Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.
NAME: SC-421
RANK: Stormtrooper Commando Master
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 3"
WEIGHT: 275lbs
EYES: Grey-green
HAIR: Brown
LANGUAGES: Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Rodian, and Shyriiwook
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
++ Strong in the Force:
++ Combat pilot: SC-421 was trained by a culture of pilots and fighters which has left his ability behind the controls of any fighter or freighter a great benefit.
+ Expert Marksman: Trained from youth SC-421 can hit nearly anything at ranges up to 2 miles away (with the right tech).
+ Hand to Hand Combat: Years of martial arts training have taken their toll but SC-421 is a dangerous combatant at close range.
+Analytical Thinker: SC-421 analyzes situations constantly evaluating and re-evaluating, this makes him a good hunter, but not very socialy adept.
- Emotionally charged: His emotions often lead him to lose sight of the big picture a trait that can quickly become fatal.
- Alcoholic: His habit has grown beyond enjoyment and into self medicating and addiction
- Too trusting of women
He always wears his white storm commando armor. He is a tattooed, scar covered war veteran that does very little outside of his duties.
No one knows or cares to know much about the big stormtrooper. He is heavily decorated but almost all of the medals are from a previous military before he was transferred to the stormcorps. He has been trained to double as a TIE pilot and evidently has been awarded his own fighter. He is one of the only stormtrooper sergeants that lives on his own ship when off duty. He is a veteran and it is evident he has been highly trained in tactics up to grand army and navy levels but has thus far refused a comision.
TIE aggressor, Yavin-class Fighter, YT-2000

NAME: SC-421
RANK: Stormtrooper Commando Master
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 36
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6' 3"
WEIGHT: 275lbs
EYES: Grey-green
HAIR: Brown
LANGUAGES: Basic, Mando'a, Huttese, Rodian, and Shyriiwook
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
++ Strong in the Force:
++ Combat pilot: SC-421 was trained by a culture of pilots and fighters which has left his ability behind the controls of any fighter or freighter a great benefit.
+ Expert Marksman: Trained from youth SC-421 can hit nearly anything at ranges up to 2 miles away (with the right tech).
+ Hand to Hand Combat: Years of martial arts training have taken their toll but SC-421 is a dangerous combatant at close range.
+Analytical Thinker: SC-421 analyzes situations constantly evaluating and re-evaluating, this makes him a good hunter, but not very socialy adept.
- Emotionally charged: His emotions often lead him to lose sight of the big picture a trait that can quickly become fatal.
- Alcoholic: His habit has grown beyond enjoyment and into self medicating and addiction
- Too trusting of women
He always wears his white storm commando armor. He is a tattooed, scar covered war veteran that does very little outside of his duties.
No one knows or cares to know much about the big stormtrooper. He is heavily decorated but almost all of the medals are from a previous military before he was transferred to the stormcorps. He has been trained to double as a TIE pilot and evidently has been awarded his own fighter. He is one of the only stormtrooper sergeants that lives on his own ship when off duty. He is a veteran and it is evident he has been highly trained in tactics up to grand army and navy levels but has thus far refused a comision.
TIE aggressor, Yavin-class Fighter, YT-2000