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Approved Droid SB-H Droid Commando

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Manufacturer: Enarc Trade League
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Height: Average
Weight: Light
Size: Average


  • Advanced Combat Programming
  • Extremely Agile
  • Advanced Combat Programming - SB-H Commando Droids possess advanced combat programming, making them extremely effective commandos and bodyguards. They are capable of adapting their tactics and strategies on the fly, and are capable of independent operations with no oversight from their commanders once deployed, when needed.
  • Extremely Agile - SB-H Commando Droids weigh a lot less than most of Darth Xyrah's battle droid designs with no loss of durability, and are capable of great acrobatic feats in the midst of combat, such as leaping off walls and conducting parkour in the middle of a battle with great ease.
  • Expensive - Given their advanced designs and programming compared to other battle droids, these units are largely ill suited to be fielded in mass produced numbers due to their cost of production, meaning it'd be quite expensive to deploy them in army sized numbers.
  • Weak to Ion Weaponry - As droids, they are still vulnerable to ion weaponry like most mechanical beings.
A variant of the SB-X Commando Droid, the SB-H was designed for service amongst the ranks of the Haxion Brood, more specifically the Red Ronin cell led by Kaila Irons, a dear lover of Darth Xyrah, the droid's inventor, who designed this variant to provide the Red Ronin with elite enforcers, bodyguards and assassins to ensure their dominance over other Haxion Brood cells, and their rivals. They are built with the same combat capabilities as the SB-X model in service to Darth Xyrah and the Kainate, but also feature additional programming enabling them to navigate the criminal underworld and it's many facets with greater familiarity.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a variant of the SB-X Droid Commando for usage by the Red Ronin cell of the Haxion Brood.
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BX-series Droid Commando

Technical Information

Affiliation: Kaila Irons, Haxion Brood
Model: SB-H Droid Commando
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, Droid Components
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: E-5 Blaster Rifle and Vibroswords as the default weapons, though they are capable of wielding any other weapons provided with maximum efficiency.
Droid Classification: Fourth Degree
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: Average
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
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