Joran Olan


Joran had not been expecting visitors.
The Eadu Enclave was not empty; a few Jedi had already begun to trickle in now that it was nearing completion, and that was not counting the dozens of support staff and non Force users that resided at the Enclave. Most that arrived Joran had been expecting, and had met them in turn. So when he received a request for a face to face meeting by an individual he had not only never heard of, but was also very decidedly not a Jedi, Joran had not been sure what to think or expect. He did not feel any outright danger through the Force at the coming meeting, and what gleaning he did of possible futures had given no signs to indicate that something ill would come from the meeting. Joran had accepted the meeting, and sent a message giving landing coordinates to one of the Enclaves two landing pads.
Joran now stood waiting on that very landing pad, his white and brown robes plastered against him from the wind currents that tore their way through the many mountain spires in this region of Eadu. Traces of water slapped against Joran's face as he looked up, watching for the approach of his visitor, a warning that another of the planets regular heavy storms was forming. Joran would need to begin sealing down the Enclave to ensure those inside remained safe when the worst of the storm hit, but they had a few hours yet before it arrived.
"What could possibly be in store for me today..." Joran said, folding his hands behind his back as the first signs of a incoming craft became visible through the planets cloud layer.

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