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Approved NPC Saverok Barcu

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Image Credit: StarWars The Old Republic

Name: Saverok Barcu
Loyalties: Kezeroth Barcu
Role: Original Cloner Template, Was presumed dead but is very much alive
Development Threads: WIP
Age: Roughly 3500
Species: Gen'Dai
Force-Sensitive: Yes, Rogue Master
Appearance: Wears Heavy Gen'Dai plating to Shape his body thats covered by brown cloaks.
Height: 8'5ft
Weight: 350lb +
Personality: Wise, Ignorant, Insane, Corrupt and yet Sensible. Follows the Tradition Gen'Dai Philosophy that taking a active role is a waste of time. Let Nature re-balance on its own.
Weapon of Choice: Strength & the Force
Wealth: Very Poor, Does not care for Wealth
Combat Function: Tries to Avoid major combat but since age is gaining on him he often gets aggressive now and then.
(+) IS the only one who can help Kezeroth Learn his past and whats happening to him now
(+) Wise in the ways of the Force
(+/-) Follows a Strict Life Philosophy
(-) Arrogant
(-) Is just as Insane as Kezeroth, struggling with the Darkside as he grows older and more Aggressive.
Skills: Knowledge: Deep knowledge of Kezeroths beginnings and the Force bonds that entice him, HE would know this beacsue there basicly the same expect Kezeroth is younger & Mastery of the Force.
Notable Possessions: Traditional Gen'Dai armor ( Very Old ) And some Old Cloaks that fit him.
Other Notes: Saverok Barcu is the Original Cloner who was picked to get be cloned as a Experiment but if you Read the Bio of Kezeroth Barcu, It went bad and not as planned. Saverok will serve as a Mentor to Kezeroth about his connection to the Force and what His ultimate Fate will be if he does not Change. Saverok in no way will be Openly used for Combat. His main purpose is to enrich and help Kezeroth understand more about himself and the where he came from.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

Reviewing the gen'dai article and with his advanced age he should be in the stages of psychosis and losing his mind.

He can either be almost force dead or skilled but not both please choose one

Please add image credit

If you wish for knight or master rank with the NPC I would like to see a dev thread
Ok so i Edited him up [member="Matsu Ike"]

Removed Mastery of Power and Skills and replaced it with Just Knowledge from his living

I dont wish to make him a Knight or Master, So far he is a Force user that has lived a long time.

And I added that he is Insane and twisted
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

If he is in the stages of psychosis is he would be wise or a planner, nor would his experiences and knowledge be still there. A gen'dai's brain degrades and cannot heal like the rest of their body.

And looking at this I would still like a dev thread for this knowledge as "experience" can mean anything in the end. Please define what he knows either in the sub or a dev thread.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

There are actually things I missed now.

If he is force dead then he coudln't and wouldn't be abel to survive off of the force, nor would be be able to use it. There were a few vong that could but most things force dead could not feel it. Please edit and we'll go from there.
How long of a Dev thread do i need for a Master NPC.... [member="Matsu Ike"]

Srry for the rapid change but its faster and better if i type out my frustrations to make a story.

I made several re-edits.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Kezeroth the Hateful"]

10 posts is the minimum for a development thread. Show his knowledge and skills with the force/sabers ect. and everything should be good.
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