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"My mistake: four coffins."
Basic information- Name - Týr Saxon
- Pronunciation - TE-ER SAH-AX-ON
- Aliases/Nicknames/Titles - The Concordian Viper, Struggler, Ruug'la'adiik, "Hun"
- Allegiance(s) - None
- Faction(s) - None
- Occupation(s) - Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, "recovery agent"
- Language(s)s Spoken - Basic (Fluent), Bocce (Fluent), Mando'a (Fractured), Huttese (Basic understanding)
- Species - Concordian Human
- Gender - Male
- Age - Twenty Standard-Rotations
- Height - 198cm, 78in, 6ft6
- Weight - 89kg, 198lbs, 14st
- Physique - Lithe, Athletic
- Disfigurements/Tattoos/Body-modifications - Extensive physical scarring, faded spire-ganger tattoos, two lobe piercings and a tongue piercing
- Eye Colour - Green
- Hair Colour - Black
- Force Sensitive - Yes
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「A whip thin physique belies a practical, trained strength and physique. As thin and as tall as a young Veshok, Saxon's physique has been honed and hardened by arduous training and a lifestyle where meekness and a slight build will result in a quick, messy death. His body is like that of a statue, hard and carved from marble, and yet it's creator has seemingly become dissatisfied with his work -- and in his rage has chiseled and hammered furiously, marring it's surface with scars and ruin.
Thick, broad and handsome features sparsely littered with streaks of white tissue frame eyes as a deep jade, like that of uncut gems. His skin is swarthy, his hair jet-black, shaved at the sides to the scalp and kept long at the top.
A myriad of tattoos cover his body like a canvas, faded only in body. Most are poorly done, rushed and unprofessional -- carved into his flesh with a heated needle of Rylothian ink. Even still, they range from momentous of his past to a bar-code on the nape of his neck belying his property to a now destroyed prison complex.」
"Nothing personal of course. It's just business."
「A mercenary to his core, he upholds no allegiances or personal input into a situation beyond the promise of a delivery and the desire to get paid in full. He possesses a consummate, polite professionalism -- even when he's got a barrel pressed against the temple of some poor fool who was unfortunate enough to upset someone with enough wrath and disposable income to hire him. No job or contract it too personal for the bounty hunter, though certain circumstances and contexts may require some coercion in the form of a fistful of credits in order to coerce him into fulfilling his end of the bargain. To Saxon, it's a job -- not the condemning of a life or some unpalpable sin, to him it's as natural as someone flipping bantha burgers, albeit significantly less niche.Even still, he upholds his indifference in conflict and should he independence or freedom be ever strained or brought into question, he will not hesitate to make it foreseeable desire to make whomever caused him duress' life significantly shorter and unpleasant.
A pariah and a wayfaring stranger in all accounts, Saxon has neither had the opportunity nor the desire to form relationships with those around him. Little more than an enigma, the extent of his social interactions with others involves pointing blaster barrels at others and negotiating prices. Feeling an alienation from most cultures and organisations, he belongs to no one but himself and the path he has set before him, shunning fate and a higher purpose for a blaster on his hip and a target to hunt.
Having a lineage stretching back thousands of years within the warriors of Mandalore, Saxon has never felt a belonging or allegiance to them, even if he dons their armour. The extent of his interactions with his "own" kind involved his father and quite a few rival mercenaries, and holds very little both for either.」
「Born within the throes of passion and poor-decision-making between an exiled member of the Mando'a people and an unknown mother on a ship setting sail from Concord Dawn, a planet he would never step foot upon. A hunter by trade, much like his son -- Saxon spent the majority of his dawning years surrounded by scum and villainy, learning his fathers trade alongside him. Taught a bastardized, twisted version of the Mando'a culture, his father forsook the paternal responsibilities which his culture taught in favour of a militaristic, cynical code of honour; to Saxon's father, the crusaders and warriors of old were the apotheosis of Mandalore and her culture, and those who followed the heretical Resol'nare were weak, without discipline, favoring the stagnation of peace over the change and empowerment of conquest.
His father was far from cruel to him, though his arduous, near torturous training as his body grew quickly warped the boy's perception of his father's love. To the boy's father, to equip him with the skills and desire to fight and survive was of significantly higher importance than love itself.
Saxon did not undergo the Verd'goten, instead his father passed his rite of initiation off as simply tracking and bringing back a mark, dead or alive.
Eventually, Saxon's father's lifestyle would be catch up with him, when he was slain during an altercation within a bar on Coruscant. By that point, Saxon was still a teenager, yet old enough to wander off and fend for himself. The boy fell into a gang, associating himself further with gangers and smugglers. He was later captured by a punitive officer alongside his fellow gangers and sent to a prisoner facility within the outer-rim, to which he quickly broke out of and became a corsair, until reaching the age of eighteen rotations.
His life since then has been violent, yet eventful - without purpose of clarity as to what his place within the galaxy is, Saxon continues to practice his trade throughout the galaxy.」
Saxon's Beskar'gam has seen countless conflicts, and though gradual modification and replacement of shattered plates, is no longer comprised of Beskar'gam alloy, instead using Duraplas to protect it's wearer.
Helmet Features
- Firmware programming - Allows the hud to independantly track and scan items of note as well as mark certain points of information and process them. Also linked to the Holo-net.
- Filters - The armour's helmet is capable of filtering out smoke, most poisonous gases and toxic/hazardous atmosphere. Is void-sealed and has half an hour of oxygen stores.
- Optics - The helmet comes equipped with a variety of vision modes, including thermal, night, electronic, radiation and can use sonar to scan it's surroundings and build an electronic readout of a landscape. Comes equipped with full 360' vision and can dim itself automatically in response to sudden, intense bouts of light.
- Voice modulator - Used more as a weapon and a means of concealment rather than intimidation, Saxon is capable of mutating his voice to a synthetic, tinny growl and can scream, amplifying it's volume to literally deafening levels.
- E-11s rifle - Capable of extremely long ranges of fire, at the cost of extensive tibanna use. Power and velocity settings can be downturned to turn it into a medium-range battle-rifle.
- MandalTech Jai'galaar model Westar-35 - A single Westar-35 Blaster pistol. Modified for a higher rate of fire and stopping power, at the cost of ammunition capacity. Can only fire six times before needing to be reloaded.
- Gauntlets - Saxon's gauntlets come equipped with a flamethrower, lasso/grapnel launcher, both of which are capable of being electrified and two rockets. A pair of crush'gaunts are inbuilt as well.
Character Traits
+ Excellent combatant. If something can be killed, chances are that Saxon knows plenty of ways to do it.
+Excellent pilot. Can pretty much drive or fly anything, and well at that.
+Tracker. If you're somwhere in the galaxy, he will find you.
+/- Reputation. Saxon is infamous throughout the criminal underworld. This is both a boon and a bane to him.
- Anger. If someone pisses him off, very little will stop him from attempting to kill you.
- Independence/Indifference. Saxon doesn't want to be a hero. He'll fight for himself or credits, and very little else. He never works alongside others, and the thought of doing so it anathema to every core facet of his being.
- "It's just business". Every person has the potential to be either just another job to Saxon. As such, he prefers to keep a cool distance and "keep it professional". Because of this, Saxon does not easily form relationships or friendships, if at all. Likewise, he exudes an untrustworthy aura, likewise, the only thing he trusts are his employers credit chits.
- Allergies. You ever sneezed whilst wearing a helmet? Bad for the lenses.
OOC: Criticisms welcome. If I put something in that isn't allowed, feel free to tell me and I'll change it as quickly as possible.