Faith Fractured
What was the light?
No, really, what was it?
A… Thing? A shiny little bauble that you kept on a table or hung from a ceiling? Was it the sun and stars themselves, or something even more abstract than that? Was it something righteous, whereas other things were simply wrong?
Was it part of a greater existence or just a quirk developed in sentient beings to describe the antithesis to what could only be described as the slow and immaculate death of an entire universe? An apology written before, during, and after the fact? Was light the evil cousin of the dark or was the dark the evil cousin of the light? Who came first? What happened when there was only one of them, and could such a state ever be achieved? What would be the point then? What was the point of anything at all? Why did she exist, why did anyone exist?
Aeris let in a deep breath and slowly exhaled as the brisk winds swept across her cheek.
What was the point of struggle and what was the point of surrender? The unlit candle still held potential to be lit. A fully lit candle threw a shadow no matter if it shone so bright it engulfed all of existence. Maybe there would not exist a shadow on the outside, but there most certainly would exist a shadow within, and at that point was the light not just as bad as the dark if not even worse?
After all, how would anyone know pain without relief? How would one know joy without sorrow? Life was not a thing to solve or a wound to mend. Light and dark, life and death, were always going to be the exact same side of the very same coin. It was complicated, it didn't abide by any form of play rules that a mortal mind would ever comprehend. Many had pretended to understand, but only because that was what made them comfortable with unknowing the unknown.
True wisdom was to know that you would never know, and understand that in the end nothing ever truly mattered, and to embrace the fact that in knowing nothing mattered; your fate was truly your own to dictate.
Aeris let in one final breath before she placed her hand on her knee and gave a firm push off the ground. It was probably time for dinner. The day was getting long and all this drivel was making her hungry.
No, really, what was it?
A… Thing? A shiny little bauble that you kept on a table or hung from a ceiling? Was it the sun and stars themselves, or something even more abstract than that? Was it something righteous, whereas other things were simply wrong?
Was it part of a greater existence or just a quirk developed in sentient beings to describe the antithesis to what could only be described as the slow and immaculate death of an entire universe? An apology written before, during, and after the fact? Was light the evil cousin of the dark or was the dark the evil cousin of the light? Who came first? What happened when there was only one of them, and could such a state ever be achieved? What would be the point then? What was the point of anything at all? Why did she exist, why did anyone exist?
Aeris let in a deep breath and slowly exhaled as the brisk winds swept across her cheek.
What was the point of struggle and what was the point of surrender? The unlit candle still held potential to be lit. A fully lit candle threw a shadow no matter if it shone so bright it engulfed all of existence. Maybe there would not exist a shadow on the outside, but there most certainly would exist a shadow within, and at that point was the light not just as bad as the dark if not even worse?
After all, how would anyone know pain without relief? How would one know joy without sorrow? Life was not a thing to solve or a wound to mend. Light and dark, life and death, were always going to be the exact same side of the very same coin. It was complicated, it didn't abide by any form of play rules that a mortal mind would ever comprehend. Many had pretended to understand, but only because that was what made them comfortable with unknowing the unknown.
True wisdom was to know that you would never know, and understand that in the end nothing ever truly mattered, and to embrace the fact that in knowing nothing mattered; your fate was truly your own to dictate.
Aeris let in one final breath before she placed her hand on her knee and gave a firm push off the ground. It was probably time for dinner. The day was getting long and all this drivel was making her hungry.