Sayomi Heartnet
New Member
Sayomi L. Heartnet
NAME: Sayomi L. Heartnet
FACTION: The Hutt Cartel
RANK: Smuggler, Bounty Hunter
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 150 lb.
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Quiet and Antisocial
- Talented Pilot of Starships and Spacecraft
- Engineer and Tinkerer
- Stealthy, able to perform tasks in silence and remain unseen
- Pickpocket, thief, sleight of hand
- Excellent shot, proficient in many types of blasters, Professional Sharpshooter
- Currently does not know any force powers, unable to harness. Force sensitive enough to sense things, but no greater than the average Padawan
- Poor with computers and hacking
- Poor at driving land speeders other than hoverbikes
- Knows many languages, Including: "Galactic Basic, Droidspeak, Bothese, Ewokese, Durese, Huttese, Jawaese, Rodese, Sith Language, Twi'leiki"
- Has no idea how to wield a lightsaber
- Streetwise and observant
- Combat Reflexes
- Explosives Expert
- Basic Medical Talent
- Knows legal loop holes in Galactic Law
Describe your character's physical appearance. While your avatar should represent your character's appearance, there might be some things not apparent in it for use in role-playing. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color may also be listed here.
At a fair height and slim weight, Sayomi's eyes are his only unusual physical characteristic with their dark amber color that seems to change slightly. He wears a dark jacket and dark pants, paired with black military boots. Concealed in the side of each of his boots are small six inch bladed daggers. Inside his coat are two gun holsters, each containing a pistol and on his back with a shoulder strap is a sniper rifle with a thin custom outer shell casing of Phrik. In a black backpack over his shoulder which hangs next to his rifle there are several clips of ammo and materials to maintain and clean his weapons. There are also a half-dozen containers of gas grenades, which leak out Dioxis gas up to a radius of fifty meters. The pack also includes half a dozen Sonic detonators, four stun cuffs and two pairs of earplugs. The pack otherwise contains flares, rations, a gasmask and a notebook with a pen. On his belt there is also access to other ammo which can be grabbed for quick access, but this is concealed by his coat.
Sayomi Heartnet, a boy born on Makeb and forced to work in the Hutt Cartel with his older brother at a young age. He traveled across the galaxy with his brother, who taught him everything he knew. From explosives to tinkering, sharpshooting to flying, languages and haggling, Sayomi learned from his older brother as they worked for the Hutt Cartel for money with smuggling work and Bounty Hunter jobs. His brother and him had amassed quite a fortune working for the cartels, buying plenty of gear and supplies. One job took the duo to Korriban, where they ran into trouble smuggling supplies out of sith territory and a fight ensued with dark jedi. While Sayomi escaped, his brother was killed in the action. The incident made the boy antisocial, but also left him with the inheritance of all his brothers equipment, all of his past knowledge, and a hatred for the force.
J-1 shuttle . Includes all technical specifications.
In the cargohold there are a couple dozen poison gas grenades (Dioxis gas) and sonic detonators, plastic explosives that can be remotely detonated (twenty meter explosion radius, must be within five miles to detonate), a DLT-20A Blaster, a standard 74-Z Speeder Bike, a single Medical Droid, and three R-1 Recon Droids including maintenance equipment to repair and maintain them. Along with the medical droid, some basic medical supplies to help stabilize serious wounds or treat injuries.

NAME: Sayomi L. Heartnet
FACTION: The Hutt Cartel
RANK: Smuggler, Bounty Hunter
AGE: 21
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 150 lb.
EYES: Amber
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Quiet and Antisocial
- Talented Pilot of Starships and Spacecraft
- Engineer and Tinkerer
- Stealthy, able to perform tasks in silence and remain unseen
- Pickpocket, thief, sleight of hand
- Excellent shot, proficient in many types of blasters, Professional Sharpshooter
- Currently does not know any force powers, unable to harness. Force sensitive enough to sense things, but no greater than the average Padawan
- Poor with computers and hacking
- Poor at driving land speeders other than hoverbikes
- Knows many languages, Including: "Galactic Basic, Droidspeak, Bothese, Ewokese, Durese, Huttese, Jawaese, Rodese, Sith Language, Twi'leiki"
- Has no idea how to wield a lightsaber
- Streetwise and observant
- Combat Reflexes
- Explosives Expert
- Basic Medical Talent
- Knows legal loop holes in Galactic Law
Describe your character's physical appearance. While your avatar should represent your character's appearance, there might be some things not apparent in it for use in role-playing. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color may also be listed here.
At a fair height and slim weight, Sayomi's eyes are his only unusual physical characteristic with their dark amber color that seems to change slightly. He wears a dark jacket and dark pants, paired with black military boots. Concealed in the side of each of his boots are small six inch bladed daggers. Inside his coat are two gun holsters, each containing a pistol and on his back with a shoulder strap is a sniper rifle with a thin custom outer shell casing of Phrik. In a black backpack over his shoulder which hangs next to his rifle there are several clips of ammo and materials to maintain and clean his weapons. There are also a half-dozen containers of gas grenades, which leak out Dioxis gas up to a radius of fifty meters. The pack also includes half a dozen Sonic detonators, four stun cuffs and two pairs of earplugs. The pack otherwise contains flares, rations, a gasmask and a notebook with a pen. On his belt there is also access to other ammo which can be grabbed for quick access, but this is concealed by his coat.
Sayomi Heartnet, a boy born on Makeb and forced to work in the Hutt Cartel with his older brother at a young age. He traveled across the galaxy with his brother, who taught him everything he knew. From explosives to tinkering, sharpshooting to flying, languages and haggling, Sayomi learned from his older brother as they worked for the Hutt Cartel for money with smuggling work and Bounty Hunter jobs. His brother and him had amassed quite a fortune working for the cartels, buying plenty of gear and supplies. One job took the duo to Korriban, where they ran into trouble smuggling supplies out of sith territory and a fight ensued with dark jedi. While Sayomi escaped, his brother was killed in the action. The incident made the boy antisocial, but also left him with the inheritance of all his brothers equipment, all of his past knowledge, and a hatred for the force.
J-1 shuttle . Includes all technical specifications.
In the cargohold there are a couple dozen poison gas grenades (Dioxis gas) and sonic detonators, plastic explosives that can be remotely detonated (twenty meter explosion radius, must be within five miles to detonate), a DLT-20A Blaster, a standard 74-Z Speeder Bike, a single Medical Droid, and three R-1 Recon Droids including maintenance equipment to repair and maintain them. Along with the medical droid, some basic medical supplies to help stabilize serious wounds or treat injuries.