Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Savos Adas


Name: Savos Adas

Faction: Knights of Ren

Rank: Noble
Knight of Ren (alter-ego)

Species: Human (Onderon)

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 1.80m

Weight: 80kg

Eyes: black (originally)
yellow (Dark Side)

Hair: Black (originally)
Gray (Dark Side)

Skin: light brown (originally)
Pale (Dark Side)

Force Sensitive: Yes (6,500 midi-chlorians)

  • Sith sorcery proficiency
  • Sith alchemy proficiency
  • Wisdom (Was regarded by Snoke as the most wise member in the Knights of Ren, and correctly guessed the destruction of Starkiller base.)
  • proficient in healing injuries on self and allies using the Dark side.
  • Knowledge of many Dark side abilities and artifacts, due to his intensive study into Sith lore.
  • Manipulation skills
  • Poor weapon combatant
  • Carelessness
  • Forgetful
  • No advanced computer skills
  • No security skills
  • No skill in piloting
  • Lacking knowledge in many other areas such as Light side powers, martial arts, sailing, swimming etc.
  • Poor physical build
  • Low force potential
Appearance: Frail and weak due to dark side corruption. Pale skin, yellow eyes, medium height, black hair and minor facial hair.

Biography: Savos Adas, born to a rich aristocratic family with a younger brother and older sister on Iziz, who repeatedly angered Savos by hurling insults at him everyday. Savos wished to become a Senator in the New Republic and usher in a golden age for Onderon, but his parents 'actively' discouraged him from entering politics, and in the end fueled his rage. At the age of 17, Savos had enough, he was usually good at keeping his anger in check, but after a bad day in where his whole family beat him after finding out he had been meeting with a stranger (Snoke) for the past year, lying to his parents under the guise of going out with friends. Savos unleashed the anger within him which was stored and held back for years. He killed his whole family that day, and made his first connection to the Dark side of the the force. He spoke with Snoke, who was under the alias of Sorz Bruhm, a Senator for Onderon revealed himself as the Supreme Leader of The First Order, and admitted to coming to Onderon for the sole purpose of looking for a Sith holocron, which Savos had along with numerous other Sith artifacts and lore. Snoke, after convincing Savos to give him the holocron, unlocked its secrets with King Adas, a Sith overlord pre-dating the Republic by almost 5,000 years, identifying Savos as the descendant of his power, as Savos carried his last name, 'Adas'. Blaming the massacre of house Adas on a group of assassins hired by another house, Savos was free of suspicion and followed Snoke onto Starkiller base, where he officially became a member of the Knights of Ren. After constructing his lightsaber, earning his ship and meeting with his pilot, Savos was more of a Sith magician than a Sith warrior unlike the other Knights of Ren, rarely using his physical weapons and relying on his sorcery, alchemy or manipulating his enemies into taking each other out. After seeing the Rebel star ships in orbit of Starkiller base, Savos left immediately. Not wanting to participate in the chaos and destruction that would ensue. Currently, he is in orbit of Dathomir, a planet rich in the Dark side of the force.

Ship: Allanar N3 light freighter. 3 engines and equipped with laser cannons and has a sizable cargo bay with a hyperspace drive. Due to his lack of piloting skills, Savos' has a personal Chiss pilot. She has been piloting the ship for 2 years now.

Kills: None yet...

Bounties collected: None yet...


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