
- Intent: To sub a cruiser for the Sith Eternal.
- Image Source: Here.
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: B1-TM3 │ DC-2A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Manufacturer: Sith Eternal
- Subcontracted Manufacturer: Jaeger Solutions
- Affiliation: Sith Eternal
- Market Status: Closed Market
- Model: SF-13 "Legion" Class Star Frigate
- Modularity:
- Various aesthetic changes.
- Various hanger loadouts.
- Personalized Comfort Measures
- Altered Officer's Quarters
- Altered Captain's Quarters
- Production: Minor
- Material:
- Frame: Alusteel Frame
- Subframe: Alusteel Crossbeams
- Hull: AB-163 "Svalinn" Class Starship Hull
- Interior (General): Alusteel w/ Specialized Friction Wax Overlay
- Blast Doors: Turadium
- Viewports (Artificial): Quadanium Plates w/ Mock 'Transparent' Toggle Screens
- Viewports (Real): Transparisteel
- Classification: Assault Cruiser
- Length: 890 meters
- Width: 410 meters
- Height: 275 meters
- Armament: Extreme
- Fore:
- [3] Hybrid Barbette HVC-120 "Pit Horror" w/ Fast Track Mounts
- [2] ETC-5 "Hellbore" Class Energy Torpedo Cannon
- Port / Starboard [Per Side]:
- [4] Gimbal Mounted BE-1313 "Goz Karza" Emplacements w/ Supplementary Point Defense Cannons
- [5] Hybrid Barbette Heavy Turbolaser Batteries
- [10] Fixed DC-2 "Balefire" Class Disruptor Cannons
- [15] Hybrid Barbette Dual-Barreled Laser Cannons w/ Fast Track Mounts
- [15] Recessed Missile Silos w/ Reinforced Blast Covers & Fast Loading Systems
- [25] Hybrid Barbette Point Defense Cannons w/ Fast Track Mounts
- Aft:
- [4] Gimbal Mounted BE-1313 "Goz Karza" Emplacements w/ Supplementary Point Defense Cannons
- [10] Hybrid Barbette Point Defense Cannons w/ Fast Track Mounts
- Fore:
- Defenses: Very High
- Frame: Alusteel
- Subframe: Alusteel Crossbeams w/ Impervium Reinforcement
- Hull: 1,950 RU
- AB-163 "Svalinn" Class Starship Hull
- Various Material Substitutes:
- Stern: Quadanium Engine Struts & Plating
- Shield: 4,539 SBD
- SG-1113 "The Aegis" Class Shield Generator
- Polarized Shooting Measures
- Emergency Xythan Force Shield Backup
- Automatically Activated When Ship is Disabled
- 8 Hour Dedicated Power Supply
- Emergency Atomic Thrusters w/ Quick Re-engagement
- SG-1113 "The Aegis" Class Shield Generator
- Aegis SH13LD w/ TunnelNet VPN Networking Protection
- EI-10 Network Security Droids
- Missile Deactivation Systems
- Internal Security:
- Hangar Space: Base: 1
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: 1 squadron
- Support Craft: 0 squadrons
- Maneuverability Rating: Low - 55 DPF
- Speed Rating: Average- 70 MGLT
- Maximum Atmospheric Speed:650 km/h
- Lowest Rated Orbit: Landing Capable
- Maximum Atmospheric Speed:650 km/h
- Hyperdrive: HS-10 "Hermes" Class Hyperdrive w/ Reinforced Backup
- Hyperdrive Class:
- Primary Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1.0
- Secondary Hyperdrive Rating: Class 5.5
- Engine System: IE-10 "Event Horizon" Class Ion Engine
- Primary Unit(s): [10] Main Engines
- Secondary Unit(s): [6] Supplementary Engines
- Accessory Unit(s): N/A
- Power Plants:
- Primary Reactor(s): BWR-44 "Minerva" Class Singularity Reactor
- Secondary Reactor(s): [2] Cold Fusion Reactors
- Ground Compliment:
- Military Personnel (Security & Operational Compliment):
- 5,230 Sith Legionaries
- Vehicle Compliment:
- N/A
- Military Personnel (Security & Operational Compliment):
- Crew Requirements:
- Optimal:
- Officer(s): 343
- Crew: 16,986 (including Airwing)
- Skeleton:
- Officer(s): 55
- Crew: 3,241
- Optimal:
- Escape Craft:
- [10] Large Lifeboats
- Fifty Person Capacity
- [100] Medium Lifeboats
- Twenty Five Person Capacity
- [350] Planetary Escape Pods
- Fitted to Officer Quarters
- [10] Large Lifeboats
- Cargo Capacity: 21,000 Metric Tonnes
- Consumables: 3 Years
- Communications Systems:
- Environmental Systems / Life Support:
- LS-132 "Terra" Class Life Support System
- Environmental Converter
- Redundant Life Support Systems
- Military-Grade Air Scrubber w/ Toxic Gas Compensation
- Optional: Choice of Scent (Apple Pie, Lavender, Rock Candy, Et Cetera...)
- Sensor And Targeting Systems:
- Misc System:
- QQ-1453-DR1 Solid Fuel/Ration Converter
- Molecular Furnaces
- Power Anti Ship Weaponry
- Powerful Armor & Shields
- Military Grade Gravity Well Projectors
- Dreadnaught -
- While not as big as a conventional Star Destroyer, the design was nonetheless based heavily on far larger ship killers. Anti-ship weaponry brim across its surface, effectively making it one of the strongest sub-kilometer ship killers in the galaxy - specifically meant to compensate for pocket carriers, picket ships, and even ships sizes above its own classification. Doing such with extreme skill, the 'Lussk' serves its name dutifully in its powerful presence.
- Space Concerns -
- With its compact size, as compared to the Venator, the ship was forced to sacrifice a large fighter complement to instead carry more firepower. While many of the fleets across the galaxy have a heavier focus on battleships such as this, it does make it still troublesome without a fleet to support it - whereas a more multi-role cruiser would have a more optimal chance for strategic flexibility.
With the growing realization that the Sith Eternal simply did not have the powerful staying power of other mainline fleets, the Dark Council commissioned Jaeger to create a smaller ship that could both compete with mainline star destroyers of other factions, and provide fire support for the various smaller ships the fleets were hoping to bring to bear. With a lower crew complement to boot, Jaeger built a ship heavily automated in its functions - but doubly so as an anti-capital ship killer.
Armed to the teeth with all of Jaeger's modern weapons, the 'Lussk' has enough firepower on it to orbital bombard a planet's surface into the ground within a matter of hours - just as Darth Malak had done once on his own 'Leviathan'. The difference now, however, is that with modern automation and design - the Lussk is capable of staying in direct combat far longer than any ship of the Old Republic era. More importantly, in modern times its a wide assortment of capital weapons makes it a dangerous foe to any who would hope to face it - even with a Star Destroyer.
Overall, this makes the SC-07 'Lussk' Assault Carrier fitting for its Emperor based name - able to power through enemy blockades, ships, or anything in between; and while it can't picket as well as smaller vessels, it serves a better purpose in its powerful main guns capable of absolutely decimating other ships with extreme prejudice. Due to its small size, and its above-grade punching power, the SC-07 'Lussk' makes itself one of the foundation elements of the Sith Eternal's fleet.
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