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NPC Review Sayu Ni Temple Acolytes [NPC Army]

Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine

Sayu Ni Temple Acolytes [NPC Army]

"I get knocked down, but I get up again, you ain't never gonna keep me down!"
Chumbawumba - Tubthumping

The Acolytes and Initiatives of the Sayu Ni Temple Enclave are a fierce bunch. Although there are less than three hundred practitioners left across the galaxy, the number is growing, and these force users come from a rich tradition. Having been in the hands of Mandalorian, Sith, and Jedi alike, the Sayu Ni Temple Enclave has created a unique culture. Much of the Sayu Ni tradition is borrowed from the more-established Naboo traditions - but, as the history of the Sayu NI Temple Enclave suggests, a lot of the teachings of the Sayu Ni tradition were lost to war.

At the peak of their training, full-time Initiates who are in the military division of The Diarchy train from 6am until 6pm, with six hours of the time dedicated to meditation and learning, and the other six hours spent on physical, mental, and emotional conditioning and on socialization. Initiates may learn about any aspect of the Diarchy military, and not just force use and infantry combat. For example, Diarch Initiates may be taught to pilot ships.

The Sayu Ni Temple Acolytes must accompany the members of the Diarch Enclave Council or Chancellorate on any mission that they choose.

Some - but not all - Sayu Ni Acolytes are also members of "The Brotherhood", the force-user military arm of The Diarchy. These Acolytes are designated with a prefix: either "Praetor" (dark-sided officers), or "Justicar" (light-sided officers).

  • Headquarters: Located primarily on Bastion, but Sayu Ni acolytes could be located anywhere that there is an Enclave.
  • Goals: The ultimate goal of the defense force is to prevent attacks against The Diarchy, and protect people and places related to the Enclave.
  • Reputation: The Sayu Ni Acolytes as an army have a reputation for being efficient and effective, but also undisciplined and foolhardy.
  • Army Size: Small. The Diarchical interpretation of the force is new and uncomfortable, and practitioners are reluctant to stand up against the established forces of the Jedi and Sith. However, those who join the Sayu Ni Enclave find themselves among best friends .

  • Composition: A typical "squadron" or team of Acolytes would look like this.
    1x Master Diarch
    2X Praetors or Justicars
    3X Temple Acolytes
    Per their Sayu Ni training, all defense force squadron members carry both a lightsaber and a blaster pistol (of any sort).

Members of the Temple Acolyte Army are sometimes Justicars and Praetors of the Diarchy Brotherhood, but not always.

Moreso, the Temple Acolyte Army is a rag-tag group of Jedi/Sith/Grey Jedi who are called to defend the Sayu Ni Temples and to escort important people within the Enclave. Though they come from many different force traditions and force philosophies, their goal is united: to defend the Diarchy and to supports its objective of keeping order at any cost.

With respect to the number of members, and at the time that the Sayu Ni Enclave was reclaimed during the present timeline, there were only about three hundred Sayu Ni practitioners across the entire galaxy. This is a rare tradition; a taboo. However, the tradition is steadily growing...


[ Sayu Ni Temple Enclave - History & Lightsaber Tradition ]

[ This is the version of Sayu Ni Jedahi History which is taught by the Sayu Ni Temple Enclave to its Initiates. This is not necessarily the "correct" or only interpretation of the Rakatan Civil War's effect on the Braxant Run. Some scholars and academics would even RPly argue that the Jedahi never reached the Braxant Run during the Rakatan Civil War. This codex entry emphasizes that this is an interpretation, and not necessarily provable. ]

The Sayu Ni Temple Enclave rose to prominence during the reign of the old-school Jedi, the Jedahi, at some point before 5000BY. The ancient origins of the Sayu Ni Temple go all the way to the "Kyber Heart" planet of Jedah, which created one of the first temples dedicated to the Force.

The Jedahi along the Braxant Run faced heavy Rakatan resistance. The only way that they would survive would be to abandon the quick, wild-swinging teachings of Shii-Cho and the strong, precise swings of Makashi. They began to hold their lightsabers underhanded while continuing to follow Makashi, which allowed a wider range of physical movement. This move also surprised opponents, which led to a realization: the Rakatan could be distracted. To survive constant Rakata attacks, they developed a style that would allow the Ancient Jedahi to use trickery against their blood-thirsty Rakatan rivals - without compromising their Jedahi Code. It is believed that at least two of the taboo lightsaber traditions, Trakata and Sayu Ni, developed during this time of the ancient Jedahi. There could have been additional, ancient Jedahi force traditions created at this time. However, only Trakata and Sayu Ni are known in the current timeline.

When the Rakatan Civil War concluded, the Orthodox Jedahi decided that they would pursue a more traditional, teachings-focused version of their Jedahi Code, with the vast number of force-users adopting either Makashi or Shii-Cho. However, some Jedahi continued to practice Sayu Ni, heading to either Naboo or the Braxant Run to learn this forbidden yet effective tradition.
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Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

This appears to be the Army Template which belongs in the lore section. If your intent is to sub an army I can move it there for you.

While I’m here, you have linked to two places in a faction page. Codex Guidelines don’t actually permit that, so you will also need to detail the information in the submission.

Go ahead and tag me and let me know how you’d like proceed.
Governor Pro Tempore, Dantooine
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

This appears to be the Army Template which belongs in the lore section. If your intent is to sub an army I can move it there for you.

While I’m here, you have linked to two places in a faction page. Codex Guidelines don’t actually permit that, so you will also need to detail the information in the submission.

Go ahead and tag me and let me know how you’d like proceed.
Judah Lesan Judah Lesan

Yes please, I'd appreciate if you could move it. I did mean to sub an army.

Apologies, I have fixed the second link: it shouldn't be there. I wrote out a whole new history part so that there won't be conflicts there.

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