Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Save Veino!

So, with the Lujo ending with, for Veino, a bang as he finally drops his emotional barriers and essentially reveals himself in his full power before losing himself, he's going to need some help recovering from that. His self will be lost in the wave of thoughts and emotions he always picks up from others. When he's conscious, he's able to erect barriers to keep that from happening, but once he dropped them, he doesn't have the focus to put them back up.

So, my Jensaarai NPCs came and rescued him to return him to Susefvi, but he's going to be unconscious for a long while and then when consciousness is regained, he'll be essentially insane until he can put barriers in place to reassert his own identity within his own mind. That is going to require some help. That's where other y'all are needed. The Jensaarai have never seen anything like this before, so they will contact the NJo for assistance. If anyone is interested, they will let everyone into the actual Jensaarai enclave (with an oath of secrecy of course) to help them bring Veino back, essentially from the Force.

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