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Approved Starship SCAR - Jackal Mk II

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In memory of our late CEO

  • Intent: To build upon the successful starfighter originally built service for GAL Ltd. GAL Ltd. ' command
  • Image Source: here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: Gir Quee
  • Primary Source: N/A

  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Hyperdrive
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Navigation Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
  • Agile: The Jackal is designed as a high-performance craft, utilizing a lightly built condensed matter composite hull for low mass and a smooth ride and combining it with a high-powered and versatile Nimble-7 Ion Propulsion System, which grants the craft boost and 'maneuver' modes and allows for quick exits.
  • Stealthy: The Jackal has some minor stealth features built into it, including a Starkimmer-series hull designed to minimize its FST profile, Nightshadow hull baffling, and baffled engines. While these technologies do little to prevent visual observation and targeting of the craft at close ranges, they make the Jackal difficult to spot and identify from a distance. These features can also make the Jackal harder to target with automated systems, such as with targeting computers with guns and guidance systems with warheads.
  • Weak Shielding: As most power was allocated to the ship's engines, the Jackal's shielding is relatively weak, though it does have a fairly fast recharge rate.
  • Exposed Canopy: The Jackal has a bubble canopy, providing the pilot with an excellent view of the space around him, which can be especially important in environments with lots of sensor interference or electronic sensor jamming. However, it also makes the pilot much more likely to suffer injury or death in the case of a direct hit.

The Jackal-class Starfighter is a series of prototype fighters designed to combine an excellent flight performance (especially in the atmosphere) with conventional stealth technologies to make it difficult to spot before it enters close range. Once in close range, the Jackal can make use of a combination of kinetic autocannons, variable charge laser cannons, and modular warhead launchers to dispatch its foes. A fairly advanced and complicated fighter to make, the cost of the Jackal has only seen a very small number made. All so far have been placed under the authority of Liram Angellus and are in use by his Voodoo Squadron. It remains to be seen if their performance will justify further development or production of the Jackal-class.

Technical Explanations

Flight Control Systems: The Jackal uses fairly conventional flight control systems which are modeled on legacy Incom airspeeder and starfighter designs, making them fairly easy to pilot by people with experience in those craft. The expansive cockpit canopy provides an usually expansive view of space around it, and by using thick ceraglass panes, provides reasonable protection as well. Several meters behind the cockpit is an internal astromech slot not unsimilar to that of the E-wing’s. An astromech droid acts as the ship’s navigation computer, and is also key to keeping the ship’s complicated systems finely tuned and in working order.

Sublight Engines: The Jackal uses an octet of different sized Nimble-7 Ion Engines arranged in a matter for improved atmospheric performance. With almost half of the craft's internal volume being dedicated to housing these engines and associated systems, it should come as little surprise that with its lightweight frame, the Jackal is an exceedingly fast and maneuverable craft. As with other Nimble-7 equipped craft, the Jackal's pilot can optimize flight performance depending on the situation, either making the Jackal faster due to boosting systems or make it more maneuverable via the use ion deflector stream technology. Jackals are somewhat unique among Lucerne Lab craft in that all of their ion engines are equipped with ion bafflers and IR suppressors, making its engine signature and afterwake difficult to detect. In terms of practical effects, this lesser signature often messes up warhead guidance systems, helps prevent of the fighter from long ranges, and makes following an old ion trail very difficult when the craft is being followed/shadowed.

Hyperdrive: The Jackal uses a typical hyperdrive for a ship its size, allowing to conduct long-range operations from a base or carrier starship. A Jackal can typically travel across several sectors before needing to refuel.

Hull: The Jackal has a fairly aerodynamic hull design to allow for good atmospheric performance. It’s relatively large size also allows it to carry a larger than normal ammunition load for its guns and more power generators for its systems. It uses one of the company's latest technologies, Starskimmer-series Hull. The predominantly nonmetallic nature of the design makes the craft relatively stealthy by minimizing its magnetic signature and reducing its FST(radar) profile. While somewhat fragile, this hull is fairly lightweight (improving flight handling and flight performance) also makes the ride itself unusually smooth through the use of condensed matter composite, even when flying through severe turbulence.

Shields: The Jackal uses a PulseScreen Quick-Recharge Shield, which while not terribly powerful, has an excellent regeneration rate. Ideally, Jackals rely on this more as a backup defense, relying instead on the ship's excellent flight performance to evade attacks altogether.

Weapons: The Jackal's primary weapons are a set of four of rapid-firing Reaper Mag Cannons, whose high rate of fire along with the limited self-correcting nature of the Mag pellets makes it a very capable weapon in close quarters. These are backed by a pair of Vaapad Laser Cannons, which aside from acting as normal laser cannons which also have alternate fire modes, which provide the Jackal with a degree of adaptability. Its light repeating mode is fairly good for quickly dispatching groups of swarm fighters or ordnance. Conversely, its supercharged mode is much more powerful and slower-firing than a typical laser cannon and is ideal for taking out well-defended targets like armored ground vehicles or heavily shielded small starships. Lastly, it has a pair of general-purpose warhead launchers that support a wide variety of ordnance types. However, these are most often fitted with eight Starcore-class Concussion Missiles or twenty-four Starbolt-class Missiles to fulfill the ship’s typical superiority role.

Countermeasures: The Jackal has a single ventral Modular Auxiliary Systems Turrets mounted centerline. This position was chosen in order to maximize its abilities when in the atmosphere, where it might help protect against ground-based threats. The sensor jammer module is probably the most commonly used module, as while it can greatly disrupt most sensor systems around it, whether its those of small warships, starfighters, anti-aircraft vehicles, or warheads. Tractor beam modules are frequently used when pilots plan on chasing down exceptionally fast prey or when the object is to capture a small vessel. The projected particle shield is often used when engaging ground defenses.
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