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Approved Starship SCAR Jackal Mk III

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Manufacturer: Guardian Authority Ltd with minimal tech from Lucerne Labs
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Length: Low
Width: Low
Height: Small
Size: Average
That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell
  • CAN TURN ON A DIME AND GIVE YOU NINE CENTS CHANGE: This wasn't designed to be the fastest, it was designed to twist and turn and navigate asteroid and debris fields.
  • HOVER AND COVER: Designed with a "hover" mode to be able to just hover in the skies and shoot.
  • STEALTHY: The Jackal has some minor stealth features built into it, including a Starkimmer-series hull designed to minimize its FST profile, Nightshadow hull baffling, and baffled engines. While these technologies do little to prevent visual observation and targeting of the craft at close ranges, they make the Jackal difficult to spot and identify from a distance. These features can also make the Jackal harder to target with automated systems, such as with targeting computers with guns and guidance systems with warheads.
  • CAN DISH IT OUT, BUT...: As most power was allocated to the ship's engines, the Jackal's shielding is relatively weak, though it does have a fairly fast recharge rate.
  • EXPOSED CANOPY: The Jackal has a bubble canopy, providing the pilot with an excellent view of the space around him, which can be especially important in environments with lots of sensor interference or electronic sensor jamming. However, it also makes the pilot much more likely to suffer injury or death in the case of a direct hit.
  • REMOTE PILOTING: It is a great aspect that a GADF capital ship can take over piloting these fighters when the SCARs effect a OG board. A good enemy slicer can hack in and take it over.
  • EITHER ROF OR ION, NOT BOTH: The ion cannons are considered "Heavy" and meant for "hover", and thus can be a problem when switching between the two.
Though it is "spiffy" looking and has some capabilities, the primary role that it plays is to transport SCARs to their target and little more. They are capable in a firefight, and capable in strafing runs, but "capable" is not "exceptional". That is not to say that the Jackal is not a capable fighter, it's a great weapon in tandem with others, and serves an important role, .


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create the next generation Jackal for the SCARs
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Gir Quee

Technical Information

Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Model: Jackal Mk III
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Trimantium , Argentum Matrix Armor plating, Transparisteel
Armaments: 4x Forward firing ROF Rotary Cannon (2 on nose, 2 on vetral hull)
Retractable Launcher with 8x Morningstar Concussion Missile
2x Dorsal Hull mounted rectractable Starfighter Grade heavy Ion Cannon (cannot be used simultaneously with ROF cannon - See weaknesses)
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Very High
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
Other Resistance(s):

EMP/Ion; Very Low

Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: None
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