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Approved Tech Schlacht Panzerturm - Licht

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Ilsa Voll

Kampfpanzer Kommandant
Intent: To create a basic tank turret for light tanks for use with Eisenwelt and Eisenwelt Eisenwerke.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Model: Schlacht Panzerturm - Licht (SP-L)
Affiliation: Eisenwelt Eisenwerke
Modularity: Yes, the turret can be slightly altered to fit a wide variety of light tanks and is able to field a variety of light tank weapons as well as various tank components.
Production: Mass
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, and other tank turret construction materials
Weight: 1 tonne

Designed to be mounted on light tanks, the SP-L is highly versatile and in substantial demand. The SP-L weighs in at around one tonne and features light armor plating, about 15mm thick on the front and sides and about 12mm thick on the rear and top. The turret is designed for speed of traverse and easily swings side to side, allowing the tank utilizing the SP-L to easily track and maintain accuracy on the move. The turret design allows for a variety of modules to be installed, though it only has room for one weapon mounting. The turret is normally available with one seat available (Commander/Loader/Gunner), but there is just enough room that variants are sold with two seats available (Commander and Loader/Gunner).

The downsides are fairly evident. The turret is lightly armored and easily penetrated with heavier weapons. While fast to target and traverse, the turret had to be lifted clear of the hull slightly, leaving a shell trap between the turret and hull where the armor is thinnest. Lastly, while there is room for two at maximum with the second variation, this leaves the tank cramped and can, especially on rough terrain or if the tank is damaged, make loading and firing very difficult.
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