Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Sayno Clawe, the Blade of the Rebellion WIP


NAME: Sayno Clawe

NICKNAMES: Fish-man, The Blade.

FACTION: Tingel Arm Coalition

Rebel Commander

SPECIES: Nautolan

AGE: 40

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 240 pounds

EYES: Deep Purple

HAIR: Nope

SKIN: Lavender Scales


Theme Songs:


  • Guerilla Fighter: Sayno is trained in guerilla tactics, trained as a commander to fight back against the massive imperial war machines, and command battalion sized troops against tyranny.
  • Blademaster: Despite not being allowed to join the jedi, Sayno's family trained him in the traditional arts of swordplay, and he is quite skilled in using his family katana.
  • Aquatic Master: Due to his nautolan biology, Sayno is capable of swimming incredibly fast, and he's trained in land and sea tactics.
  • Not a jedi: Sayno, despite it's adaptness in using the Force, is not trained in it in any significant manner. While he does have a few tricks, he's small fry compared to those around him.
  • Underequipped: Sayno is known as a guerilla fighter. As such, he often is known for picking fights he doesn't necessarily know if he can win.
  • Kindness in his Heart: Sayno is, at the end of the day, a good person. His rebel nature can often clash with this, leading him to forgo decisions that could lead to tactical advantages.

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