Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Schism's Dawn // NIO invasion of TSE controlled Mygeeto and Muunilinst [ OOC ]


// Begins 5/18 - Ends 6/1 //
// NIO intends to invade the TSE owned Mygeeto and Muunilinst hexes //
Contagious Assault //


After the dawn of the Sith Civil War, Sith-Imperial Lord General Irveric Tavlar abandoned the Sith Empire in rebellion to establish the New Imperial Order alongside many defectors and wayward Imperials. Spending time consolidating their power and shoring up unlikely alliances, the New Imperial Order plans to make an ambitious first strike against the Sith Empire with corresponding attacks unto the planets of Mygeeto and Muunilinst.

Using this invasion path, The New Imperial Order aims to push past the
newly fortified front between the two nations and put the Sith Empire on their back foot to begin the war in a dogged offensive.

Post Template by Annasari Annasari
Invasion banner by Imperial Warlord Zovesa Imperial Warlord Zovesa
Divider by Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
NIO Symbol by Hunter Blackburn Hunter Blackburn
TSE Symbol by Fiolette Raaf
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