Its branches stretched and twined around the whole of the hall, some of gold, some of silver; with leaves of kyber, and fruit of other precious gems. She could see them and slid one of the smaller artisan field kits from her belt. The bunny cat by her side roaming around and playing with some of the crystals that were growing on the vines. Her attention going to it as the kit was testing the gemstones for their purity and viability to be used in a lightsaber or with anything else. THey might be able to use it like a tobel crystal lens. Her hand motioning for the creature to handle things and rejoin her as it was moving along the vines and sending down some of the gem fruits.

Sasori had come here with their explorations cause many things were of interest but seeing such a sight like a massive hand and head emerging from a planet... it wasn't exactly something that should be natural.... which went a long way for them. Establishing the chance to use this as a research and development area but also as a base of operation for jedi teams that came out this far. They were handling it and setting up an opening for others who wished to help. Chance for some jedi from the smaller and other enclaves to discover things no one had ever seen before. "Send out the call." She said it while finding a place to sit and meditate as she was in the palm of the massive things hand with gateways of the unbeing opening to various temples and enclaves around the universe.
It came as dream at first, then it became much more real. The Jedi Master well versed in the gift of foresight. This was something more, the force seemingly pulling upon all things towards a singular location. It wasn't dark or anything of that nature, but a beacon of light and hope that called all those that sought to bring peace and order to the galaxy. The Jedi Master had sensed this before, and now again he made it a point to search out this becaon, and see what the cause was.

The Jedi Master had his shipped prepped for takeoff and with Gala alongside him. He hardly went anywhere with her, his trust astro droid. It wasn't just that, he wouldn't hear the end of it if he left without her. He was fifty years old, and the droid treated him like he was a child.

It was slightly annoying at times, but he knew she meant well. She was one of his oldest friends.

"I'm not sure what we will find. But it you could reach out and feel as i can." The Jedi Master said as the ship shot into hyperspace. He heard several positive beeps and whistles from Gala as she moved about the cockpit.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright." The Jedi Master reached out with the force, calling upon the collective energies to this location. Trying to reach whomever was out there.

They were not alone....

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Kahne Porte Kahne Porte

THe exploration of the body and world itself was... different. The jedi master took her time as she breathed in... letting the force guide her down the length of the arm into the clouds and water. The crook of the arm giving way to a shoulder and the head could be seen from there as she was able to better gauge how large this massive thing was... a mountain might be smaller when she felt something. A tingle in the air and back of her head when she was looking up into the skies above. SOmeone was coming... she could feel it in the force and her senses were expanding.. traveling through more then just the space around her as she breathed in and out... expanding her awareness and contracting it ever so slightly to expand with each breath. Her hand came out as she brought up the eye of the grandmaster and with their drider eyes system it allowed her to do a lot more then some might have thought. She was looking and turned her head up but didn't worry or fear it. A ship approaching was small compared to some things as she found a place to sit on the large head of the mountain and looked up. Waiting...

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